Meeting the chart rules

After preparing your music for release and registering it for the Official Charts, you must make sure its release adheres to the Official chart rules.

Once you have registered your releases, you need to ensure that any releases you have qualify for the Official Charts.

It is the responsibility of the releasing label to ensure that their releases comply with the chart rules for both physical and digital formats – any releases which do not adhere to the rules will not be eligible for any of the published charts, although the Official Charts Company will still track sales of the product providing it has been registered correctly.

For full details, the chart rules are available for download below.
The chart rules are set and reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Official Charts Company in partnership with the music industry, to govern the Official Charts. The rules set out basic criteria for each of the key charts and are designed to outline eligibility for entry, to protect the integrity of the charts and ensure they are an accurate reflection of the popularity of each recording by reference to genuine sales.

If you have specific questions, or questions which do not appear to be covered by the Chart Rules, further advice on your releases’ chart rule compliance is available by emailing the Official Charts Company's chart rules expert Chris Austin.

Eligibility - It is also important that you understand which charts your releases are eligible for. The Official Charts Company complies a large number of charts, across a range of genres and sectors – all of the top selling singles, albums and downloads are coded according to their relevant genres, in line with criteria laid down by Official Charts. Should you wish your release to be considered for a particular genre chart, please contact Chris Austin for further information.

Singles charts - Both physical and/or digital releases are eligible for the Official Singles Chart from release. This is under the proviso that your release meets all of the Chart Rules.

Download Single Chart Rules - PDF

Album charts - Digital and physical album formats can be linked and count towards the Official Artist Albums and the Official Compilation Albums Charts from release. An Album Bundle without a physical component is eligible to appear in its own right in the Official Album Download Chart from release. Once again, this is only if all formats meet the chart rules.

Download Album Chart Rules - PDF

Download Classical Album Chart Rules - PDF

Video charts - Video titles are eligible for the Combined Video Chart, as well as the applicable format charts e.g. Blu-ray or DVD charts. In addition Video Genre Charts and an Interactive DVD chart are also produced.

For further information on any of the above, contact:

Chris Austin. E: