Our services

Product and market data, chart and brand licencing, marketing to consumers via OfficialCharts.com - there are many ways Official Charts can support your business needs.

The Official Charts Company is a B2B business offering a wide range of products and services to the global music, film and video industries – we provide services to record labels, music publishers, artist managers, film studios, video distributors, book publishers, advertising agencies and FMCG consumer brands.

The data generated from our world renowned chart compilation process, enables us to provide data solutions for any businesses with an interest in and requirement for UK entertainment sales and streaming data.

In addition, we serve music labels, music publishers and management companies looking to celebrate their Official chart-toppers through our Official Number 1 Award programme.

We also offer content solutions to media partners, licensees and creators of consumer products, through the provision of current chart information, historic chart data and additional web content – as well as licensing the Official Charts brand for consumer products and services.

And our consumer facing website, www.OfficialCharts.com reaches over 2 million consumers every month, generating 5 million page impressions - and has rapidly become THE destination music site for our vast array of chart statistics, pop news archive and up to the minute music news.

For more details on the many different ways to partner with the Official Charts Company, please click on the following links:

For more information, contact: commercial@officialcharts.com