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Australian Psychological Society : Media releases
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160414171925/http://www.psychology.org.au:80/news/media_releases/

See also media release archive:  2014 2013 2012

7 April 2016

Health and mental health threatened by climate change, report finds

New United States Global Change Research Program report released

Climate change presents a growing risk to health, including mental health and wellbeing, according to the United States Global Change Research Program which has just released its report, The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment.

1 April 2016

APS welcomes report from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the recent report from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, and commends the Andrews Government’s commitment to implement all report recommendations in a timely manner.

17 March 2016

Close the Gap: Indigenous leadership is key to mental health and suicide prevention

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) says closing the mental-health and suicide gap between Indigenous and other Australians requires a bipartisan, long-term commitment to a dedicated Indigenous mental-health plan developed with Indigenous leadership

5 February 2016

Psychologists call for a bipartisan approach to end off-shore processing

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has added its voice to the concerns of peak health professional bodies about the Australian Government’s current detention policies and procedures. Wednesday’s High Court decision may have confirmed the technical legality of offshore detention, but the APS believes it is ultimately ineffective and indefensible to inflict enormous suffering on one group of desperate people in order to send a message of deterrence to others.

9 December 2015

Our minds are the key to innovation

Psychologists can help individuals & organisations unlock their innovation potential

The Australian Psychological Society and the Heads of Departments of Schools of Psychology (HODSPA) welcomed the Prime Minister’s focus on innovation, announced in the Government’s Innovation Statement, saying that psychology could play a role in facilitating Australian innovation.

7 December 2015

Psychologists support Commission’s call to protect children exposed to family violence
Children affected by family violence at risk of psychological and behavioural problems

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the report from the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) examining how children are affected by family violence, and supports its recommendations.

26 November 2015

Australian Psychological Society welcomes Government mental health reform

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes today’s announcement by the Government of much-needed reform to the mental health system through a regionalised approach to deliver better tailored care to people with mental health problems.

24 November 2015

Health professionals unite to support an end to violence against women

Medical Colleges and peak health bodies in Australia and New Zealand are uniting today – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – to support the White Ribbon campaign to end men’s violence against women.

20 November 2015

Psychologists call for Budget focus on mental health

Improve access to psychological services for people with mental health problems, victims of sex abuse, family violence and Indigenous Australians

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has called for mental health reform that provides for all Australians in its recent Budget submission to Government.

8 November 2015

The nation’s distressed turning to risky behaviours for stress management

Concerning number of Australians engaging in risky behaviours to manage stress; new survey

A concerning number of distressed Australians are engaging in risky behaviours to manage stress, a new survey found.

8 November 2015

Teens suffer highest rates of FOMO

New survey: Heavy use of social media impacting wellbeing of Australians

A new survey has confirmed heavy use of social media is impacting the wellbeing of Australians, particularly our teenagers.

8 November 2015

One-third of Australia stressed out

New survey: Rising levels of stress reported across the country over the past five years

New figures released today show the stress levels of the nation have risen over the past five years, with 35 per cent of Australians reporting a significant level of distress, and anxiety symptoms peaking this year.

16 October 2015

Psychologists support condemnation of immigration detention

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) supports the call of doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital for all children and families in detention to be released into the community while their refugee status is determined and agrees that appropriate care cannot be provided in a detention environment.

14 October 2015

Preparing children for bushfire

As bushfire season approaches, it is important to support children who may be affected by threat of fire or by news and coverage of bushfires.

Psychologists from the Australian Psychological Society Disaster Reference Group have prepared some simple tips for carers.

APS 46th Annual Conference


29 September 2015

Social media at bedtime linked to poor sleep and poor mental health for teens

Teenagers with high social media use at bedtime suffer disturbed sleep, which in turn leads to depressed mood, according to new research being presented at the Australian Psychological Society’s 50th Annual Conference on the Gold Coast this week.


18 September 2015

Improved access to psychological care for survivors of child sexual abuse vital

Psychologists respond to Royal Commission report

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the report by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on redress and civil litigation and supports the report’s recommendations.


7 September 2015

Individuals can make a difference to racism, say psychologists

There are effective strategies to combat racism and individual actions can make a difference, according to the Australian Psychological Society (APS).


27 August 2015

Reinstate funding of domestic violence support services, say psychologists

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) urges the Government to implement all recommendations made in the recent Senate Inquiry’s report into domestic violence in Australia, but remains concerned that some important issues were not highlighted in the report recommendations.


20 August 2015

APS welcomes Senate Inquiry’s report into domestic violence 

Experts available for comment

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee’s Domestic Violence in Australia report, which was handed down yesterday.


19 August 2015

Australian Psychological Society statement on Marriage Equality

Psychologists call for marriage equality

Psychologists are committed via their Code of Ethics to the principle that all Australians should be supported to achieve positive mental health and full social inclusion. The APS therefore supports full marriage equality for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, on human rights, health and wellbeing grounds.

19 June 2015

Psychologists advise prevention and treatment, not just law enforcement, key in addressing ‘ice’

The National Ice Taskforce should focus on prevention and treatment rather than a solely punitive law enforcement approach, according to experts from the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

15 June 2015

Australia’s health groups call for Australian Border Force Act to be amended

Australia’s peak health professional bodies are voicing collective concern about the appalling
secrecy provisions in the Australian Border Force Act 2015 which threaten jail for up to two
years for health and medical professional who disclose information about the conditions in
immigration Detention Centres.

1 June 2015

Psychology is closing the gap

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is a strong supporter of Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week.

“The APS is fully committed to taking material steps to reconcile the two Australias,” said APS President, Professor Mike Kyrios.

“The APS is taking reconciliation seriously and has a number of live projects underway to help our organisation reconcile with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

17 April 2015

Let’s Deliver on this Historic Opportunity

APS Optimistic at Opportunity to Improve Mental Health Delivery

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) today provided its initial response to the National Mental Health Commission’s Mental Health Services report.

10 April 2015

Young boys should be targeted in body image programs, research shows

8 to 10 year old boys suffer body dissatisfaction, problem eating and exercise dependence – not just girls

Pre-adolescent boys and girls have differing body image issues, requiring gender specific programs, researchers will tell the APS College of Health Psychologists Conference in Sydney this week.

2 April 2015

APS welcomes continuation of funding for mental health services.

The APS today welcomed the announcement of continued funding for mental health services.

30 March 2015

Medicare best platform for National Redress Scheme for child sexual abuse survivors

Existing services not able to adequately meet needs of survivors with complex trauma

Responding to media reports that a National Redress Scheme for victims of child sexual abuse may not receive Commonwealth funding, the Australian Psychological Society (APS) said existing services are simply not able to adequately meet the needs of survivors with complex trauma.

29 March 2015

Australian psychologists: Keeping Forced Adoptions in public spotlight helps those affected

APS Developing Forced Adoptions Training resources to help treatment of victims

Tomorrow (March 30) marks the official opening of the National Archive’s Forced Adoptions History Project, which follows the second anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions on 21 March, first made in 2013.

26 March 2015

Media alert: APS to speak at Royal Commission into child sexual abuse

APS to speak on psychological redress at public hearing into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has been invited to speak on its submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse’s Consultation Paper on Redress and Civil Litigation, at a public hearing to be held on Thursday 26 March in Sydney.

19 March 2015

Dedicated Indigenous mental health plan needed to close the wellbeing gap

In marking this year’s Close the Gap Day, the Australian Psychological Society (APS) says a plan dedicated to closing the mental health gap between Indigenous and other Australians is needed to address high rates of psychological distress, suicide and self-harm prevalent in Indigenous communities.

2 March 2015

All Australians need Better Access to mental health services

Responding to a new study on mental health service usage under Medicare published in the MJA, the Australian Psychological Society today said the findings show the Better Access initiative is working and needs to be expanded so that all Australians can access mental health treatment offered by psychologists.

26 February 2015

Workplace discrimination still shaping job decisions for sexual minorities, expert says

Many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are making employment choices based on fear of discrimination and personal safety, rather than good job fit, an expert will tell the APS College of Counselling Psychologists Conference in Melbourne this week.

25 February 2015

Relationships damaged by infidelity can recover, expert says. Text or online affairs are as damaging as physical affairs

Relationships damaged by infidelity can recover, and the work couples do in resolving the crisis can bring about real relationship improvements, an expert will tell the APS College of Counselling Psychologists Conference in Melbourne this week.

24 February 2015 

Media alert: Psychological tips to help cyclone victims

In the aftermath of Cyclone Marcia many people will be feeling traumatised; however, research shows most will be able to cope given the right mental and emotional support, according to disaster experts from the Australian Psychological Society.   

12 February 2015

APS calls for all children to be released immediately from all Australian immigration detention centres

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the long-awaited release of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report, The Forgotten Children, from its Inquiry into Children in Detention, and looks forward to the Government’s response.

5 January 2015

MEDIA ALERT: Psychological tips to help bushfire victims

Experts in disaster response and recovery available for comment

Recent bushfires have been traumatic for many people; however, research shows most will be able to cope given the right mental and emotional support, according to disaster experts from the Australian Psychological Society (APS).