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FAQs for International Events - Girl Guides Australia
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160531210204/http://www.girlguides.org.au:80/International/faqs-for-international-events.html

FAQs for International Events


This is a working document and can be added to at any time via National International Manager – email:international@girlguides.org.au

1. Can adults wear cloth Australia badges on their uniform: Only youth members wear cloth badges and the Australia badge is worn on both sleeves when travelling overseas and on the left sleeve only on her return – refer Uniform Guideline Book.

2. Can the metal Australia badge (map) presented to International participants be worn on your uniform once you have returned to Australia.  No.  The Australia badge can only be worn with uniform while overseas.  Metal wattle badge can be worn in Australia.

3. A Guide trip to a developing country is inappropriate for youth members. Incorrect:  Girls should be encouraged to embrace the cultural/socioeconomic differences.  Using the GirlGuide/Scout method, preparation and debriefing will enable youth members to appreciate and process the differences.

4. Why are 11 year olds allowed to go to NZ, but the age limit is 14 years everywhere else? It is considered that the cultural differences between Australia and NZ are not too great; the close proximity of NZ to Australia which means less travel time and it is seen as a progression through Guiding to start local and move globally…

5. Insurance: Are members covered by insurance if you aren’t wearing uniform?  You are covered, but we want you to be proud to wear your uniform to show your association with Guides.  Good presentation is good for marketing.  To view the travel insurance policy go to http://www.girlguides.org.au/International/international-events/insurance.html

6. Do I have to wear uniform when travelling overseas on a plane. See previous FAQ.  A contingent agrees on what uniform each participant will wear and when.  You can change into more comfortable clothing on the plane and then change back into your chosen uniform before landing.

7. When can I wear the international Scarf: It can only be worn overseas

8. I have heard from some Leaders that International travel with Girl Guides is too expensive for most people.  Not true.  It is a very economical and safe way to travel.  Personal funds can always be supplemented with fundraising by Unit/District/Region.

9. At what age can I volunteer at World Centres?  18 is usually the minimum age.  Sangam has volunteering opportunities for all ages through the Community Program.  Check out the World Centre websites to find out more about volunteering.

10. I have heard that applying for international events through the International database automatically means you have to pay extra fees to GGA. This is true if   "Yes" is selected to travel with the Girl Guides Australia contingent, the Australian fees will apply". NB - all youth members must travel in a contingent in order to be accompanied by a Leader. A Leader may elect to travel independently however she may be approached to accompany a youth member in the event that a Contingent Leader needs to be appointed..

11. Can I continue with private travel after an event? Ok, as long as adult: girl ratio is filled for return trip. Youth members may travel after the event with letter of authority provided by parents.  In this case the responsibility of GGA ends when youth member is placed in the care of the family member or friend at the end of the event.

12. If I want to travel after an event, does my GGA insurance cover me? Yes, for up to 180 days

13. Can I attend more than 1 International event in the same or neighbouring country? Yes, sometimes it is possible to attend more than one event but it is dependent upon adult: girl ratio.

14. Do I need outdoor camping experience to attend an International Camp? Yes. Usually there is plenty of lead in time for you to get outdoors camping experience before the event.

15. Can I update my medical history at any time on the database? Yes, just login to your account and make and save changes.

16. I’ve forgotten my username/password.  What can I do? Click on “Forgotten my password” on the log in page of the international online application system (international.girlguides.org.au) and both username and password will be sent to the email address you originally registered with.

17. What are GGA’s payment details? These are available on the Payments page of your online registration

18. Do all applicants require an interview? Interviews are not required for World Centre events unless they are applying for a WAGGGS event at the centre.  Interviews are required for all other camps and seminars. There is only one interview for any one event and this is conducted in your State or in the case of seminars and conference at a national level.

19. How do I complete my online application? Click “submit” when you have filled out all the tabs.  You will then receive an email advising you of the next steps in your application.

20. I can’t ‘save’ my application.  What’s wrong? Most likely you are trying to write too many words into free text boxes. Cut down on the word count but if still having difficulty please contact international@girlguides.org.au for advice

21. When do I get my international participation certificate? This is presented after you have completed the online event evaluation available on your GGA event application account.

22. What is an International Introduction card and why would I want one? This card is provided to all new overseas travellers as proof of identity as a member of WAGGGS.  You can collect a stamp from each Member Organisation you visit. You can keep this card from one event to the next

23. Is it legitimate to fundraise to go overseas to an event? Absolutely yes!  You can even ask for fundraising assistance from your Unit/District/Region.  There are also some State Funds which you can apply to for assistance.