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| International

Israel’s 47 Christian Schools Face a Murky Future

Government says promised funds to stave off financial collapse will come soon.
Israel’s 47 Christian Schools Face a Murky Future
Pilgrims of Ibillin

Last week, Israel’s Christian schools warned that they were in “immediate danger of collapsing financially.”

The reason: the delayed release of $13 million promised to the struggling schools by the Israeli government.

Now the government has said it will soon ...

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| People

Died: Jan Crouch, Cofounder of Trinity Broadcasting Network

The 78-year-old started the world’s largest religious cable network with her husband.
Died: Jan Crouch, Cofounder of Trinity Broadcasting Network
Trinity Broadcasting Network

Jan Crouch, the cotton candy-haired televangelist known to viewers as “Momma Jan,” passed away Tuesday after a massive stroke.

“Laurie and I have just watched the transition of our precious mother from this world to the next; watched her step into the presence ...

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Overtime Pay Mandated for More Ministry Employees

But pastors are likely exempt.
Overtime Pay Mandated for More Ministry Employees
401(K) 2013 / Flickr

Starting December 1, churches and other ministries will be required to pay overtime to full-time, salaried support staff making less than about $48,000 a year.

That means employees such as church secretaries or janitors must be paid 1.5 times their normal rate for any time they ...

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| People

Died: Kenneth Bailey, the Scholar Who Made Jesus Middle Eastern Again

The late scholar helped Western Christians see the Bible through a cultural lens.
Died: Kenneth Bailey, the Scholar Who Made Jesus Middle Eastern Again
Courtesy of the Presbytery of Shenango

Kenneth E. Bailey, the scholar who introduced evangelicals to Middle Eastern culture and history, died Monday at age 85.

Bailey gave Western readers “the eyes to see” the deeper significance of Jesus’ life and stories by placing them in the cultural context ...

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| People

Baylor to Fire Head Coach Art Briles, Demote President Ken Starr

UPDATE: Briles, Starr, and athletic director Ian McCaw to face punishment after football player scandal.
Baylor to Fire Head Coach Art Briles, Demote President Ken Starr
Robert Rogers / Baylor Marketing & Communications

UPDATE (May 26): Head football coach Art Briles, not president Ken Starr, will be fired in wake of the football scandal that has rocked Baylor University for the past few months.

“The Board of Regents apologizes to Baylor Nation,” the Board of Regents stated today ...

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| Research

Why Most Pastors Don't Do Prison Ministry

Most have gone to jail (to visit), but few have former inmates in their pews.
Why Most Pastors Don't Do Prison Ministry
Henry Hagnäs / Flickr

Most Protestant pastors have been to jail to see someone. And most want to help prisoners and their families.

But their churches often lack the training or finances to run an effective prison ministry. So instead, the work is primarily done informally by individuals in the congregation. ...

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Where Successful Church Plants Get Their Money

Here's how church plants become self-sufficient—and what financially stable churches have in common.
Where Successful Church Plants Get Their Money
Pictures of Money / Flickr

More than half of new church plants (58%) are financially self-sufficient by their fourth year, a LifeWay Research study shows.

Almost a quarter (23%) are financially independent in their first year.

LifeWay tracked the financial steps of 843 church plants in 17 denominations ...

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Evangelicals Cheer Pro-Life Vote at Methodist Conference

(UPDATE) On the last day of the General Conference, Methodists repeal four decades of Roe v Wade support.
Evangelicals Cheer Pro-Life Vote at Methodist Conference
Maile Bradfield, United Methodist News Service

Update (May 21): In one of the last actions of its 10-day General Conference, United Methodist delegates voted 445 to 310 to repeal the denomination’s 40-year-old official resolution supporting Roe v. Wade.

Paired with the earlier vote to withdraw from the Religious Coalition ...

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| International

Christians Rally to Keep World's Largest Refugee Camp Open

The country’s plans to close a 25-year-old camp would displace more than 300,000 East African refugees.
Christians Rally to Keep World's Largest Refugee Camp Open
European Commission DG ECHO / Flickr

Christian humanitarian groups are among the 11 charitable organizations calling on Kenya to reverse its decision to close the largest refugee camp in the world.

More than 320,000 displaced people face an unstable future after the country, the second-largest refugee host in Africa, ...

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Nigerian State Proposes Banning Preaching Without a License

An “obnoxious” bill would require pastors to procure an annual permit and ban playing evangelical tapes and CDs in public.
 Nigerian State Proposes Banning Preaching Without a License
Shiraz Chakera / Flickr

For more than 30 years, a state in Africa’s most populous country essentially ignored a law put in place by its military government that required preachers to get licenses, limited the playing of religious cassettes, and outlawed derogatory language by religious organizations ...

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