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Partner With Us

From overcrowded prisons to desperate refugees, from pornography to cable TV, from philosophers of nihilism to deconstructing theologians, ugliness surrounds us.

In a world in desperate need of truth, goodness, and beauty, Christianity Today continues to engage the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful gospel.

We call it Beautiful Orthodoxy.

Woven throughout all we publish, Beautiful Orthodoxy powerfully showcases the gospel of love and hope. We don’t shy away from the truth or offer clichéd answers about the world we live in. Instead, through cutting-edgy reporting, careful nuance, and compelling stories and commentary, we present a vision for the world that reflects Christ’s love, redemption, and restoration.

Christianity Today is needed now more than ever, but we need financial partners to help us serve our growing audience of Christian leaders and churches around the world.

Pray with us as we boldly seek to engage, encourage, and equip Christians to look, act, and speak differently to our culture, and for our culture to see our movement as one that acts justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly with God. And join us as we expand our ministry efforts in this unique time. Give to the Beautiful Orthodoxy Fund online here.

Here are examples of what we can accomplish together with your gift:

$7,500 Commissions research and resources for churches to understand the legal, financial, and risk challenges they face with such issues as religious freedom and preventing child sexual abuse
$5,000 Sends a writer overseas to research and report on a global crisis uniquely affecting Christians
$4,000 Gathers four diverse experts to discuss and deliberate on a trending topic critical to the life of the church
$1,500 Provides digital subscriptions to ministry leaders around the globe that are in desperate need of training resources
$1,000 Become a Sustaining Partner to help CT uniquely and boldly tackle important issues—global persecution, mental health, sexuality, theological debates—with an extended reach and through new mediums
$500 Underwrites the development of thought-provoking online reporting on breaking developments in the church and the world
$150 Hires a promising young writer to research and write her first blog post on a unique theme of interest to Christians, while being mentored by a skilled editor
$100 Subsidizes the cost to translate one article into Spanish to encourage and equip Latino Christians

Give online here. You can also support our nonprofit ministry by check:

Christianity Today
Donor Relations - CTORG
465 Gundersen Drive
Carol Stream, IL 60188

Would you like more information? Contact Cory Whitehead, development director.
Your gift to Christianity Today, a nonprofit 501c3 ministry, is tax deductible.

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