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CD | Real HD-Audio
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: ' CD'

A | B Testing At Home

I have a beautiful studio here at AIX Records. The main room was deliberately designed to be similar to a very nice home theater. The control rooms of most professional studios are smaller than mine. It’s [...]

Setting Appropriate Expectations

High-resolution audio will never become a mainstream phenomenon. It just won’t. And it’s not because David Pogue, Seth Stevenson, and Brent Butterworth have written uninformed articles claiming that high-res recordings don’t matter or that listeners failed [...]

Audiophile Appreciation

Have you read the piece by Fred Kaplan at Slate.com defending audiophiles? Thanks to Norman Chesky for passing along a link to a very thoughtful and compelling article about our mutual passion. It’s called “I, Audiophile” [...]

A UK Advertising Standards Authority

We need this in the United States (maybe we’ve already got something similar but I’ve never seen anything like what I found relating to audio foolery)! I came across a link to a British site that [...]

Sony Gets Into Audiophile Accessories

I noticed it on the WSJ site but plenty of other audio sites picked up on the news that Sony has announced a microSD card that is engineered for sound quality. This new microSD “for Premium [...]

Some Of My Favorite Tracks…

What are your personal favorites? I get asked that question a lot whenever I’m tending my table at the audio trade shows that I attend. It’s an obvious question because the collection of albums that I’ve [...]

How Ridiculous Can It Get?

The curious world of audiophile craziness continues. Here are a couple of recent things that really make me question the pursuit of high-end audio and the sense of the people involved: Well-heeled audiophile enthusiasts (or just [...]

An Invitation and Challenge of My Own

If it’s on the web, then it must be true, right? This whole “I can hear it why can’t you?” debate is getting tiresome. On one side are those that believe that they can hear the [...]

First Experiences: Part II

Yesterday’s post talked about the use of standard definition tracks as demo material for new “high-resolution” devices. I’ve found many bundled tracks that sound really good…when we need really incredible sound! If the move from standard [...]

The First Experience

Sony is leading the pack when it comes to the marketing and delivery of high-resolution components. It’s their original logo that is showing up whenever HRA is mentioned. I dialed into the NHK nightly news a [...]