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Making Bath Time More Fun for Babies


Making Bath Time More Fun for BabiesWhile some babies enjoy taking baths, others are apprehensive or even afraid. Both of our kids were afraid of the tub, but have come to enjoy bath time and even get excited at the prospect of taking a bath. (We’re enjoying it while it lasts, knowing that eventually they will probably turn around and start hating baths again soon enough.) Here’s what we do to make bath time more fun for our babies.

Play Music – Fun, upbeat music sets the mood for fun. Try a bath related CD or any other cheery music to help kids get ready for a good time.

Blow bubbles –  For babies of all ages, seeing bubbles is a joy. Blow bubbles, being careful not to get them in baby’s face, and watch baby laugh and smile. Caution: the popped bubbles can make bathroom floors slippery – be careful and make sure to dry the floor or put down a rug.

Make a bath time book – While you are bathing baby, have someone take pictures of the process, such as putting him or her in the tub, face and hair washing, and drying off. Have the photos printed and write a story to go along with them, then put it all together and read the book with your baby during the week to prepare for bath time.

Give baby age-appropriate toys – For young babies, a wash cloth or a rattle can be enough to stimulate his or her senses and entertain him. For older babies, try a set of stacking cups or bowls, or utensils such as a whisk, wooden spoon, and colander to play with in the water.

Make sure you’re comfortable, too. Consider washing your baby in the kitchen sink – not only will it save your back, but baby might be more comfortable in a smaller space. Place a towel on the bottom to prevent slippage. Some parents opt to bathe their babies while holding them in the tub; if you choose this route, be sure to practice safety measures and have someone nearby to safely hand you the baby and help when needed. Bath time need not be boring; try these tricks to make taking a bath more fun for baby – and you.

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