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How to Keep Your Friends When Life Happensmindonfire / Flickr

How to Keep Your Friends When Life Happens

Jun 10 2016
Busy moms, long-distance besties, workaholics: There’s hope for you.

Who are my friends?

With countless social media connections and the demands of family and kids—as well as career, church, and other commitments vying for time—we often find it hard to identify and maintain solid friendships. In addition, younger adults move around ...

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The Stanford Rape Victim Said the Words I Couldn’t

Jun 8 2016
Why we all should pay attention to her bold account.
The Stanford Rape Victim Said the Words I Couldn’t
Michael Camilleri / Flickr

“You don’t know me, but you’ve been inside me, and that’s why we’re here today.”

With these brief opening words of her unflinching testimony, one sexual assault victim, named Emily Doe to protect her privacy, knocked a nation to its knees.

Her ...

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I’m a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women’s Bathrooms

Jun 7 2016
Our zealous policing of gender norms can have unintended and hurtful consequences.
I’m a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women’s Bathrooms
Chameleons Eye/Shutterstock

The first time I was kicked out of a women’s restroom, I was ten years old.

At halftime of a high school basketball game, I walked into the restroom with several girlfriends and faced a trio of teenagers who blocked my entrance to a stall and told me to leave. A girl in ...

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Kids Want What We Teach Them to Want

Jun 3 2016
Habit proves to be powerful liturgy.
Kids Want What We Teach Them to Want
MarchforLifeCO / Flickr

“Do your kids ever complain about going to church every week?” my friend asks.

She and her husband were raised in small countryside churches in the south of France, and while they were never zealous for the faith, they dutifully attended mass on Christmas and Easter ...

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Fearfully and Autistically Made

Jun 1 2016
Acceptance means seeing autism as part of who my son is.
Fearfully and Autistically Made
donnierayjones / Flickr

It took seven months on a waiting list before my son could be evaluated for autism.

That time was a curse in many ways. Things got worse. He gave himself black eyes and gashes on his forehead because his body craved more input. He slept without clothes because he became too overwhelmed ...

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Confessions of a Media-Protective Parent

May 30 2016
What I’ve learned from trying to keep my kids safe—but not too safe.
Confessions of a Media-Protective Parent
Brad Flickinger/Flickr

If my memory holds and my body lasts into old age, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be able to sing all the words to Led Zeppelin’s 1971 hit, “Stairway to Heaven.” My kids, on the other hand, may have the lyrics from the CDs of Rebecca St. James and Delirious? ...

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How to Address America’s Foster Care Crisis? It Takes a Village

May 27 2016
The next wave of the evangelical adoption movement will rely on the church's support.
How to Address America’s Foster Care Crisis? It Takes a Village
Habibah Agianda / Flickr

Life as we knew it changed on April 16, 2000.

That’s the night my husband, John, and I sat at a friend’s dinner table surrounded by five girls between the ages of 5 and 15. Some were adopted; others were there through foster care. She told us, “There are orphans ...

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  • RT @JenHatmaker: I got goose bumps watching this. #becauseduh https://t.co/m0XhXr6fi1
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  • RT @Jenna_DeWitt: How to Keep Your Friends When Life Happens via @CT_Women https://t.co/7oIIk82gbw "Technology has changed friendship2014in go2026
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