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Subscribe - CODART - Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide
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Subscribe to the CODART notification service

The CODART website is constantly updated with information on upcoming exhibitions, acquisitions, appointments and other news items concerning Dutch and Flemish art in museums around the world. Twice a year we publish our eZine, a digital newsletter with background stories on the Dutch and Flemish art in museums and the profession of the curator. To provide convenient access to this information, CODART offers a free email notification service.

The service is three-fold, and we provide it on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, whichever you prefer.

Exhibition notifications:

You will be sent an email with upcoming opening and closing dates of exhibitions of Dutch and Flemish art.


You will receive an email providing an overview of all the news items posted on the website and links to the full stories. This service covers news on acquisitions, appointments and other museum information concerning Dutch and Flemish art.


You will be notified of the publication of each new issue.

To sign up for any or all of these free services, simply fill in your name and email address. You will receive an email with a link to the preferences page, where you can easily let us know which type of notification(s) you would like to receive and how frequently.

To unsubscribe, click on the link in your email and set the email frequency to "never."

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