Sequence Analysis


Influenza Virus

A compilation of data from the NIAID Influenza Genome Sequencing Project and GenBank.  It provides tools for flu sequence analysis, annotation and submission to GenBank. This resource also has links to other flu sequence resources, and publications and general information about flu viruses.


BLAST executables for local use are provided for Solaris, LINUX, Windows, and MacOSX systems. See the README file in the ftp directory for more information. Pre-formatted databases for BLAST nucleotide, protein, and translated searches also are available for downloading under the db subdirectory.

FTP: BLAST Databases

Sequence databases for use with the stand-alone BLAST programs. The files in this directory are pre-formatted databases that are ready to use with BLAST.


Sequence databases in FASTA format for use with the stand-alone BLAST programs. These databases must be formatted using formatdb before they can be used with BLAST.

FTP: UniVec

This site contains the UniVec and UniVec_Core databases in FASTA format. See the README.uv file for details.


A link option on protein records that displays the results of a pre-computed BLAST search of that protein against all other protein sequences at NCBI.

BLAST Microbial Genomes

Performs a BLAST search for similar sequences from selected complete eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes.

BLAST RefSeqGene

Performs a BLAST search of the genomic sequences in the RefSeqGene/LRG set. The default display provides ready navigation to review alignments in the Graphics display.

Finds regions of local similarity between biological sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of matches. BLAST can be used to infer functional and evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as to help identify members of gene families.


COBALT is a protein multiple sequence alignment tool that finds a collection of pairwise constraints derived from conserved domain database, protein motif database, and sequence similarity, using RPS-BLAST, BLASTP, and PHI-BLAST.

Concise Microbial Protein BLAST

A specialized BLAST service in which the queried database consists of all proteins from complete microbial (prokaryotic) genomes. NCBI has precalculated clusters of similar proteins at the genus-level and one representative is chosen from each cluster in order to reduce the dataset, thereby reducing search time and providing a broader taxonomic view.

Identifies the conserved domains present in a protein sequence. CD-Search uses RPS-BLAST (Reverse Position-Specific BLAST) to compare a query sequence against position-specific score matrices that have been prepared from conserved domain alignments present in the Conserved Domain Database (CDD).

Electronic PCR (e-PCR)

A computational procedure that is used to identify sequence tagged sites (STSs) within DNA sequences. e-PCR looks for potential STSs in DNA sequences by searching for subsequences that closely match the PCR primers and have the correct order, orientation, and spacing that could represent the PCR primers used to generate known STSs.

Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) BLAST

Tool for aligning a query sequence (nucleotide or protein) to GenBank sequences included on microarray or SAGE platforms in the GEO database.

Genome BLAST

This tool compares nucleotide or protein sequences to genomic sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of matches using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) algorithm.

Genome ProtMap maps each protein from a COG, or in the case of viruses a VOG, back to its genome, and displays all the genomic segments coding for members of this particular group of related proteins. The view can be shifted to focus on an adjacent COG/VOG, and clusters can be searched by name, protein gi, or gene locus tag.

Genome Remapping Service

NCBI's Remap tool allows users to project annotation data and convert locations of features from one genomic assembly to another or to RefSeqGene sequences through a base by base analysis. Options are provided to adjust the stringency of remapping, and summary results are displayed on the web page. Full results can be downloaded for viewing in NCBI's Genome Workbench graphical viewer, and annotation data for the remapped features, as well as summary data, is also available for download.

An integrated application for viewing and analyzing sequence data. With Genome Workbench, you can view data in publically available sequence databases at NCBI, and mix these data with your own data.

Open Reading Frame Finder (ORF Finder)

A graphical analysis tool that finds all open reading frames in a user's sequence or in a sequence already in the database. Sixteen different genetic codes can be used. The deduced amino acid sequence can be saved in various formats and searched against protein databases using BLAST.

The Primer-BLAST tool uses Primer3 to design PCR primers to a sequence template. The potential products are then automatically analyzed with a BLAST search against user specified databases, to check the specificity to the target intended.

A utility for computing alignment of proteins to genomic nucleotide sequence. It is based on a variation of the Needleman Wunsch global alignment algorithm and specifically accounts for introns and splice signals. Due to this algorithm, ProSplign is accurate in determining splice sites and tolerant to sequencing errors.

Sequence Viewer

Provides a configurable graphical display of a nucleotide or protein sequence and features that have been annotated on that sequence. In addition to use on NCBI sequence database pages, this viewer is available as an embeddable webpage component. Detailed documentation including an API Reference guide is available for developers wishing to embed the viewer in their own pages.

A utility for computing cDNA-to-Genomic sequence alignments. It is based on a variation of the Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm and specifically accounts for introns and splice signals. Due to this algorithm, Splign is accurate in determining splice sites and tolerant to sequencing errors.


A system for quickly identifying segments of a nucleic acid sequence that may be of vector origin. VecScreen searches a query sequence for segments that match any sequence in a specialized non-redundant vector database (UniVec).