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Resources & Programs - Girl Guides Australia
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160531210123/http://www.girlguides.org.au:80/leaders-and-volunteers/Resources.html

Resources & Programs


Saluting Their Service 2016


Anzac Day 2016


For Anzac Day 2016 the Syllabus for Saluting their Service Badge is focusing on the service of Indigenous Australians.

For detailed information on the Centenary of Service Badge please click on the link below.

Syllabus for Saluting their Service Badge


Please note that badges will be available in your State Shops. 



Here is the resource for the International Year of Pulses and Food Security for downloading.   

Click on the link to down load  International Year of Pulses and Food Security 


Please find the attached new badge syllabi for Look Wide and Look Wider Still. 

Syllabi include:


Aim High

Environmental Focus (Updated: January 2015)


Look Wide

Achieve-a-challenge – Life Skills -Trefoil 1 and 2 – Cooking, Advocacy, Sport - cycling

Create-a-Challenge - Advocacy


Look Wider Still

Trefoil 3 – Life Skills – Cooking and Advocacy, Sport - cycling

This pack is for Guide Units that enjoyed the World Environment Day Activity pack and would like further activities on this topic. These extension activities provide ideas to continue learning about the environment along with ways to encourage further action and / or share knowledge.

Click to download.


Downloads for Promise and Law


Girl Guides Australia Promise Poster 2012


Girl Guide Australia Promise Poster: Download



Girl Guides Australia Law Poster 2012


Girl Guide Australia Guide Law Poster: Download


This page was last updated on: 14 Jan 2016



The Advocacy Action Award is a badge Guide Units of any age can work on each year during the October – December period.  To earn the badge you must complete one clause from each of the three headings: Educate, Speak Out and Take Action. Activity suggestions are included in this kit.

Download Advocacy Action Award Kit


Australian Service Challenge Activity Pack PDF




Service Challenge Pack Image







Last year, WAGGGS shared with member organisations a volunteer initiated project of a wall poster with logos of the WAGGGS Member Organisations in Asia Pacific Region.

The wall poster is now complete and available to download and print




Guide Lines - Edition 6.1 (June 2014)

Download: Guide Lines Version 6.1



This edition of Guide Lines incorporates the amendments approved by the Board of Girl Guides Australia from April 2007 to June 2014.



At the time of publication of this edition of Guide Lines (June 2014), Girl Guides Australia undertaking a complete review and further update of Guide Lines to meet its legal and operating requirements as a Company Limited by Guarantee. This edition contains all Board approved amendments from April 2007 to June 2014.




Our dedicated volunteers Australia-wide make Guiding happen. From running a Guide Unit, to sharing a specialty skill, our volunteers inspire girls and young women to be their best. Flexible volunteering makes it easy for people to share skills, time and energy in a way that suits their lifestyle. We provide leadership training and support our volunteers to develop new skills which are transferable to other areas of life.

This information package provides a brief overview of what you can expect when volunteering with Girl Guides and answers some questions you may have before beginning volunteering with us.

This information pack is intended to be used in conjunction with more detailed information. You will receive more detailed information during your orientation.


Printer friendly download High quality download
7 Steps to Volunteering flyer - printer friendly 7 Steps to Volunteering flyer - high quality




Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) is an annual event in which around 500,000 Scouts and Guides from all over the world make contact with each other by means of amateur radio on the internet.

Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) is held on the same weekend as Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) . JOTI connects Guides and Scouts on the internet through Scout-operated Internet chat rooms such as ScoutLink as well as MSN, email, webpages, blogs… you can even use voice communication! Any Guides can take part in JOTI! You can do it as a Unit, Patrol or individually at home. All you need is a computer and internet access.


JOTA JOTI Badge 2015

Order badge from State Guide Shops

JOTA JOTI Badge 2014


For more information about JOTA and JOTI, go to Scouts Australia http://www.international.scouts.com.au/ or contact international@girlguides.org.au 


Latest JOTA News from Scouts Australia (Audio file) Download Here





Pre-JOTA JOTI Meeting

Program Plan


Games and Activities

Craft Ideas





Updating and strengthening our brand

Girl Guides Australia (GGA) in conjunction with all State Girl Guiding Organisations (SGGO) have updated and strengthened our branding materials through the publication of a national style guide.

Style Guides are typically developed to assist people in organisations to better use brands, logos, and marketing images. Good Style Guides create clarity for their people on ways that the brand can be used, and ensure cohesive approach to developing marketing materials. 

This Style Guide will provide members of Australian Guiding with a document that defines basic rules and features of our brand to allow its consistent implementation and use across the Australia.

It will be applied across the breadth marketing materials that we use including hard copy materials (such as flyers and brochures), websites, email footers, social media and other items such as publications.  Implementing the Style Guide will take some time and involve GGA and SGGOs transitioning over to the branding policy as we cretae new materials and update our publications.

The specific purpose of our National Style Guide is to:

  • Stengthen our image and brand in the Australian Community
  • Better support our leaders and volunteers in using the Girl Guide brand
  • Provide a stronger framework for State Girl Guide Organisations to use the brand in their state activities

Want to know more?

If you are a member of a State Girl Guide Organisation and want to know how and when to apply it, your should contact your local State Girl Guide Organisation in the first instance. Your SGGO will be able to provide you with specific advice. They will also be able to provide you with information on what marketing and communication materials are available for you to use, and what is in the pipeline of being developed.

In the meantime, we provide for you here the Style Guide for your reference. Please click on the button below to download the Style Guide.



If members have any feedback or queries on the style guide they should address them to their State Girl Guide Organisation or, email Girl Guides Australia admin@girlguides.org.au



Go Girl

Click here for

Go Girl Activity Pack PDF go girl



go girl go girl go girl

Girls Say.....Recycle Your Mobile Phones!

Girl Guides Australia has partnered with Clean Up Australia to recycle old mobile phones For every phone recycled Girl Guides earns $1.50 and will be helping lead the way to bring about environmental change.

Through the recycling of mobile phones we can help reduce the amount of e-waste going into landfill each day

E-waste is a waste type consisting of any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic appliance and is fast becoming a very serious issue with its growth rate three times than that of general waste.

Did You Know:

  • Mobile Phones contain a cocktail of toxic chemicals which can be harmful to humans if released into the environment
  • More than 2.17 billion people around the world currently use mobile phones, and that figure continues to grow.
  • Over eighteen million people in Australia use mobile phones and upgrade them regularly.
  • Only 3% of all mobile phones sold in Australia are currently being recycled.
  •   Visit this link to receive your satchels to recycle the mobile phones of you and your friends, supporting both Clean Up Australia and Girl Guides at the same time!

    Media & PR

    Plan, Prepare, Perform

    Public Relations in the broadest and simplest sense is the interface between groups in society. Communication is the informing others about a certain subject or idea. How we do this enables the subject, idea or organisation to be presented in a well managed, structured way.


    Devise a checklist of all that is required for the presentation of the idea, subject or speech.

    Ask such questions as:

    • Do I look as I am supposed to look?
    • Have I considered a means of establishing my status/credibility?
    • Have I determined the average age and background experiences of the listeners?
    • Have I included anecdotes and examples relevant to the listener's experience?
    • Have I considered ways to overcome barriers due to the particular ethnicity of the listeners?
    • Have I included the use of visual aids? - illustrations can be worth a thousand words.
    • Is the timing right for this idea or subject?
    • Is the space/ stage suitable for the presentation?
    • Am I able to present the subject or idea enthusiastically?
    • Do I have a structure?
    • Will the structure of my presentation assist the effectiveness of the communication?


    Make sure you can pronounce the name of the person who introduced you correctly. There is nothing worse than stumbling over names. It makes YOU nervous and often offends the other.

    Make sure you have all the relevant details you require to illustrate the idea or subject. If using visual aids, make sure you have checked the device and that it will run smoothly. Write your script, as you will present it - a good idea is to double space your paragraphs and use a large type font.

    Visit the venue (if practicable) before the presentation takes place. Look at the check list and ensure that you can identify and tick off all the criteria.


    Thank the person who introduced you. Speak slowly, clearly and simply. Stand still - don't fidget - either hold onto your notes or use one hand on the table or lectern - DO NOT LEAN!

    If using a hand held microphone it is essential that you hold it with one hand and hold your notes in the other. Stand still to make your presentation as wandering around distracts the audience from listening and hearing your subject or idea. If using a microphone attached to a lectern do not lean, stand straight, and put your notes on the stand. Adjust the 'mike' to your speaking height if necessary. Speaking height is having the mike head just below your bottom lip almost at chin level. This level prevents breathing noise and should carry your voice through the mike to the audience.

    During your presentation, pause at specific junctions to allow time for the audience to receive your message. You need the audience to not only hear your message, they need to listen to it as well. Within every 9 seconds during presentation the target audience should receive one coded message. The audience, through your body language and voice reads a coded message. For example if you are standing straight, your voice sounds enthusiastic and the presentation of the subject or idea has been soundly prepared the audience will respond with a positive attitude.

    The best public relations person is you. Show to all that you meet your enthusiasm and excitement for your subject or the idea.


    AN EVENT IS: A program with a specific goal such as fundraising, a social gathering for the promotion of something in particular or just a time to have FUN!!! Every event is a Guiding PR opportunity.

    Step 1 - Decision

    Usually a "need " for an event arises from a discussion. Decide why you want to have this event, eg fundraising, running a competition, etc. WHAT, WHERE, WHO, WHEN, HOW, Size of the event , (your sub committee size will depend on this decision).

    Step 2 - Committee

    Executive Committee: a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary (they are the executive of the event).

    Their Role: Commitment to the event. Hold regular meetings. Keep a record of meetings. Provide an ACTION SHEET with dates for completion of tasks given. A budget (if required) will need approval. Establish the aim, goals and objectives for the event.


    Step 3 - Planning and Regular Reporting

    1st Meeting: Establish and allocate specific roles to committee members. Draw up a broad Event outline. Make an Event, monthly timeline. DON'T GET BOGGED DOWN IN DETAIL.

    Subsequent Meetings: The committee members should report back on tasks in hand or problems discovered. As the weeks progress "tightening up" of the event will be occurring and you won't even notice! "Tightening Up" is checking and rechecking all those "bogged down details" to see that everything is in place.

    Step 4 - Closer to the Event

    Draw up a volunteer roster for the event day (this will change as you move forward), show numbers needed to help in specific task areas. Draw up a volunteer roster for the event day (this will change as you move forward), show numbers needed to help in specific task areas. Establish a Weekly timeline, I MONTH out from the event date. Publicity for the event should be in hand. All specific tasks within allotted areas should be in hand. All hiring of equipment should be confirmed. Notices to all concerned in the event should be out. Your last meeting should be 2 weeks prior to the event. This allows time for any last minute glitches to be worked through.

    Step 5 - Last Minute Details

    Have an informal meeting 2 nights before the event to check that everything is organised. Go through each task area one at a time. be patient with each other. We know that everyone's task area is important to them and success of the whole event.

    Step 6 - Event Day

    Arrive on time. Set up crew to arrive. Have all your area tasks in hand. Know your role in the event. Have FUN ! Packup crew to arrive. Go home.

    NOTE: set up and pack up should NOT be left to the same people who have spent a very busy day /night. Roster a crew on for these two specific tasks only.

    Step 7 - Evaluation

    Post Event Debrief and Evaluation. A meeting is held to "debrief" the committee. At this meeting all sub committee members should file a report containing an evaluation of their specific area and whether the event achieved the aims and objectives set at the first meeting. Post Post Event, have a party, You deserve it!

    PR Displays

    Displays are an excellent way for Guides to communicate with the wider community.Displays provide a venue for the distribution of Guiding information.

    WHY?: Displays are an excellent way for Guides to communicate with the wider community. Displays provide a venue for the distribution of Guiding information.

    WHEN?: Anytime is a good time, check with your local Council and see what's happening in your community.

    WHERE?: Where ever there is a public gathering that you are able to coordinate and participate in.Many communities have fetes, exhibitions, shows and street stalls.

    There are two types of displays:

    STATIC takes the form of posters and brochures being left for the public to see and pick up at their leisure. These can be found in libraries, banks, council chambers or anywhere that has a space available for a promotional stand.

    Click here to download a list of things to think about when planning your static display (MS word format).

    OPERATIVE usually involves a much higher profile, given that Guides (adults & girls) will be in attendance and taking part some type of activity. It will normally include a static display. These are found at Fetes, Shows, at special events and anywhere there is a substantial gathering of the public.

    Click here to download a list of things to think about when planning your operative display (MS word format).

    CHECKLIST: Click here to download a checklist of things to remember when organising your display.

    Mother's Day Games

    Try one of these at a Mother and Daughter meeting.

    All tied up

    Link your left hand with your Mum's right hand. Try tying knots using your free hands. Try swapping sides. Reef knot, clove hitch, sheet bend are good ones to start with.

    Pin the Pegs

    Each player has three plastic spring clothes pegs. Players move around within the playing area trying to get rid of all their pegs by pegging them on the clothing of other players while trying to avid being tagged with pegs by others. Winning players are those who sit down when they have no pegs in their hands or on their clothing.

    Noisy Neighbours

    Each Guide and her Mum practise making the same noise as per the word on a card they selected e.g. sheep, dog, whistle, siren, brakes etc. Ideally only one of each sound. When the lights go out, all players make their own sound and tries to find their mate.



    • One medium Brown pom pom
    • One brown pom pom a little smaller for head
    • Another smaller brown pom pom for snout
    • 2 small wobbly eyes
    • Tiny black pom pom for nose
    • Two tiny black pom poms for ears
    • Two long Brown Pipe Cleaners
    • Craft Glue
    • Safety pin


    Glue Medium pom pom to large pom pom to make head and body. Then glue smaller pom pom to front of head to make snout. The tiny black pom pom goes on the front of that one to make the nose. Then glue on eyes and ears

    Take one of the pipe cleaners and break it in half. Bend each half in half and leave a slight loop in front. Glue these to the bottom of the Kangaroo. With the other pipe cleaner break it in half as well Bend one half in half to make a tail. Bend the pipe cleaner slightly up and then glue it to the bottom of the pom pom opposite to the legs.

    Break the remaining half of the pipecleaner in two. Bend each half in two for arms. Bend the rounded part of the pipe cleaner down a little bit making paws. Glue these just under the sides of the head.


    You will need at least two mirrors for this activity.

    Mirror Writing

    Write down the letters of the alphabet. How many look the same in the mirror? Practice writing letters backwards and develop a secret mirror-writing code for passing messages


    Find a book of mazes. Instead of doing the mazes in the usual way, try doing them looking in a mirror. Use the hand you usually write with, then swap hands. Which hand is easier to use? Why is this?