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tag:Goa returned 6 results

1-6 of 6 Results per page:
Name/Title Collection Duration Date
Camp Chores and Birds calling. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: avian calls and human voices; flying insects; domestic activities; Barbet note and Sunbirds; camp bell; Julie Simmons walking behind the soundstage. Camp Chores and Birds calling. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: avian calls and human voices; flying insects; domestic activities; Barbet note and Sunbirds; camp bell; Julie Simmons walking behind the soundstage. Soundscapes 00:02:34 1999-01-31
Common Langurs and Forest Birds. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: much crashing of the Langurs (Presbytes entellus) through thick foliage; accompaniment of avian vocalisations (species unknown), Orthoptera stridulations and flying insects;... Common Langurs and Forest Birds. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: much crashing of the Langurs (Presbytes entellus) through thick foliage; accompaniment of avian vocalisations (species unknown), Orthoptera stridulations and flying insects;... Soundscapes 00:03:00 1999.01.28
Cries in the Forest. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: cries of creatures unknown to me - birds or mammals? Quite demoniacal! A background of vocalisations from unidentified avian species; breaking twigs and sounds in the foliage; flying... Cries in the Forest. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: cries of creatures unknown to me - birds or mammals? Quite demoniacal! A background of vocalisations from unidentified avian species; breaking twigs and sounds in the foliage; flying... Soundscapes 00:03:27 1999-01-31
Rain after Dawn. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: much close, balanced and fully-modulated avian vocalisation, from a number of species unknown to me; rain or dew dripping onto the foliage and branches; a constant, dull traffic done. Rain after Dawn. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: much close, balanced and fully-modulated avian vocalisation, from a number of species unknown to me; rain or dew dripping onto the foliage and branches; a constant, dull traffic done. Soundscapes 00:01:57 1999-02-02
The Camp awakens. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: dew dripping from the foliage; farmyard cocks (Gallus gallus) calling in the distance; early birdsong; chorus of stridulations with an Orthoptera species hard on the left strongly biasing... The Camp awakens. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: dew dripping from the foliage; farmyard cocks (Gallus gallus) calling in the distance; early birdsong; chorus of stridulations with an Orthoptera species hard on the left strongly biasing... Soundscapes 00:05:19 1999-02-01
The Cattle Approach. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: a herd of cattle approach through the jungle with footfalls and bells, to the sounds of flying insects and avian vocalisations; at the end, loud and menacing snorts as the herd closes in... The Cattle Approach. Tropical soundscapes 01/08: Recording notes: a herd of cattle approach through the jungle with footfalls and bells, to the sounds of flying insects and avian vocalisations; at the end, loud and menacing snorts as the herd closes in... Soundscapes 00:01:55 1999-01-31
1-6 of 6 Results per page: