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Australian Psychological Society : Media releases
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160716101951/http://www.psychology.org.au/news/media_releases/

See also media release archive:  2015 2014 2013 2012

21 June 2016

Make mental health an election priority, psychologists

The Australian Psychological Society (APS), the leading organisation representing psychologists, has called on the major parties to make mental health an election priority.


26 May 2016

APS supports State Government apology for people convicted of homosexual acts

The Australian Psychological Society strongly supports the recent apologies from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Opposition leader Matthew Guy to people convicted in the State for homosexual acts.


19 May 2016

Psychologists working to fight racism, extremism & marginalisation

Leading psychologists will gather in Melbourne tomorrow, Friday May 20, to discuss how psychology can help unite Australians.


20 April 2016

Mental health a priority - Letter to the editor, The Age

Mental health is an issue that often draws media attention in response to a suicide or tragic incident.  So it is refreshing to hear proactive calls for an increase in mental health funding as an investment: The Age; Mental health funding is a human investment 19 April 2016.


19 April 2016

It makes sense to invest in mental health, says APS

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes calls by The Age editorial to increase investment in mental health by increasing the number of sessions available under the Better Access to Mental Health initiative.

7 April 2016

Health and mental health threatened by climate change, report finds

New United States Global Change Research Program report released

Climate change presents a growing risk to health, including mental health and wellbeing, according to the United States Global Change Research Program which has just released its report, The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment.

1 April 2016

APS welcomes report from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) welcomes the recent report from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, and commends the Andrews Government’s commitment to implement all report recommendations in a timely manner.

17 March 2016

Close the Gap: Indigenous leadership is key to mental health and suicide prevention

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) says closing the mental-health and suicide gap between Indigenous and other Australians requires a bipartisan, long-term commitment to a dedicated Indigenous mental-health plan developed with Indigenous leadership

5 February 2016

Psychologists call for a bipartisan approach to end off-shore processing

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has added its voice to the concerns of peak health professional bodies about the Australian Government’s current detention policies and procedures. Wednesday’s High Court decision may have confirmed the technical legality of offshore detention, but the APS believes it is ultimately ineffective and indefensible to inflict enormous suffering on one group of desperate people in order to send a message of deterrence to others.