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Education and Skills
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Education and Skills

Education and skills are crucial for Britain to prosper in a globalised world. Yet, in a 2011 British Chamber of Commerce survey, nearly half of employers said that they could not find the right person to fill job vacancies. Candidates were hampered by poor basic skills, particularly in English and mathematics. Successive governments have prioritised initiatives aimed at raising standards in schools, offering access to vocational training and widening participation in higher education. This collection of reports covers education policy developments in these three areas, focusing on initiatives aimed at improving the educational attainment and life chances of disadvantaged groups.

This collection is made up of full text reports on education and skills, available to view free of charge

Our picks

Real Finnish lessons: the true story of an education superpower

Finnish education scores were at the top of the international PISA league tables in the early and mid-2000s, but  have now begun to slip.

Higher, further, faster, more: improving higher level professional and technical education

This report argues that, while UK universities are some of the best in the world, they are sitting on significant financial reserves, and public spending is currently skewed too much towards Higher Education to the detriment of Further Education.

Level 1 and 2 attainment in English and maths by students aged 16-18: academic year 2013/14

This Statistical First Release is published as experimental.

Early years foundation stage profile results in England, 2015

This Statistical First Release (SFR) contains the latest information at both national and local authority level on the achievement of outcomes at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage from 2013 to 2015.

Effective school partnerships and collaboration for school improvement: a review of the evidence: research report

The following review has been commissioned by the Department for Education to provide an overview of the current knowledge-base relating to the characteristics of effective inter-school collaboration and other forms of school-to-school partnership in the English school system.

Schools causing concern: intervening in failing, underperforming and coasting schools: guidance for local authorities and RSCs: draft for consultation

The Education and Adoption Bill, which is currently being considered by Parliament, introduces new measures to improve school standards across the country.

Intervening in failing, underperforming and coasting schools: government consultation

The Education and Adoption Bill, which is currently being considered by Parliament, introduces new measures to improve school standards across the country.

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