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9 Week Old Baby | Babies Online

What Your Baby Should Be Doing at 9 Weeks

Your 9 Week Old Baby

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Baby Week 9

Now is the time many mothers go back to work. Leaving your baby will always be hard but there are ways to make the transition smoother.

If you are breastfeeding, your baby should be adjusted to taking the bottle when you are not around by this point. This help the separation go smoother for both of you. Don't fret about taking a pump to work and pumping during your breaks. This is a good time to store up milk for the next day.

Take the transition slow, introducing your baby to time away before the big day comes. Drop the baby off for a couple of hours at the day care, or child care provider's home where the baby will be staying. Spend time there with baby, letting the baby know that you are comfortable and trusting of the place, as it will then be less scary for your infant.

Forgo the bottles on the weekend, and use that time for consistent nursing and to keep your milk supply going strong. This is also a good time to strengthen your bond with your baby after being away at work all week

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Week 9 Milestones

It is very feasible that at this point your infant could be laughing out loud in response to you. You could get this response when you are doing anything from talking to tickling your baby. He will probably also be able to squeal in happiness when he sees you, your partner, or a toy that he likes. These are both ways your baby communicates.

What Might Concern You at 9 Weeks

Baby Week 9

Is your baby on a schedule that works for you? Do you even believe in putting your baby on a schedule? Many people believe in schedules and will advise you to put your baby on one, especially women from your parents and grandparents generation. In the end, you have to do what is best for you and your baby.

There are two ways to parent. Parenting on a schedule and parenting on demand. When you parent on a schedule you will work hard at getting your baby to eat, sleep, snack and play, at the same time every day. Some babies thrive by this others will fight it and have a hard time adjusting.

When you parent on demand, you take your baby's cues. You feed him when he lets you know he is hungry, and you lay him down for a nap only when he acts tired. While in some cases this might make for a happy baby, it might make life harder on you.

This Time Last Year...

You weren't even pregnant yet. How did you imagine having a 9 week old baby would be then? Visit our Fun Birthday Facts Calculator for more trivia about your baby's birthday like what happened on that day in history, when your baby will be driving, and more!

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*Each child is different. Your baby may not progress the same as the information found here. The information here is based on the national average. It is not meant to be a replacement for any advice you may receive from your doctor. If you have any concerns about your baby, we advise you to contact your doctor.
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