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Aww, What a Pretty Little Girl!

awwprettygirl.jpgThank you. Moms just love to get compliments about their children, don’t they?

Except that he’s a boy.

My son, almost two, is usually to be found wearing a dark blue shirt with a firetruck on the front, grey (or similar color) sweatpants, dark blue boots, and will be clutching one or more of the following: plastic snake, plastic beetle, real beetle, plastic alien, plastic pirate, stick, pebble, truck of some kind.

But he has long blond curly hair, and long blond curly hair seems to surpass all the other “boy” things about him. It’s not even that long, just below his collar. It’s never been cut, so it’s the hair he was born with. I can’t bear to cut it.

What’s wrong with long hair on boys? Plenty of adult male people have long hair, and no-one thinks they are girls, do they?

I’m not the only one, although I seem to be in a minority, especially in the Midwest. Perhaps I should move to Hollywood?

Cindy Crawford, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Julia Roberts’ sons have, or have had, long hair at one time.

Kate Hudson is quite well known for her 4-year-old son Ryder’s long hair, although she cites “religious reasons” for not cutting it.

I’m just too much of a wimp and I’ll cry if I have to chop off his baby hair.

The current plan is to get it cut if it looks like it will get caught on things, or when he asks for a haircut.

So what are your feelings on long hair for boys? Awful, or cool, or just don’t care?

High Heels For Babies

High heels for a baby? Yes, really it is true.

Today I discovered a company called Heelarious, which manufactures tiny shoes with heels. The shoes have been created in the United States by two childhood friends, Britta Bacon and Hayden Porter, and are ‘specifically designed for babies.’ I was wondering what that really means. How exactly does one design a pair of high heels specifically for a baby?

A check on the company’s website reveals that they have 6 designs in various styles and colors including pink, black, and leopard print. The shoes are intended for babies up to 6 months of age and are ‘extremely funny, completely soft, fully functional high heel crib shoes for babies.’ Each pair of shoes costs $35 and can be purchased at a limited amount of retailers in the United States, Canada and Switzerland. They can also be purchased online.

The high heeled shoes are not intended for walking as the ‘heel will collapse with weight’ and are intended to be worn in the crib only. The website claims that the shoes were actually created as a joke product one day when one of the designers thought, while on the way to a party, about what fun it would be to bring her daughter to the event in high heels.

Perhaps I am old, or prudish. I don’t really see anything funny about high heels on a baby. I certainly don’t see anything even remotely amusing about buying a pair of $35 shoes for my child that aren’t intended to actually even be used as shoes. That’s just me though.

What do you think? Would you buy high heels for your infant? Do you think that $35 for a pair of shoes which aren’t actually usable is a good deal? Would you buy a pair for your infant daughter?

Getting Baby’s Ears Pierced

gettingearspierced.jpgThis past Saturday we took our 6 month-old daughter to a local accessories store to get her ears pierced, a milestone for anyone with a little girl. We held her still as the multiple-tattooed and multiple-pierced associate ensured that the marks on her lobe were perfectly aligned. We digested her observation that our daughter’s lobes are actually not symmetrical; one is bigger than the other. We held our breaths as the piercing gun went off silently, but in our imagination was as loud as revolver. And then I cuddled her as she cried then found her thumb and sucked happily.

Why did we decide to get her ears pierced now

as opposed to later when she is older? We did it partly so that she’ll just have it over with, and won’t remember the pain. Partly because of tradition. In our family, girls ears are pierced as babies, and it’s no big deal. And partly so that people would stop asking me constantly whether she is a boy or a girl.

There’s of course another school of thought on this subject

which is that piercing is an unnecessary body mutilation and should be the child’s choice. There’s also the rite of passage method where parents build anticipation in the child. They may require the child to save up for the occasion, and allow them to pierce it on a milestone birthday.  I think each way is fine as long as the parents take great care in choosing the place that pierces your child’s delicate ears.

Some things to consider

Make sure the company you select to pierce your baby’s ears uses sterilized products, and sealed, sterilized earrings. Your pediatrician may even do this for you so do ask them. Make sure to pick the tiniest post available; they can get as small as 2 mm in diameter. And most important of all, make sure that the piercings are sterilized at least three times a day, and the studs not removed until six weeks after the piercing. Post earrings must be worn six months after the piercing to ensure it will not close.

As for our daughter, we carried her around proudly in the mall afterwards, showing off her peridot studs. Until, that is, a gentleman approached us and admiringly said: “What a beautiful boy!”


Does “One Of Each” Mean Two Is Enough?

Note: I have no statistical or empirical evidence to back up the hypothesis I am about to propose. It is merely based on my own observations and experiences. Any extrapolation on this matter should be done purely for entertainment value.

When we first told my father that we were reasonably certain the baby my wife is carrying is a boy, he did not have as significant a reaction as I had expected, given the amount of pressure he put on me to “carry on the name”. However, later that weekend, he did say, in passing, “Well, now that you have a boy, you won’t have any more kids, eh?”

And while I wanted to be indignant, and reply with more than a little bit of frustration that we would be happy with either gender, I didn’t. I said nothing because deep down, I knew that the fact that this baby was a boy made me less inclined to try for a third than if we knew it was going to be a girl. For a few weeks after that, I felt pretty badly for how I felt: that somehow having two girls wasn’t enough for me.

But then I started thinking, and I realized something: in all of the families I knew that had more than two kids, the two oldest were both of the same gender. For everyone I knew, two boys or two girls was not enough.

I need to gather more evidence, certainly. So, this is where you, dear readers, come in. Do you have evidence to support my theory that people with “one of each” are significantly less likely to have a third? What are the genders of the two oldest children in families with three or more kids? Please give your answers in the comments.

You can read more SciFi Dad at Tales From The Dad Side.

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