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Most recent articles tagged with "formula"

Free Gifts, Coupons, and Samples from Enfamil

Let Your Baby Shower Begin! Get FREE goodies, such as an Enfamil® Carryall and EnfaChill single bottle cooler. I’m Sorry, This Offer is Now Closed Join now and receive: FREE pre- and postnatal information and up to $60 in formula checks FREE diaper bag, Enfamil Feeding Kit, and samples FREE valuable JCPenney Portrait Offers Register […]

Easy Way To Reduce Baby Expenses

Having a baby can be expensive, but there are ways to cut down on your expenses. When you become overwhelmed, remember this: if you waited until you had enough money, time and energy to have your baby, you would probably never have children. Here are a few ways to ease the strain on your budget, […]

Breast Milk or Formula: Making the Right Choice for Your Baby

by Rebecca D. Williams and Isadora Stehlin New parents want to give their babies the very best. When it comes to nutrition, the best first food for babies is breast milk. More than two decades of research have established that breast milk is perfectly suited to nourish infants and protect them from illness. Breast-fed infants […]

The First Week with your Baby

by: Anne Cavicchi The first week of your baby’s life brings big adjustments for both of you. You are adjusting to being a mother and caring for your baby and your baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. It is a time of great joy — and possibly immense fear! Although you’ve been preparing […]

Raise a Baby on Your Budget

Raising your baby is going to cost a lot of money, no matter how you look at it. There are several things you can do however to help it be a little bit easier on your check book while still giving your baby the quality he deserves. Nursery When you go to register for your […]

Freebies for Your Baby

When you get pregnant you tend to get your name on lists at the local maternity stores and baby stores and things start rolling in with the mail. Everyone wants to get you hooked and get you to give them your business. This is true as well in the hospital where when you give birth […]

When Should You Start Solids?

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests waiting to start solids until your baby is 4-6 months old. What many people do not realize however is that the four months is meant more for formula fed babies while the six months is meant more for the breastfed babies. Why do they say wait and what are […]

What is Jaundice?

The big “J” word. It is a word many new mothers hear, and many new mothers fear – especially if they have had to deal with it before. There are many levels of jaundice that new parents and their newborn may have to deal with, and it can range from mild to severe. Jaundice is […]

My Baby Has Hiccups!

Hiccups can be a big worry for many pregnant women and new moms. Why does their baby have them? Is their baby in pain from them? What can they do about them? Rest assured, most of the time the baby is not in pain, and the mother is more bothered by the fact that the […]

Growth Spurts

Your baby is growing and growing fast. The average baby weighs approximately 7 ½ pounds at birth when born at 40 weeks. Obviously, since most babies are not born at 40 weeks, babies are born at various different sizes. Non-preemie babies can be anywhere from five pounds on the low side to 11 pounds on […]

14 Steps to Help Improve a Baby’s Reflux

by Roni MacLean It’s important to realize that not all babies with reflux will require medication or have difficulties with their reflux. Many infants, usually called happy spitters, will benefit greatly from some simple steps that you can start trying right now. Many of the things listed below will help with your baby’s discomfort and […]

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