Four million Syrian refugees are running for safety | You can help make a difference

How Can You Help?   শরণার্থীদের পাশে আমরা

$20 could provide two families with synthetic mats to prevent them from sleeping on the ground.
$20 could provide two families with synthetic mats to prevent them from sleeping on the ground.
$50 can provide high thermal fleece blankets to help protect a family
$50 can provide high thermal fleece blankets to help protect a family
$100 could provide a family with a stove so that they can cook for themselves
$100 could provide a family with a stove so that they can cook for themselves
$550 could provide a whole family with a tent to shelter them.
$550 could provide a whole family with a tent to shelter them.


    In Bangladesh: Standard Chartered Bank Account No. 02-5625270-02; Account Name: “UNHCR”; Source: “UNHCR Emergency Appeal”; Swift Code: “SCBLBDDX”

    bKash (mobile banking): Coming Soon

    Donate Globally: Syria Emergency Appeal

What is happening to the Syrians?

In March 2015, the Syrian conflict entered its fifth year. Millions of Syrian refugees are caught in alarmingly worsening conditions.

Most of the 4 million (40 lakh) Syrian refugees are in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. With no solution to the conflict in sight, they see no prospect of returning home in the near future, and have little opportunity to restart their lives in exile.

After years of rising pressure and insufficient international support, the economies and infrastructure of many refugee-hosting countries are struggling to cope, making it increasingly difficult for refugees to find work, shelter, health care, and education. As humanitarian appeals to assist them go underfunded, many of the refugees have no choice but to move on.

After arriving in Greece, where a limited infrastructure has meant inadequate reception conditions for new arrivals, many refugees and migrants continue their journey across the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia to Hungary and beyond.There are frequent reports of abuse and violence along the way by smugglers and criminal networks.

Inside Syria, the situation is also deteriorating rapidly. 7.6 million (76 lakh) people are displaced within the country and 4.5 million (45 lakh) people are in hard to reach areas. Millions of children are suffering from trauma and ill health. A quarter of Syria’s schools have been damaged, destroyed or taken over for shelter. More than half of Syria’s hospitals are destroyed.

What is UNHCR doing to help?

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) provides basic and necessary humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees and helps the most vulnerable refugees with urgently needed relief – cash for medicine and food, stoves and fuel for heating, insulation for tents, thermal blankets and winter clothing.

By helping refugees in the surrounding region, UNHCR hopes to reduce the number of desperate Syrians resorting to smugglers and falling prey to traffickers to reach safety elsewhere.

Thanks to the generous support of our donors since January alone, 1.8 million refugees received food aid, 500,000 children were enrolled in school, and more than 460,000 refugees had shelter in camps.

UNHCR also keeps reminding the global community to address root causes of forced displacement around the world.

About UNHCR, Refugees and Migrants

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