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APS Member Groups : Mackay
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20161108030003/http://groups.psychology.org.au/mackay/officebearers/



The Mackay Branch represents approximately 60 APS Members, and 17 Student and Affiliate Members in Mackay and the surrounding region, including Whitsundays in the north and Emerald and the coalfields to the west.  Despite the small numbers, Mackay Branch has a high member participation in meetings and events.

The Mackay region has a very active and busy psychology community. As a growing regional area of over 130,000 in population, the work opportunities are rapidly increasing in number and diversity. The branch is seeking to offer the highest level of value for members, an opportunity for professional networking and peer consultation, and a forum to discuss issues relevant to professional practice in psychology.

Branch General Meetings for 2016 are planned to be held on Wednesday March 16, Wednesday July 13, Wednesday September 14, with the AGM including Xmas dinner to be held in Friday December 2. The dates and venue for these meetings will be confirmed by email to all branch members well in advance.  Branch Committee Meetings will also be held regularly in 2016, and members are invited to submit agenda items for meetings in advance.