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Online Media Skills Training Course

Event number: 15700

Build media skills

The APS Online Media Skills Training Course is a free member-only course, aimed at building the media skills of participating members so they can be effective interviewees and represent psychology accurately in the media.

The course has been developed by the APS media team working with an external expert media training company.  

The course is divided into three 15 minute modules, each with a set of 5 assessment questions to test your knowledge and understanding:

  • About the media
  • Interview Preparation and
  • The Interview.  

The course uses a variety of media - video, audio and written material – as learning aids. A downloadable Course Companion is also available as a hard copy course resource.  

To work effectively with the journalists, you need a good understanding of the media and how to manage interviews–including understanding deadlines, types of media and stories, length of comment required, how to formulate key messages, jargon-busting and how to be an effective interviewee, which includes skills to manage difficult or unwanted questions. This course is designed to build those skills.

Detailed information about developing key messages is provided as well as sample interviews illustrated on video, which clearly show how to use key messages in practice.

Upon completion of the course participants will receive a certificate.

The Course is open to all APS members. It is recommended that members nominating for the APS Media Referral Service complete the course.

APS Media Referral Service

The APS receives over 400 journalist inquiries per year which are managed through the APS Media Referral Service.   Expert members on the database are referred to journalists for relevant inquiries on their topic of expertise.   Members interested in learning more or nominating for the media referral service can contact the APS media team at media@psychology.org.au.


Please note - only APS Members can enrol in this course.

Online registration


Free for APS Members


APS National Office
Contact APS Media Team