Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Expand your professional knowledge and advance your career with personalized learning solutions

Trust Checkpoint Learning for your every professional learning need-for yourself or your entire firm or department. Select from the most comprehensive selection of courses, CPE compliance tracking, learning management, curriculum development, training seminars and much more. Hundreds of online and downloadable courses on accounting, auditing, tax, ethics, management, yellow book, and more-developed by our leading authors, experts and speakers-advance your own skills and expertise. 

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Products:

Checkpoint Learning Webinars

Experts in their fields present the latest developments in tax, accounting, auditing, risk assessment, Yellow Book, and more, right to your desk -- all you need is a high-speed internet connection.

PPC Self-Study CPE Courses

Provides convenient self-study courses on a variety of Accounting & Auditing and Tax topics, all based on materials in PPC Guides. Course materials can be downloaded at no cost in PDF format; you can also earn CPE credit.

Checkpoint Learning Premier CPE Package

An easy-to-use, affordable solution that lets field practitioners conduct a rapid inventory of de-facto land rights and issue documentary evidence attesting to those rights. Offers robust document storage & includes version control.


Serves the audit and accounting profession by providing leading experts to train and consult with firms that offer auditing services. In addition to our flagship AuditWatch University program, we also offer staff level training.

Checkpoint Learning Courses

MicroMash and PASS Online comprise a library of more than 300 interactive online courses available exclusively on the Checkpoint Learning platform. Our curriculum combines the latest in computer technology with advanced coursework.

Gear Up

An extensive education and information source with more than 40 years of experience, offering week-long CPE conferences at vacation destinations, live seminars nationwide and self-study CPE courses. We are the leader in tax update training.

Checkpoint Learning

Provides CPE compliance tracking, learning management, curriculum development and much more. You can purchase and complete courses directly from Checkpoint Learning, either individually or as part of a subscription package.

PPC In-House Training

We offer courses and modules designed to build complete training programs at your firm, to fit your staff needs & business goals. We also offer materials for those who prefer to lead their own in-house training programs.