Meyer Turku enlarges investment package to 75 million euros with a new Steel Storage and Pre-Treatment Plant

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Meyer Turku shipyard has further enlarged it’s investment package with a new steel storage and pre-treatment facility. This is already a third large scale investment announced this year from Meyer Turku, previous being new Gantry crane and building a new modernized Cabin Factory on the original Piikkio Works cabin factory grounds.

The new steel storage and pre-treatment facility will increase the steel pre-treatment capacity of Meyer Turku, improve dimensional accuracy and increase productivity.

“This latest investment gives an indication how large the replacement need for old facilities at Turku yard is. These replacement investments can be viewed a burden – yet also as a great chance for modernizing our production. With this investment we are working on productivity improvements and dimensional accuracy improvements to boost the following process steps. Since these are very special and unique facilities – our investment team is working on creative and innovative solutions supported by modern IT technology. For us as the Meyer Family it is a concrete commitment to a long-term shipbuilding future in Turku.”, CEO of Meyer Turku Jan Meyer says.

The production of the new Steel storage and pre-treatment facility starts in the autumn of 2016 and will be ready in the spring of 2017. MT will start the co-op negotiations with the unions about the modified content of the work. In any case this investment will not cause any negative impacts on headcount, the modernization is just one measure to make these jobs fit for the future.

More information: Tapani Mylly
Communication Manager
Mobile: +358-50-560 2464
Tel: +358 (0)10 670 6206