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beer-pages.com is an online magazine that was founded in 2004 and which is dedicated to real beer. Our main focus is bottled beers: bottle-conditioned ales, world beers and anything that catches our attention as a distinctive "real beer". We will look at cask ales and pubs too from time to time, but you are unlikely to find coverage of mass-market Euro-lagers within these pages. There's also a repository of articles by well-known beer writer Roger Protz, who wrote for the site until 2011. You can become part of the beer-pages community via the UK Beer Forum. Beer-pages.com is open to your suggestions for the beer-related things you'd like to see: info@beer-pages.com

Tom Cannavan is Publishing Editor of beer-pages.com. Tom is one of the UK's most respected wine writers, who has published his wine-pages.com, magazine since 1995. In 2004, Tom launched this sister site to feature reviews, news and information on beer. Tom himself says: "My growing enthusiasm and interest in beer is reflected in beer-pages.com. I hope to deliver the highest quality of beer information, and trust readers will enjoy the honest opinions of an enthusiast, and the much more expert words of my guest writers". Tom is also moderator of the UK Beer Forum. (read more)


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