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Resume Writing Tips for Freshers : ODIALINKS.COM
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Resume Writing Tips for Freshers

resumeWe are of the opinion that fresher resumes have to be simple, crisp and humble. Now how is all that possible ?

There are several job profiles you can apply for being a graduate. It’s a matter of choosing what you really like. Living a dream is not that difficult and with few easy steps it gets even easier. Since you’re a graduate and you are academically strong to apply things practically, you should write down everything you know and you have done.While appearing for that first interview, you must take into consideration everything which makes you unique. If you think you are worthy, go for it. One of the major tools you have is your resume. Your resume speaks on your behalf. So, make sure it looks presentable, organized and simple.

There are leading organizations, with overloaded work hours; they are so busy that they don’t find time to take a look at your resume in detail. They just skim through the resume without thinking too much in detail. That’s it.

You have 10 seconds to capture attention. If you fail to make a positive impression within that time frame, you have lost the opportunity.

So, what “tricks” should you use to make your resume better?

Here are some ideas which will surely help you to bring yourself out of the fear of the first interview with easy and simple methods to make that perfect resume.

Once you apply for the job, during your interview round there are certain questions asked by the interviewer based on your resume. So, make sure that you don’t bluff and beat around the bush when preparing your resume. Else, you may make fool of yourself among the employers.

Tips To Write Resume for Freshers

  1. 1.       Be presentable

You know what all you have done and achieved. You also know what you can do and the skills you have. So, start the resume writing with the basic information about yourself. Don’t drag that up to interests and hobbies. The employer honestly doesn’t have any concern with your interests and what you do in leisure time. Also, write about academic performance, scores, grades etc

  1. 2.       Mention about the extra courses (if any)

There might have been some extra courses you have done. If so mention about them. Write in detail the marks, tools and skills you achieved after completion of that course. Also, write the duration of the course and how extensive it was, in nature.

  1. 3.       Write about your extracurricular activities

Describe about the extracurricular activities you did along with your academic background. At times, the interviewer judges your skills and talents according to the activities you did in past.

  1. 4.       Internships

Also, mention about internships that you may have done during summer breaks from college. That may be termed like a ‘corporate trained’ for the company you apply. But anyway, internships are impressive.

So these are some pointers you should take care of, while making a resume. There are some other Dos and Don’ts that you should note it down while making a resume. Here they are-


Highlight! – Make your educational qualifications, academic scores and grades stand out. They should be in bold, crisp and easily readable.

Bullets and Numbering is also an important factor while crafting your resume. Mark up things and add bullets for highlighting specific information. Like, if you know some specific tools, skills; write it down and mark them up using bullets and numbering.

Keywords are equally vital form the point of view of the interviewer. When he first holds a copy of your resume, he must get an idea of what you really know and how capable you are for his organization. So you should bold the skills, tools and achievements in your resume. They should appear prominently.

Skills and Tools have to stand out. It is like representing something that only you can do and not others. Those are all the qualities which make you stand out and superior than others.


Don’t treat yourself or anyone with so much respect that you add prefixes like Mr. and Miss. They are old-school now. So, avoid prefixes.

My Daddy is a rock star! Yeah, your daddy may be a rock star. But oh boy! Don’t write his name in the resume. Your father’s identity is not relevant except given a space to fill in the company’s form. Don’t write it in your resume.

Avoid objectives which don’t really appear true. You should totally ignore objectives which are catchy yet not possible, dreamy yet not practical. Write down something which is honest yet simple and works for the interviewer.

Exaggerations and bluffing is a complete No-No! Be original and authentic about yourself. The company’s will not hire you for something that you are not.

Hobbies and Interests should nowhere be in your resume. They are not important for the company.

So, these are some tips we managed to grab up and jot down for you. If you have any more doubts, queries or anything else in mind, do drop a comment here.

Good Luck!


Filed Under: Career Tips

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