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Tribal Culture, Rites and Rituals : ODIALINKS.COM
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Tribal Culture, Rites and Rituals

Odisha has a large concentration of Tribal population(62 Tribes) who mostly inhabit the jungle and hilly region with wide distribution in Koraput, Phulbani, Kalahandi, Ganjam, Keonjhar, Dhenkanal and Mayurbhanj area. The Socio-cultural life of Odisha has been greatly shaped and influenced by the long continuing tribal traditions

They enjoy their lives through dance and music. Tribal villages often vibrate with drum beats and the hills echo with resonance of music. The waterfalls, springs, hills and forests come to life with the rhythmic musical moods almost everyday.

Each tribe has its rich patterns of music and dance which are variegated, specialised and artistic. This form of performing art has inspired the innovation of colourful costumes, varieties of musical instruments and excellent carvings and paintings in their houses.

Out of 62 tribes of Odisha most important tribal groups are Santal, Juang, Saora, Bonda(Bondo), Kondh, Paraja and Koya.

Tribal Rites and Rituals

Tribes believe in worshipping of numerous deities and perform rituals and ceremonies for a blissful life. Many festivals are also celebrated with much of devotion, through out the year in order to appease their deities and ascendant. The most significant festivals of the year being ‘Chaita Parab’ and ‘Poush Parab’. Both days have a special attraction as all men of the village go on a hunting expedition. The additional charm of the festivals are the cultural tribal dances, the songs and the music performed by the talented folk of the tribes, treasuring their rich customs that differentiate them from the other non tribal people.

Manipulation of the environment being the main concern of the tribals, all the ritual acts are directed towards stimulating natural processes. Illness or misfortune is attributed to displeasure and malicious act of the Gods or ancestors. The sacrifice of different kinds of livestock accompanied by all the rites and ceremonials of fetishism is considered appropriate appeasement. Moreover, their extremely superstitious nature prohibits the undertaking of any enterprise unless the Gods are first appeased and the omens, after being carefully considered, are adjudged to be propitious.

The tribes of Odisha have retained the rich and varied heritage of colorful dance and music forming integral part of their festivals and rituals. Among them, the dance and music is developed and maintained by themselves in a tradition without aid and intervention of any professional dancer or teacher. It is mainly through the songs and dances the tribes seek to satisfy their inner urge for revealing their soul. The performance of these only give expression to their inner feelings, their joys and sorrows, their natural affections and passion and their appreciation of beauty in nature and in man.

Tribals Way of Life in Odisha

Primarily, the major Odisha tribes are concentrated in its highlands. These ‘adivasis’ happen to be fiercely proud of their myriad ethnic traits, further accentuated by their varying ethnic dialects. Most of them are culture conscious and have been able to preserve their social customs resiliently. They still adhere to their ethnic identity and their close association with Mother Nature.

The aboriginals l lead a simple, traditional and colorful life, hunting and agriculture, amidst deep woods, valleys, lush forests, and primitive situations in spite of the inroads of so-called modern civilization, each one with its own culture and traditions different from the other.The dormitory life among the Bonda youngsters is quite fascinating. In the evening unmarried boys and girls enjoy music, dance, frolic and fun together and spend the night in dormitories until their mutual intimacy culminates into the social institution of marriage. The simple, carefree and colorful tribal life can be a great source of entertainment and education to the visitors. Their life-style is mostly characterized by dance, music, rituals, hunting, gaiety and festivities.

Odishan tribes are strong, hard working and simple folk, who are peace loving and keep their distance from the people of other communities, as they are too shy. The major occupations of these tribes are agriculture, hunting and fishing. Men usually wear loin cloths and women drape long stretches of cotton fabric around them. Women are adorned with jewelry in the form of bangles, armlets, bracelets, necklaces, rings, and hairpins usually made of silver, aluminum, and brass. The ritual of tattooing is also prevalent among tribal women folk.