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After BCCI SGM, Indian cricket board ready for Supreme Court order fallout  | The Indian Express
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After BCCI SGM, Indian cricket board ready for Supreme Court order fallout 

Supreme Court is scheduled to deliver their verdict in the BCCI - Lodha panel logjam on Monday with the board ready to face consequences.

Written by Devendra Pandey | Mumbai | Updated: October 18, 2016 5:15 pm
BCCI, BCCI SGM, BCCI Supreme Court, BCCI lodha, BCCI lodha panel, bcci lodha panel verdict, bcci supreme court lodha, anurag thakur, cricket, cricket news, sports, sports news BCCI president Anurag Thakur has been asked by the Supreme Court to furbish a personal affidavit on discussions with ICC. (Express Photo by Prashant Nadkar)

THE BOARD of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) stuck to their guns over not accepting some of the key reforms recommended by the Lodha committee at their Full Member’s meeting on Saturday. This despite the Supreme Court passing an interim order stopping all payments from the board to the state associations until the whole gamut of reforms are implemented.

WATCH | BCCI vs Lodha: Supreme Court Dismisses Cricket Board’s Review Petition

It’s learnt that the board’s stance remained unchanged and that it was decided during the SGM that they will try and explain to the apex court once more about the difficulties in accepting some of the more contentious points in the recommendations on Monday, when the Supreme Court is scheduled to pass its judgement.

According to a BCCI official who was present at the meeting, the board and the members felt that considering the major impact it would have on all the associations there was no question of accepting reforms like ‘one state one vote’, fixed tenures for officials or the cooling period. Instead the BCCI claims to be ready to face the fallout from the Supreme Court’s order.

“Let the Supreme Court give an order. We will not accept all the Lodha committee’s recommendations. We will try to put our point across again. The Court needs to understand that if these reforms were to be brought in place, all current cricket administrators will be finished. The implications are huge. Members discussed them at length all over again and it was decided to stand firm and let the court decide whatever they want to now,” a member of a state association said.

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BCCI president Anurag Thakur also discussed the affidavit that he and Ratnakar Shetty, general manager cricket administration, will have to submit to the Supreme Court. They informed the members that Thakur was simply following whatever incumbent ICC president Shashank Manohar had told him to do when he was the BCCI chief and overseeing all matters concerning to the board. He claimed that he was simply trying to get clarity on the issue of appointing a CAG nominee in the apex council of the board with Manohar.

The meeting was attended by all the member associations except Rajasthan and Goa as they were barred from being present at the meeting. Rajasthan Cricket Association deputy president, Mehmood Abdi, claimed that he had called to attend the meeting by secretary Ajay Shirke but then president Thakur didn’t allow him to sit for the SGM.