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 Donald Trump News – the latest from Al Jazeera
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20161114125408/http://www.aljazeera.com/topics/people/donald-trump.html

US Elections 2016

Don't just blame pollsters for shock election results

Opinion polls are snapshots of sentiment at a given time, not a foolproof prediction.

by Sharif Nashashibi

United States

Protesters vow to fight Donald Trump presidency

Portland activists say a grass-roots movement is needed to keep president-elect's policies from coming to fruition.

US Elections 2016

Hillary Clinton blames FBI director for election loss

In a conference call with top funders, Clinton blames FBI director for her defeat in US presidential elections.

US Elections 2016

To some, ignorance is bliss

Human rights will not be of much a concern to the Trump administration.

by Stanley L Cohen

US & Canada

The working class Trump will suppress

Trump won't bring more jobs to the white working class, but he will undermine socioeconomic gains by workers of colour.

by Lena Afridi


Trump: Putin's best frenemy

Trump makes Russia feel great again.

by Leonid Ragozin

Inside Story

US election 2016: Congress gets diversity boost

With four women of colour becoming senators, what does this victory mean for US democracy?

United States

US police hunting man who shot anti-Trump protester

Portland police say suspect confronted and then shot a demonstrator who was taken to hospital with non-lethal injuries.

Counting the Cost

'Trumponomics': Putting America first

A special focus on Donald Trump's economic policy and what his presidency means for the US and the global economy.

Climate Change

Donald Trump, climate finance, and 'catastrophe'

A 2020 goal of $100bn in climate finance was originally set in Copenhagen in 2009, but that is now in question.


Did racism help Donald Trump win?

Trump ally Pastor Mark Burns disagrees, adding: "Donald Trump cannot ... pick who supports him."

United States

Protests against Donald Trump continue across US

Thousands unhappy with president-elect's campaign rhetoric take to the streets of major cities for third straight day.

US Elections 2016

Trump and Israel

With Trump in the White House, Israel will continue expanding settlements in the West Bank.

by Neve Gordon