MEYER TURKU Shipbuilding School

Ensuring know-how means systematic development of the company’s organisations and the competencies of its employees.

MEYER TURKU Shipbuilding School has a long tradition in training professionals for shipbuilding industry in Finland. The Shipbuilding School was first established on 3 September 1962 as an industrial school. Centralised training events and classes are arranged for personnel of MEYER TURKU OY and its subsidiaries. Many of the training events are also open for the network companies. Education is in Finnish, thus Finnish language skills are required.

MEYER TURKU Shipbuilding School works in close collaboration with the supervisors of all company departments and is responsible for the personnel’s know-how and steering them in accordance with the shipyard’s future needs. The teachers and lecturers of the Shipbuilding School provide training while working at the shipyard. With long-term experience behind them, they are the best experts of the industry.

National cooperation with learning institutions is very important for the shipyard. We collaborate with universities, institutes and vocational schools around Finland.

Koulutuskalenteri Meyer Turku Oy:n Yhteistyökumppaneille / Occupational Trainings and Courses for Meyer Turku Network Companies