Infobip Portal

Streamlined access to powerful communications

An intuitive web interface with actionable insights on performance and user behavior.


Build engaging customer relationships

Combine channels and access multiple engagement options for precise cross platform reach.


Fully-featured 1-Way, 2-Way SMS campaigns, and number lookup queries.


Complete text-to-speech capability, upload pre-recorded files and deliver voice messages to your audience.


Enhance brand visibility with multimedia content, grow your Parseco user base with SMS invites, links and QR codes.


Create engaging campaigns with both SMS and app notifications, target users through the most complete range of communication services.


Get user’s attention with push messages that bring them back to your app and increase their engagement with you.


Automate, manage, and integrate your email campaigns with SMS, voice, push notifications, or messaging apps within one web interface.

Chat apps

Send rich 1-way or 2-way messages through Viber. This channel is used together with SMS, since Viber is not available on every user’s phone.

Measure, organize and improve

Reporting and Analytics

Optimize campaigns with real-time results and actionable insights based on user behavior. Easily accessible reporting capabilities for almost any kind of metric.


Maximize engagement by creating and managing lists and building advanced user profiling. Easily collect subscriber interests and behaviors across all services.

Self-service Settings

Set up user groups, gain extensive role management options. Complete self service tools enable any kind of setup tailored to your business needs.

Get the brochure for more details:


Complete performance breakdown for industry-leading transparency

Platform performance—supported by our deep reaching relationships with operators—can increase the quality of your campaign and build predictive metrics around your reach.

Our comprehensive, fully-customizable dashboard provides complete oversight, giving you delivery rates, explanations of traffic performance on our platform and real-time suggestions.


Powered by the Infobip Platform

Underneath our extensive web interface lies one of the world's top performing A2P SMS platforms with unsurpassed uptime, 24/7 technical support and the most reliable connectivity to telecoms all over the world.

The entire omni-channel messaging environment is fully monitored and proactively developed to ensure optimized traffic flows and constant rollout of new features for your users.

Start using the Infobip Portal today

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