Other committees

In addition to the Board committees, certain other committees have been established to perform specific functions. Find out what the role of each committee is, who sits on them, and how often they meet.

Corporate Executive Team



  • Sir Andrew Witty


  • Roger Connor - President, Global Manufacturing and Supply
  • Luc Debruyne - President, Global Vaccines
  • Simon Dingemans - Chief Financial Officer
  • Nick Hirons - Senior Vice President, Global Ethics and Compliance
  • Abbas Hussain - President, Global Pharmaceuticals
  • Brian McNamara - CEO, GSK Consumer Healthcare
  • David Redfern - Chief Strategy Officer & Chairman, ViiV Healthcare
  • Moncef Slaoui - Chairman, Global Vaccines
  • Claire Thomas - Senior Vice President, Human Resources
  • Phil Thomson - Senior Vice President, Communications and Government Affairs
  • Dan Troy - Senior Vice President & General Counsel
  • Patrick Vallance - President, Pharmaceuticals R&D
  • Emma Walmsley - CEO designate of GSK


  • VP, Office of the CEO

Frequency of meetings: 

  • The CET meets 11 times per year.

The CET assists the CEO in the executive management of the company.


Risk Oversight and Compliance Council (ROCC)


The Risk Oversight and Compliance Council (ROCC) is chaired by the corporate compliance officer and includes at least three members of the Corporate Executive Team appointed by the CEO. Other members include the General Counsel, Company Secretary and the Head of Global Internal Audit.
Additional members may be added by the ROCC Chairman from time to time as appropriate.


The ROCC assists the Audit & Risk Committee in its review of activities and helps to ensure that effective internal controls are implemented for all significant risks. Establishment of the ROCC was approved by our Board, guided by the Corporate Compliance Officer, with the following terms of reference:

  • Identify all significant risks to which GSK is exposed
  • Monitor the effectiveness of internal controls implemented to manage those risks
  • Ensure adequate information and reporting to support the annual review by the directors of such internal controls

Reporting line

In accordance with its role, the Audit & Risk Committee reviews information and reports from the ROCC and in turn reports to our Board on these matters.


The ROCC is responsible for carrying out the following tasks:

  • Assessing all significant risks to which GSK is exposed
  • Working with all sectors and functions to ensure a sound system of internal controls for the management of all significant risks, including process, accountability and reward programs
  • Establishing and managing a reporting process for major sectors to provide regular reports on internal controls for significant risks affecting their businesses
  • Directing audits, reviews and other methods to monitor the effectiveness of these internal controls
  • Integrating risk management into business process improvement programs
  • Ensuring best practices are shared among sectors and compliance and audit groups


Disclosure Committee


  • Chairman
  • Company Secretary


  • Group Financial Controller
  • Head of Global Communications
  • Head of Global Investor Relations
  • Head of Investor Relations US
  • Head of Global Media Relations
  • Associate General Counsel, Legal Operations-Business Development Transactions
  • Head of Legal Operations (UK & US) Regional and Dermatology


  • Assistant Company Secretary

In attendance:

Representatives from:
Our external auditors
Our external legal advisers UK and US
Our brokers
Internal experts (including Head of Global Finance Reporting & Analysis)

The Disclosure Committee was established by the CEO and the CFO and has responsibility for considering the materiality of information (information that may affect our stock price), and determining on a timely basis the disclosure of this information. The committee meets as necessary.

Download the Disclosure Committee's terms of reference (PDF)
