Personal Information Protection Policy

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J.D. Power Asia Pacific Inc. uses marketing research to monitor consumer attitudes and awareness of products and services through data collection (acquisition) and consumer surveys. By statistically processing the collected information and providing it to concerned organizations and businesses, our company contributes to society at large.

As a company collecting and handling consumer data that includes private and personal information on a day-to-day basis, we have a clear understanding of the responsibilities this implies, and are firmly committed to the best practices of data collection (acquisition), use and secure management.

To unambiguously affirm our commitment to privacy, we have established the following Personal Information Protection Policy (Privacy Policy), and hereby declare to those inside and outside of the company that we practice and strictly abide to this Policy. 

1. Collection (acquisition), use and provision of personal information 

  • We are committed to the collection (acquisition) of personal information by legal and fair means, for specific purposes and with clearly defined objectives.
  • Personal information collected is used within the terms, scope and purposes for which we obtain the prior consent of our clients.
  • Furthermore, while we have taken necessary steps to define the scope and purpose for which the information collected is required, should this prove insufficient, or should we need to use the information beyond the stated scope for the purpose of achieving a particular objective, we will never do so without first obtaining the renewed consent of the concerned individuals.
  • As a general rule, we do not provide or disclose private information to any third parties, but should this prove necessary, we will not proceed without obtaining the prior consent of the concerned individuals.
  • Personal information is managed, to the extent necessary for the intended purpose of its usage, in an accurate and up-to-date state.

2. Compliance with laws and regulation on the protection of personal information 

Our handling of personal information complies with the laws pertaining to the handling of personal information, legal policies established by the Japanese state, as well as the Marketing Research Guidelines and the Marketing Research Industry Personal Information Protection Guidelines stipulated by the Japan Marketing Research Association, an organization of which our company is a member.

3. Safe management of personal information  

Organizational, human, physical, and technical precautions are taken to maintain the safe management of collected information and prevent leakage, loss, destruction or falsification of personal information.

4. Response to grievances and consultation 

For grievances regarding our company’s handling of personal information, please contact the authorized personal information protection group at the address provided in Details Section 5 [Inquiries and grievances].

Furthermore, our company will respond without delay to demands by concerned individuals and their representatives requesting further information on the purpose use of the collected information, as well as the disclosure, revision (revisions of content, additions or deletions), or cessation of use (cessation of use, removal, and cessation of provision to third parties) of personal information subject to disclosure.

5. Continual improvement of our personal information protection management system 

In order to enforce our personal information protection policy, we have established and implemented a personal information protection management system. In order to make this system more effective, all employees regularly undergo training and are subject to operational status audits. Furthermore, our privacy policy and personal information protection management system itself undergo continual review and improvement.

All our employees are required to exercise the utmost care in their daily operations, based on a clear understanding of the aims of our personal information protection policy and associated procedures for handling personal information.

We have adopted this strict privacy policy to guarantee and demonstrate our firm commitment to the protection of personal information.  

July 8, 2002 (enacted)
July 17, 2014 (latest revision)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific, Inc.

Please refer to the following for details on the handling of personal information

   Details section 1  [ Objectives for the use of personal information ]

   Details section 2 [ Personal information subject to disclosure ]

   Details section 3 [ Requesting the disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure ]

   Details section 4 [ Provision of personal information to third parties ]

   Details section 5 [ Inquiries and grievances ]


[ Objectives for the use of personal information ]

① This company’s main business operations are marketing research, public opinion research, and social research. Our objective is to survey and collect (acquire) information on consumer attitudes and usage pertaining to products and services, statistically process this data, and provide it to companies, groups, and other organizations. As a basic rule, personal information collected (acquired) is statistically analyzed in bulk formats, which is why individuals cannot be identified in any manner in the information we process.

② In order to identify individuals liable to take part in our marketing research (survey respondents), there are instances in which we collect (acquire) participant’s names, addresses, etc. in advance. We might make appropriate and legal use of a variety of information sources to contact and select survey participants, sources such as the Basic Resident Register (for public opinion and social research), telephone directories and residential maps, as well as various commercially available publications such as name lists, and also have our marketing research clients provide us this information directly.

③ In certain cases, we might solicit the cooperation of participants registered as monitors. The purpose for which the personal information collected (acquired) will be used is explained to the monitors when they apply for this position.

④ There are instances in which we collect (acquire) personal information such as respondents’ names and addresses on the spot, without specifically requesting their cooperation in our marketing research (as survey respondents). In such cases, the objective for which the information collected will be used is described to the respondents, either orally or in writing.

⑤Personal information provided by the company’s suppliers will be used only be used for business communication with our company.

[ Personal information subject to disclosure ]

“Personal information subject to disclosure” (Rights of privacy concerning personal information) is defined as follows according to JIS Q 5001: 2006

“Information composed of data systematically compiled and organized according to certain rules or collection methods, classified, indexed with a table of content and signs etc., in such a way that it can be retrieved using a computer, for which the operating business entity having the authority can respond to all requests for the disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, stopping of use, erasing, and stopping of provision of the content to a third party.”

The following defines the type of personal information handled by this company considered information subject to disclosure, and the objectives for use of such information  

  ① Types of personal information subject to disclosure:    
          Names, addresses, and answers to survey questions that meet research objectives

  ② Objective for use of personal information subject to disclosure:    
          To generate statistical data that contributes to the improvement of products and services

[ Requesting the disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure ]

This company will respond without delay to demands by individuals concerned and their representatives requesting further information on the purpose of use of the collected information, as well as the disclosure, revision (revisions of content, additions or deletions), or cessation of use (cessation of use, removal, and cessation of provision to third parties) of personal information subject to disclosure.

(1) Types of personal information subject to disclosure requests
  Names, addresses, and answers to survey question that meet research objectives

(2) Where to direct information disclosure requests.
   We ask that all requests for disclosure be made by postal mail to the following address, with the official application form completed in full and attached. The envelope must also bear the following mention: “Written Request for Disclosure Enclosed.”  

    Metro City Kamiyacho 8F
          5-1-5, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-0001
    J.D. Power Asia Pacific, Inc. Personal Information Protection Manager

(3) Documentation to submit when requesting information disclosure
  When requesting information disclosure, please download and fill in the application form(①)
  and enclose ID documentation(②)

 ① Application form       
        Application form for requesting disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure
        (please download and use the Application form (Privacy) via link at the bottom of this page)
 ② Required ID document    
        Please include one copy of an official ID document such as a driver’s license or passport

(4) Request for disclosure by proxy / legal representative
  People requesting information disclosure as the concerned person’s designated proxy / representative or acting
  as a minor’s legal representative or an adult ward are asked to enclose the following documents
  listed in ① and ②, in addition to the documentation specified in the above section.

  ① legal representative
   One copy of a document proving the authority of statutory legal representation
    In the case of parental authority, a copy of an official document proving parental relationship,
    such as the abstract of one’s resident register or other documents stating one’s dependent, is required.
   Document confirming one is acting as a minor’s legal representative or as an adult ward.
    One copy of the legal representative’s official ID document, such as a driver’s license or passport
 ② designated proxy / representative
   One signed Letter of attorney (power of attorney)
   One copy of the concerned individual’s legal seal impression certificate (notarization of Letter of attorney)

(5) Processing fee for disclosure  
  No processing fees are required.

(6) Method of response used for requests for disclosure  
  The response will be sent in writing by postal mail to the address indicated on the application form provided by the requestee.

(7) Uses of personal information collected (acquired) through a request for disclosure  
  Personal information collected (acquired) in connection to the request for disclosure will only be held for the time required for the treatment and response to the request.     
  Documents submitted will be saved for a period of two years following the completion of the response to the disclosure request, and then disposed of.

(8) Disclosure requests we are unable to fulfill  
  Please be advised that we will not be able to fulfill requests for which any of the following instances ① to ⑩ apply.
  If we are unable to fulfill a request, you will be notified and notified of the reason for our refusal.

 ① If the identity of the requestee cannot be established, due to the address on the application form differing from the address given on the ID document of the individual making the request or from the address registered with our company
 ② If the authority of representation by proxy cannot be determined on the basis of the application form
 ③ If the required application form is not completed correctly
 ④ If the information requested for disclosure does not fall into the category of personal information subject to disclosure
 ⑤ If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property or other rights or interests of the concerned individual or any third party
 ⑥ If there is reason to believe that the information will be used to facilitate wrongful acts or illegal activity or give rise to such risks
 ⑦ If the disclosure is likely to cause harm to national security, cause damage to the relationship of mutual trust with another country or an international organization, or cause a disadvantage in negotiations with another country
 ⑧ If there is a risk of hindering the prevention or investigations of crimes, the maintenance of prosecutions, execution of punishments, or maintenance of public safety and order
 ⑨ If there is a risk of critical interference with the proper execution of our company’s operations
 ⑩ If any other laws are broken

[ Provision of personal information to third parties ]

This company is committed to the proper management of personal information collected (acquired), and never provides it to third parties without the prior consent of the individual. However, the following instances are exceptions to this rule:

 ① When provision of the information is required by law
 ② When provision of the information is necessary to protect the life, safety and/or assets of the individual in question and it is difficult to get consent from that person
 ③ When provision the information is necessary to improve public health or to promote healthy development of children, but is difficult to obtain the concerned individual’s consent
 ④ When provision of the information is necessary to cooperate with national or local governments or public organizations or parties entrusted by national or local governments or public organizations in performing their legal duties, and when it is feared that obtaining prior consent from the individual in question might obstruct the execution of the said duties

[ Inquiries and grievances ]   

 Please contact the following offices for inquiries and grievances regarding the handling of personal information by our company

     J.D. Power Asia Pacific, Inc.  Personal Information Protection Services
     Operating hours:  Weekdays (Monday to Friday) 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
     Tel: 81-3-4550-8160

 Please be advised that we do not accept direct requests via personal visits to our company’s office.

Member of the Japan Marketing Research Association

 [Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations]

 The following authorized personal information protection group certifies our company and responds to complaints and grievances:

1. Name of the authorized personal information protection group certifying our company: Japan Information Processing Development Corporation (JIPDEC)
2. Please direct all complaints to: PrivacyMark Promotion Center  
 Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office 
 <Address> Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan
 <Tel> 0120-700-779


Application Form (Privacy)       

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