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Gundam, Votoms Creators Helm Talk at Tezuka Museum - Interest - Anime News Network Anime News Network
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20170128100537/http://www.animenewsnetwork.com:80/interest/2017-01-26/gundam-votoms-creators-helm-talk-at-tezuka-museum/.111461

Gundam, Votoms Creators Helm Talk at Tezuka Museum

posted on 2017-01-26 22:45 EST by Lynzee Loveridge

Gundam franchise creator Yoshiyuki Tomino will participate in a talk event with Armored Trooper Votoms creator Ryousuke Takahashi at the Tezuka Osamu Memorial Museum in Takarazuka, Hyogo. The mecha anime giants will helm the event "The Genetics of Mushi Productions ~Men Who Created Robots" on March 12.

Mushi Productions was Osamu Tezuka's own anime production studio. Both Tomino and Takahashi worked at the studio on works like Princess Knight, Astro Boy and Dororo before moving on to create their respective giant robot anime. The duo will discuss their personal memories of Tezuka and what drew them to create giant robot anime series.

Takahashi has described Tezuka's spirit as one of the greatest presences he's known in his life.

"Tezuka always said 'You are a creator just like I am.'" Takahashi recalled. "I cannot thank Tezuka enough for supporting me with those words."

Tickets are 700 yen and visitors must submit an application by February 16. If the venue receives a large number of applications, tickets will be distributed via lottery.

Source: Anime! Anime!

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