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IMDb: Lists related to Nicolas Winding Refn
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Lists related to Nicolas Winding Refn

a list of 40 people by mando-morales35 created 6 months ago
For directing, writing, producing, etc.
(In no order after Guillermo del Toro)
a list of 50 people by BenjaminVG created 2 months ago
a list of 78 people by Mitsuaki created 5 months ago
a list of 42 people by arron-kramers created 6 months ago
If I miss anyone, please let me know.
a list of 53 people by alimand created 7 months ago
The greatest directors of the future.
a list of 48 people by TheRegularHuman created 03 Aug 2012
This is a list of my favorite directors of whose films I enjoyed and/or have had an impact in my life. This list isn't in any particular order. Feel free to leave me more suggestions, I'll be glad to take them! :)
a list of 17 people by Uzara created 1 week ago
DWP I like.
a list of 276 people by Alex_Smith_777 created 3 months ago
It seems the list is pretty popular. Judging by the many Facebook likes a lot of people seem to agree with it.

a list of 47 people by i_am_the_number1 created 30 Sep 2010
a list of 84 people by hannesdewitte created 18 Mar 2012
a list of 60 people by minalex created 26 May 2012
Directors from Sweden (24), Denmark (22), Norway (7), Finland (6) and Iceland.
a list of 227 people by pryan96 created 2 weeks ago
a list of 17 people by charles-742-44974 created 1 month ago
no order
a list of 50 people by timlucia13 created 22 Oct 2011
In no particular order
a list of 52 people by KSTLeo created 9 months ago
a list of 32 people by mrtambourineman-966-633928 created 3 weeks ago
a list of 71 people by ivoaf created 8 months ago
I want very much to see their next projects
a list of 59 people by chabotage created 13 Mar 2012
a list of 9 people by misguidedghost created 3 months ago
A list of the hottest actors that are danish or partly danish. Prepare for some great hunks! .... for du for lækker'!
a list of 10 people by soul_mato created 26 May 2011
a list of 10 people by DaveDiggler created 4 months ago
This is a list of my ten favorite directors. With a note describing each one.
a list of 26 people by intertraveller created 20 Apr 2012
a list of 29 people by jonasgimbel created 2 months ago
a list of 10 people by salvatore-martusciello90 created 1 week ago
The list of my ten favourite film directors.
a list of 29 people by kenzy196 created 6 months ago
Those I respect and admire

[Not in order of preference]
a list of 50 people by michaakchoti created 17 Aug 2011
The list of the 50 best directors workin today.
a list of 1,084 people by crimson66 created 15 Dec 2011
Simply a list of all the directors of films that I've seen. It's used to correspond with my list entitled Every Film Seen.
a list of 29 people by DesertoRosso created 4 months ago
a list of 7 people by poltergeist07 created 07 Apr 2012
a list of 53 people by Cloud 9 created 05 Jan 2012
a list of 47 people by Fear_Of_Falling created 08 Jun 2011
Here is what I could pile together
a list of 21 people by bru-no created 3 months ago
19 films were announced April 18. Then, eight days later, the Jarmusch.
a list of 52 people by PunishU created 22 Jul 2012
There's plenty of filmmakers who's films aren't to one's taste or just might have a mixed resume but the ones that deserve this title are the hacks that keep getting work solely on producing drivel through their own production company and sharing what they believe to be worthy of sharing much to the world's disgust.

Here are the people who MUST refrain from ever sharing their work of "art" around the world again!
a list of 60 people by InherentlyViced created 20 Nov 2010
my FAVORITE, not who I consider the BEST.....

comments and suggestions are welcome...
a list of 27 people by sandor-enckell created 10 Dec 2011
a list of 17 people by cbaird2712 created 2 weeks ago
Some of my favorite directors working today
a list of 49 people by TMRode created 03 Jul 2012
The 90's gave us Tarantino, Fincher, PTA and the rise of the Coen Brothers. Then we got the emergence of directors such as Nolan, Aronofsky, Reitman, Inarritu, and Apatow in the 2000's. So let's explore some fresh new faces who could be on the rise next. Some of these directors have already established fine careers, while others show true promise to join them, but all have done less than a handful of films and have eager to see what they do next. Feel free to add names of filmmakers in the comments section that you believe in so that everyone has a chance to learn about them and experience their movies.
a list of 11 people by JavikKatarn created 2 months ago
a list of 10 people by GraemeHarwell created 5 months ago
A List of directors to keep an eye out for. They have a great future, and could possibly bring something new to the film industry. All of these already talented people could very well be the next big name.
a list of 189 people by thao created 08 Jun 2011
The first 5 are kind of set in stone. The next five are close to that. All directors in 11 to 20 could change place. The same goes for 21 to 30 and 31 to 40 and so on... And I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm forgetting someone very important! I'm going to keep this list updated.
a list of 46 people by oleok2 created 24 May 2011
a list of 18 people by TheGodFella created 9 months ago
In the best order I could come up with. I will update it occasionally. Also, I have never seen a film from Akira Kurosawa, David Lynch, Ingmar Bergman or Federico Fellini. These are the directors that have the biggest impact on me as a film viewer.
Finally, I've decided to only include directors whom I've seen more than one project from. I established this rule so I'm more comfortable with having certain directors on the list.
a list of 38 people by SoccerPhenomenon created 4 weeks ago
a list of 447 people by datamatyc created 4 months ago
directors of France,italy,Russia,Czech Republic,Spain,Russia,Denmark,Greece,Germany,England,Astrohungaros... 1-50 ITALY,51-100 FRANCE,101-175 SPAIN,176-225 GERMANY 226-315 EAST COUNTRIES OF EUROPA AND RUSSIA 316-339 THE BALTICS 340-365 OTHERS 366-447 ENGLAND
a list of 39 people by CinemaNoir created 26 Aug 2011
a list of 74 people by lon-chaney25 created 25 Jul 2012
The best directors I can currently think of. If you miss some obvious choices like Griffith, Tarkovsky, Fassbinder, Paul Thomas Anderson and others, the reason is that I haven't watched any movies by them yet. I certainly will include them in the future if they live up to my expectations.
a list of 127 people by killjojokill created 3 weeks ago
They were all my favorite directors and the list is totaly subjective
a list of 19 people by tsheridan94 created 09 Jun 2012
A humble list detailing my personal favorite directors whose high point in film I believe to have occurred in the 21st century. (For example, I love Quentin Tarantino, but as I believe his high point was with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, I will not be including him on the list). Same story with David Fincher, David Cronenberg, The Coen Brothers, etc. My personal favorite film by each is listed in every entry.
a list of 35 people by prelude_e_n_i_g_m_a created 4 months ago
Check out this list of these important directors and my other list... |Art-house|Surreal|Mystery| (Films)

This is a great starter list for someone looking to discover the power of cinema.

Please leave comments.
a list of 34 people by Jimmy Ramirez created 7 months ago
A list of the directors that inspire me to make my own movies. (From Most Favorite to Least) And my most favorite film from each director.
a list of 100 people by vortex1138 created 10 months ago
a list of 50 people by what_up_biz created 27 May 2011
a list of 19 people by andrew-tiberia created 7 months ago
In rough order..
a list of 25 people by Munty13 created 7 months ago
a list of 9 people by funny story created 1 month ago
a list of 25 people by Klop_Gob created 11 months ago
a list of 13 people by ck_mills created 28 Oct 2011
a list of 19 people by elighffalk created 7 months ago
People who has done good for the danish cinema. A list made from a dane to people outside of Denmark who might have developed (against all odds) an interest in danish cinema
a list of 42 people by edwards987 created 4 months ago
a list of 65 people by petroskaz created 7 months ago
This list is about my 65 favorite directors and the best in the world in my opinion! The order is random.
a list of 493 people by Barbara Ann O'Leary created 3 months ago
Men directors working in the past 10 years (2003 - 2013) I'm building this list in support of my initiative: A Yearlong Film Viewing Balancing Act #yfvba

a list of 21 people by matrix5904 created 8 months ago
21 fine directors for the next generation of cinema.

The next Kubrick, Scorsese and Speilberg's are on this list!
a list of 10 people by Grim Frog created 3 weeks ago
In this list directors who are only in it for the money, savagely push propaganda or are in the wrong buisness
a list of 43 people by Moviemaniacgirl-1 created 07 Aug 2011
They make films you can't help but love. (After the top two its not necessarily in order)
a list of 24 people by Kalle_Blomkvist created 16 Oct 2011
a list of 10 people by IMDB STAFF created 16 Apr 2012
Directors of independent film with small budgets but big time ambition and vision. We'd love to see the studios take a chance on these up and coming filmmakers.
a list of 12 people by simonedwards_1 created 12 Jun 2012
Directors who are possible greats in the making...Nolan not included he's made too many films to count. Same for Paul Thomas Anderson (Not the muppet who makes trash films like Three Muskerteers) Wes Anderson and Hans Cristian Anderson(Joke).
No particular order
a list of 50 people by fatpie42 created 18 Jul 2011
a list of 30 people by darkvlader created 08 Apr 2011
I think that this are the greatest directors of the new generation, a few of them aren't well known but their jobs are still great, there is a continuation for this list
a list of 23 people by Joondan created 10 months ago
a list of 30 people by EythorAH created 6 months ago
My favorite directors of all time
a list of 10 people by jamo682 created 2 weeks ago
Best living directors.
a list of 21 images by keithsim created 3 months ago
Follow Managing Editor Keith Simanton on Twitter for more Fest updates: IMDbKeith. The 66th annual Cannes Film Festival starts May 15th and runs through the 26th. Most people, even the hardiest of festivals goers and critics, will only see under a dozen of the films available in those eleven days. Cannes is, and isn't, about the films. Cannes is about the idea of films. Cannes is about the people, the artists, who make the films. Cannes is about the history of films and Cannes is about the future of films. The festival isn't really about the films showing that year at all. Still, artistic director Thierry Fremaux and his programmers have made sure there's an impressive lineup this year
a list of 40 people by benjamingonia created 24 Sep 2011
Based on the past 10 years or so. Loosely ordered. Subject to change. Recent notable work listed in the description.
a list of 13 people by Portman83 created 10 Feb 2012
This Rising Star Has Turned Heads
a list of 17 people by kult1978 created 09 May 2011
A list of directors, who have their own unique style.
a list of 75 people by battsbrady created 6 months ago
a list of 15 people by jjr22222 created 7 months ago
a list of 15 people by dudu_eu_7676 created 4 months ago
a list of 30 people by AWPlukemalone created 01 Oct 2011
a list of 24 people by oky-263-97115 created 2 weeks ago
a list of 50 people by underhill-dm created 14 Jul 2012
I haven't seen every movie known to man. So don't read this as a "50 Best Directors" list, I'm clearly not the one to be judging that. These are my favorites based on the films I've watched.
a list of 64 people by scottyb522 created 25 Jul 2012
Personal opinion.
a list of 18 people by ivo_shandor created 06 May 2012
a list of 41 people by JPizzleSAURUS created 09 Jun 2011
a list of 32 people by ilektra69 created 2 months ago
a list of 80 people by chaarithad-999-275614 created 08 May 2011
*A list of most creative and innovative directors*
**Only includes names of directors whose films I have seen**
***In hierarchical order***
****Only includes live-action directors****
a list of 18 people by darkvlader created 20 Jun 2012
Exactly what it says on the Title, they are in no particular order.
a list of 33 people by josh-sousa-623-326392 created 4 months ago
In my opinion, a film cannot be truly sound unless it has a talented director at the helm. This is my list of a few directors that both inspire me and create what I would call works of art. There is no real order to the list, but I do love some more than others.
a list of 10 people by nilbogman created 09 Dec 2011
a list of 44 people by bkrauser-81-311064 created 2 months ago
a list of 20 people by ajlobo created 3 weeks ago
a list of 39 people by sorenvonkahr created 03 Jun 2012
List of my favorite directors in the last 2-3 decades.
a list of 42 people by likelocloc-411-651239 created 01 Jul 2012
A list of my favourite directors.
a list of 34 people by Mohammed86 created 3 months ago
a list of 107 people by MrUmaBesta created 22 Apr 2012
Directors with a filmography everyone should see instead of seeing the *beep* james cameron. like and share it my good people.
a list of 120 people by Drissy created 25 Jun 2012
No Particular Order
a list of 19 people by arron-kramers created 6 months ago
This is who I think should direct the sequel to Skyfall in my opinion. If you disagree, that's okay!
a list of 100 people by alfares created 2 months ago
a list of 25 people by mattjamesallen27 created 11 Dec 2011
These are directors that inspire me or just blow me away. Some are pretty cliche' and some are pretty out there but they're the ones I like!
a list of 82 people by jornais123 created 1 month ago
a list of 65 people by PhAhmed created 2 months ago
a list of 19 people by heino-zunzer created 11 months ago
a list of 38 people by morganesab created 9 months ago
a list of 10 people by kgosi95 created 1 month ago
Just a list of directors that have made realize that movie making is an art form and not just a bold effort to extract money from innocent people.
a list of 14 people by erik_esk created 21 Oct 2011
a list of 10 people by raadadz created 08 Feb 2011
A few directors who have consistently created films that I love and admire.
a list of 25 people by raphael-pacchioni created 29 Feb 2012
a list of 28 people by the_new_fok created 9 months ago
Up and coming directors
a list of 17 people by theswanqueen created 02 May 2012
All just based on personal preference.
a list of 115 people by fritz-boehm created 11 months ago
in order of appearance 1889-2012
a list of 10 images by anchampala created 9 months ago
I'm not saying these people are the best. But still, they are my favorites.
a list of 90 people by Eddy-Dowd created 10 Sep 2011
Top 50 in no order, along with my favourite of their movies. Please give constructive criticism, suggestions etc.
a list of 10 people by mohsenk7596 created 1 month ago
a list of 10 people by gmqur created 06 Aug 2012
a list of 21 people by seb-292-506511 created 3 months ago
a list of 43 people by dario_me created 04 Dec 2011
a list of 97 people by crunk_juice19 created 19 Jul 2012
This is for directors who have only done 1-10 movie(s). I haven't counted shorts, TV movies, TV episodes, or Video Games. Just full-length movies.
a list of 24 people by Tommy_Swanhaus created 07 Feb 2012
A list of the people snubbed by the Academy for the 2012 Academy Awards.
a list of 20 people by jgibert15 created 14 Jul 2011
Consisting of under the radar actors and directors who are Hollywood's next big thing
a list of 14 people by zachecker created 9 months ago
a list of 27 people by vincent-mann-1 created 6 months ago
a list of 22 people by alsanson created 16 Nov 2011
a list of 33 people by jpeterschulte created 29 Jun 2012
a list of 45 people by filmfan211 created 9 months ago
Living and talented personalities successful at working behind the camera. They've found a distinct style that seems to work..some more consistently than others...
a list of 20 people by Elektromann created 23 Jul 2012
a list of 10 people by cheggaphil created 11 months ago
a list of 10 people by harvxx created 08 Jun 2012
2013 Directors to watch
a list of 10 people by Uzumaki-829-747603 created 8 months ago
A list of the 10 Best Directors currently active in my opinion.
a list of 28 people by ninaeatworld created 04 Jan 2012
a list of 55 people by shaunsdead created 17 Feb 2012
a list of 35 people by joachim_bm created 9 months ago
a list of 50 people by portmanteau created 12 May 2011
a list of 58 people by jose-ramirez161 created 21 Jun 2012
Ever since "The Avengers" people have been buzzing up DC and they have been listening.... Warner already casted the writer and now we need a director, producers, screenplays, and actors!
a list of 40 people by LeeTowler-543-203033 created 4 months ago
a list of 10 people by fionnb20 created 15 Dec 2011
In My opinion these are the best directors still alive today (2011)
a list of 15 people by movielover0804 created 30 Mar 2012
a list of 20 people by bogdan_manesvski created 3 months ago
Amazing moviemakers I admire in no particular order. Feel free to share your thoughts :)
a list of 95 people by nissebror created 23 May 2012
A list of directors I enjoy watching (in no particular order). This is not a judgement of their directorial ability. This is simply mentioning people who have directed movies I have enjoyed watching. Please suggest any additions in the comment section if you feel the need to do so.
a list of 20 people by fabiaoit-1 created 14 Jun 2011
a list of 45 people by atrock777 created 06 Mar 2012
a list of 103 people by Progressive-Element created 2 weeks ago
Actors followed by their respective directors
a list of 38 people by anji-13 created 31 May 2011
a list of 5 people by eyebrowmorroco created 7 months ago
Re-imagining The Silence of the Lambs
a list of 85 people by GeneticSugarKane created 28 Jul 2012
(according to me)
a list of 29 people by willsmankowski created 19 Oct 2011
In no particular order. Agree or disagree doesn't matter to me.
a list of 19 people by seansaddress created 8 months ago
These are the people that I consider to be the greatest directors.
a list of 113 people by schiszler-ocsi created 1 month ago
In this list I collected the people who had the biggest impact on me. Ive seen almost everything they have ever done and probably I'd sell my soul for them.

Not in order. Probably i missed some though, I'll update it.
a list of 60 people by ssgv created 25 Jul 2011
a list of 37 people by roman-lelek-387-473755 created 2 months ago
a list of 27 people by ozergeorge-1 created 29 Nov 2011
a list of 51 people by Mulvanertys103 created 03 May 2012
Alpahbetical order on the ones who have influenced me.
And the genre of film.
a list of 20 people by tanyatankiang created 8 months ago
a list of 50 people by MattMan79 created 19 Feb 2012
a list of 68 people by donegalcat created 15 Feb 2011
In no particular order
a list of 24 people by melissa_diaz created 4 months ago
Directors I want to see more work from and learn more about their filmmaking!
a list of 52 people by diegorj created 1 month ago
a list of 1,290 people by Rkenny4 created 1 week ago
a list of 120 people by henrik_guditz created 24 Jan 2012
This is a list of the directors I thnk are the best.
The list is in order.

I make my choices after thinkin of how much the movies costs, and how good they are. I think of how good the director is after the budget he/she has got for the movies they've made.
a list of 53 people by ovidijusburokas created 20 Feb 2012
My favorite directors and their favorite movies.
a list of 10 people by RealDuality created 1 month ago
This is a list based on current output instead of overall career, but consistency is a positive.
a list of 10 people by ajmarsh615 created 24 Apr 2011
a list of 20 people by batusahin1997 created 3 months ago
the world
a list of 25 people by critic7 created 06 Nov 2011
a list of 20 people by sandor-enckell created 18 Nov 2011
In no particular order
a list of 25 people by mpn08 created 1 month ago
a list of 17 people by filip-zbojek-558-803616 created 2 months ago
List of my favourite active filmmakers
a list of 10 people by MrOzymandias created 24 May 2012
a list of 217 people by sergtona created 13 Mar 2011
And their most rated film.


-The directors in the list have had directed at least 3 motion pictures by their own (no co-direction, no credits of production or script writing are countable). Exception here are with twin brothers like the Coen, the Dardenne or the Taviani.

-Only full length films are countable (60 minutes long at least, have had been shown in theatres or film festivals, not TV movies or short films)

-The fiction films directors has not counted their documentaries and viceversa.

-All nationalities or languages are able to be selected.

-If the information of a movie given by IMDb is not enough (no name of the actors in the film, no time given in the description, no date of release or no ratings) are not counted.

-The list is changing all time, but not daily, so there are going to be some ratings from movies and directors that are not acurate.

1.-The highest rating of the most rated film.
2.-The number of viewers of the most rated film.
3.-The number of films made by the director (lowest films made).
4.-The sum of the totally of the films ratings of the directors.
5.-The age of the most rated movie.
a list of 15 people by midyas096 created 7 months ago
a list of 80 people by chwebb1 created 3 weeks ago
Still a work in progress.
a list of 72 people by brekalo_rtf created 5 months ago
This is my list of favourite directors.

Directors are generally arranged in the order which,after the 20th, roughly loses its significance. With the directors are set and movies that I watched of these directors ranked from the best to the worst (although there are not a lot of bad movies here).

Ratings are there purely for the reason to make a difference between individual films, of course it is impossible evaluated movies this way.

Directors on the list, of which I saw only one or two films are there because I will watch their movies in future.

My other lists:
Favourite Movies of all time

My Heroes and Villains list

The Best Movie Soundtracks Ever
a list of 28 people by marvinditsch created 6 months ago
a list of 50 people by rom-1 created 3 months ago
a list of 35 people by rattled_by_the_rush created 4 months ago
a list of 10 people by christian_baker_pookey1 created 3 months ago
My favorite directors and my fave works from them.!
a list of 66 people by ticatssuck created 11 months ago
Followed by what I believe to be their best film. Feel free to suggest more names in the comments
a list of 10 people by IndianaJones1981 created 15 Aug 2011
a list of 27 people by smallandmighty-294-659109 created 16 Feb 2012
A compilation of some of, in my opinion, the best directors of films I've seen, along with my favourite of their works.

One of these '*' things means they've written or co-written the film as well.
And a '#' means I didn't like that particular film.
a list of 20 people by i-was-the-walrus created 9 months ago
There may be great omissions from this list due to my lack of knowledge of foreign language films. However this is a terrible wrong I would like to right so if anyone has any suggestions they would be most welcome.
a list of 61 people by fchiare19 created 3 months ago
a list of 25 people by criticscircle created 3 months ago
A list (mostly directors) of the people I feel to be some of the most creative storytellers working in film today.
a list of 18 people by SpuzzHardwick created 07 Feb 2012
a list of 20 people by MonsieurMoustache created 4 months ago
in work
a list of 10 people by thao created 10 Jul 2011
a list of 63 people by ratcityfilmsociety created 03 Apr 2012
In no particular order, these are the directors that I expect great cinematic value in even their weakest works. This list will grow over time and I am declaring a two film minimum.
a list of 100 people by jdwilburn101 created 08 Nov 2011
A list of actors, writers, directors & producers I want to work with. This is in no order!
a list of 10 images by deniseb_1986 created 6 months ago
Ten red hot pictures of Ryan Gosling
a list of 105 people by Hankgea created 30 Jun 2012
a list of 10 people by darkvlader created 23 Jan 2012
I've only seen some of the movies coming out here, I point out which are.
a list of 61 people by MyID123456 created 12 Jan 2012
a list of 53 people by ryanbutler-262-213149 created 20 Jan 2012
Best directors and creative minds working today.
a list of 32 people by William Kjartan Gásadalur Holm-Rasmussen created 09 Aug 2012
My personal Favourite Directors/Writers.... Love their work!

List is in no particular order .... and yeah... have watched around 95% of all their official work.

Check out my other lists!!

Best CRazy - Guy Ritchie/English/Irish action movies!

Series You Got To Watch!

2012 Movies You Got To WATCH!

2011 Movies You Got To WATCH!

Best Male Actors EVER!
a list of 72 people by charles-742-44974 created 06 Mar 2011
With their best film
a list of 10 people by florian-hennefarth created 25 Nov 2011
The best directors of our time - in my opinion.
a list of 38 people by sacredsheep created 30 Jul 2012
a list of 3,500 people by dan_dassow created 3 months ago
This is a variation on the game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Each person is linked to their most popular film that has not already been mentioned in the list. Each film in turn is linked to most popular person not already mentioned.

See also:
Many Degrees of Kevin Bacon - Most Popular (Films)
Sort by popularity

a list of 26 people by adog1990 created 10 months ago
Please dont hate me for this and this is a list of directors who have never being nominated for Best Director or Screenplay, but always have their movies or the movies they worked on nominated for different Oscar catagories. I will make a top list of what I think are the worst directors of all time.
a list of 10 people by GenericBadGuy created 3 months ago
These directors are incredible and are film geniuses. This list is in order
a list of 38 people by mads-wivelsnejbjerg created 1 month ago
Here is a list of the best directors there has ever been. Most of them are my favorites, and some of them are just great.
a list of 57 people by Keeno Rhys created 5 months ago
And some of my favorite films by them.
a list of 1,016 people by Paul Hamell created 28 Sep 2010
This is my list of Greatest Directors therefore it is my opinion. I placed each directors films that I saw in four different categories and the ones I did not see are under Other Notable Film(s):.

The films that I believe are classics are under Greats:, while the films that I enjoyed but does not reach the highest level are under Give It a Shot:.

The next two categories are movies I did not particulary enjoy, the films under Caution: I really did not enjoy but something about the movie I either liked or respected. The last category is the films I did not like at all which are under Flops:.

✦ Indicates that the film is listed in the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films

✧ Indicates that the film is listed in 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films

✖ Indicates that the film was previously listed in the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films

☒ Indicates that the film was previously listed in the 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films
a list of 100 people by mfilmslove created 4 months ago
This is a list of film directors I find to be astonishing and brilliant in so many ways. Maybe sometimes they have made a dud or two, but (and I know this sounds a bit casual) no one is perfect, especially if you direct films.
a list of 31 people by MikeKincaid created 18 Jun 2011
a list of 15 people by proun321 created 10 Oct 2011
a list of 44 people by danielklassen_13 created 10 Aug 2012
Directors I enjoy the most, and some that I don't... not a best directors list.

I still have quite a lot to see and will update as I watch, I would like to hear some suggestions, I know of many that I just haven't gotten around to seeing yet.

Thanks for reading!
a list of 27 people by Nathanael Lopez created 2 months ago
a list of 99 people by la_beignoire created 09 Sep 2011
With seen\rated movies listed

-------------- LAST UPDATE ----------------

Michael Curtiz's Casablanca (1942 - #1) 9/10

From UNRANKED to #89
a list of 26 people by ryan-nevers created 3 months ago
Directors whose career started before the 21st Century but have made some of the greatest movies during this timespan count
a list of 20 people by jimmywop created 09 May 2011
a list of 15 people by msimmonsfilm-487-371351 created 1 month ago
a list of 47 people by cinema-paraist created 3 months ago
a list of 57 people by SimpleIdea created 16 Jan 2011
only directors which I've seen some of their films
a list of 12 people by Blake_Dew created 15 Jan 2011
a list of 16 people by realelite9 created 01 Feb 2012
a list of 21 people by zrcrosswait created 8 months ago
a list of 20 people by cgkmcgovern created 5 months ago
A list of the best 21st Century directors with fresh styles and ideas.
a list of 42 people by agirloftheworld created 7 months ago
a list of 54 people by efren5901 created 16 Jan 2011
a list of 23 people by oli-reed created 11 months ago
a list of 9 people by jgibert15 created 11 months ago
a list of 15 people by lucaserra90 created 19 Jul 2012
David Fincher is the 1st, the others are not in order!
a list of 109 people by leroyoftheking created 17 Jan 2011
a list of 68 people by PresidentCthulhu created 1 month ago
This is a personal log of directors I am interested in and the films of theirs that I've seen.
a list of 81 people by DillonBonfanti created 29 Jan 2012
Note: Not all of the Directors' works are listed.
a list of 48 people by sara-j-kearns created 13 Nov 2011
a list of 48 people by peedidee created 27 Jul 2012
This is a list of directors i like to keep an eye on for upcoming movies! I'm not saying that all of them are the greatest that's ever been but some of their past work has interested me (in no particular order)
a list of 10 people by mysim20 created 1 month ago
a list of 193 people by khm777 created 10 months ago
Hre I have listed absoluteley ALL actors, actresses, directors and composers I have to keep updated on at all times. I have no limits regarding how many I can put in this list - that would be impossible.
a list of 10 people by jinniehein created 6 months ago
a list of 30 people by mael-vannes created 8 months ago
a list of 32 people by The_Cake_of_Roth created 2 months ago
No order
a list of 5 people by loggins1983 created 21 Apr 2012
Having read that after The Dark Knight Rises they are planning a reboot of the series. I would just like summit some names for the key roles and a director. Anyone has any other ideas please comment.
a list of 489 people by dziwnytenswiat created 16 Sep 2011
a list of 100 people by justjoustin created 7 months ago
(personal favourites listed underneath)
a list of 43 people by Blake_Dew created 22 Nov 2010
This is not a list of the best director just my favourites
a list of 20 people by Mitch259 created 03 May 2012
Simple really; a list of 20 directors whose work I really love and could watch any day ...
a list of 14 people by davidgork0711-397-763763 created 1 month ago
a list of 99 people by Not_Even_Dreams created 29 Mar 2012
My "in progress" list of the top Directors involved in cinema. These are people who have either created original and inventive films, or seamlessly applied groundbreaking new techniques to appeal to telling better stories through the language of film. This list is also based on my personal opinion, and listed in order that I find most influential, personally.
a list of 9 people by whendreamsattackpictures created 2 months ago
If and when I make my batman film, this is how I would like to cast it. Because I'm a real Batman fan...not some jerk-off who wants to make Batman a pussy like Chris Nolan did.
a list of 74 people by katish7 created 01 Oct 2011
a list of 100 people by danpivalwil created 2 months ago
a list of 61 people by rati-pachulia created 04 Jan 2012
a list of 10 people by stevenlitsas created 28 Sep 2011
My favorite geniuses behind the scenes of the magic that is film making. They have been orchestrating my love of films for quite some time.
a list of 18 people by pinguimronin created 7 months ago
a list of 13 people by IrishThighs created 02 Apr 2012
Anything they do...
a list of 14 people by HeavyMetalucifer created 24 Jul 2012
a list of 125 people by scott-k-murray created 6 months ago
Showing lists 1 to 250.
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