NASA Making Progress In Search For Flagbearer

Mudavadi Update on the NASA Memorandum to IEBC
Mudavadi Update on the NASA Memorandum to IEBC

The technical committee formed by the National Super Alliance (Nasa) to help identify the presidential candidate has agreed on general guidelines as they move to break the deadlock on who among the four principals should fly the opposition’s flag.

In some of the guidelines the Nationobtained from interviews with multiple sources involved in the process, Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka appears to be the constant in all the scenarios that will be presented to the quartet of party principals within the next few weeks.

ODM leader Raila Odinga, his Amani National Congress counterpart Musalia Mudavadi, Ford Kenya chief Moses Wetang’ula and Mr Musyoka are all seeking to be the united opposition’s flagbearer.

Whereas the team is aware that the final call on who flies the flag lies with the principals, they are said to be in agreement that any pair that has either Mr Odinga, Mr Mudavadi or Mr Wetang’ula, in no particular order of candidate or running mate, will not sell since they all come from the western part of the country.

Such a ticket, the committee feels, would be perceived as a Western affair to the detriment of the alliance’s overall health.

The thinking makes Mr Musyoka the fulcrum around which the negotiations will revolve. He could either be the candidate or a running mate to any of the three.

With full knowledge of this, Nasa strategists believe intelligence officers have been monitoring the team’s every move while Jubilee is thought to be keen on having Mr Musyoka bolt out and have his own presidential campaign to divide the opposition votes.

Even after he made it clear that he would not be joining forces with the ruling party, Mr Musyoka remains a prized target of Mr Kenyatta’s camp.


The opposition strategists are also advising that any talks about power-sharing should be based on existing positions in the Constitution.

The team has been charged with coming up with, among other things, a formation to run against Jubilee’s ticket of Mr Kenyatta and his Deputy Mr William Ruto and also have structures to ensure the outfit remains intact ahead of the August elections.

The committee comprises members from the academia, former government bureaucrats and political strategists.

Vihiga Senator George Khaniri, an ally of Mr Mudavadi’s, said the talks were on schedule.

“I am privy to the discussions and I know that good progress is being made. We will surprise critics who think that we may not agree on a single candidate,” he said.

This week they have met the principals at least two times to update them on the progress. A source who sits in the committee further clarified that contrary to media reports last week that they had handed in an interim report, they are yet to do so.

“They meet the four principals whenever they need direction on a matter they feel they cannot proceed on without their concurrence,” said an insider.
Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama corroborated this position.


“We are yet to get any report. It is work in progress and when it is ready it will be one, no provisional and no final, just one,” he said.

Formed a fortnight ago, the committee has at least two weeks to present a report offering suggestions on how to face the elections as a single unit.