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Catholic Financial Life Blog

Giving Back to Our Catholic Members Through Fraternal Benefits

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Sep 6, 2012 5:29:25 AM

At Catholic Financial Life, giving back to our members is our main goal. In 2011, we put our Catholic values in action by providing a variety of benefits and programs to our members, which in turn help them continue their mission of serving God by serving others within their local communities. We are proud of our track record of sharing our financial successes with our members.

In 2011, the Society distributed nearly $30 million in the form of dividends and interest to our members, and more than $377,000 was distributed through our member benefit programs, and $234,500 awarded to member-students attending grade school, high school and college through our scholarship programs.

As a result, more than 95% of our life insurance and annuity business continued in force, exceeding industry averages and demonstrating our members’ loyalty and recognition of the outstanding value they receive.

Here are some benefit highlights:

  • Family Protection Benefit - $13,000 was provided to members through the Prenatal Benefit, Newborn Benefit, and Guaranteed Issue Benefits.

  • Orphan Program - $8,200 in financial assistance to member-orphans for monthly living expenses and college tuition

  • Child Cancer Treatment Benefit - $10,000 was issued to assist members with the cost of cancer treatment

  • Spiritual Benefits - $15,171 was distributed to members to help them attend Catholic summer camps and retreats, and to commemorate Baptisms, First Communions, and Weddings

  • Estate Planning Benefit - $6,050 in financial subsidies to 121 members for the preparation or updating of estate planning documents

  • Family Care Suite – 30 members took advantage of the hospitality apartment offered to members or families of members receiving medical treatment in the Milwaukee area

  • ScriptSave® - Members saved $78,756 on 4,724 prescriptions through this prescription savings program

  • 50 & 75-Year Member Recognition – More than $41,000 was used to honor our long-time loyal members

  • Regional Member Activities – More than 8,000 members attended ballgames, a zoo outing, camp out, pilgrimage, and other regional events

  • Scholarships to Members - $94,000 was awarded to member-students attending Catholic elementary schools. $70,000 was given to Catholic high school students, and $70,500 helped members attend college

The most important outcome of 2011 is that Catholic Financial Life continued to fulfill its promises to you, our members. Together we strengthened our financial position while continuing our commitment to provide financial assistance to our members and to support your volunteer efforts in making your communities, schools and parishes better places to live, learn and worship.

The increased uncertainty in our economy means that now more than ever, the Society’s long-standing tradition of conservative fiscal management will serve our members well.

We remain committed to enhancing the organization’s long-standing tradition of financial stability.

For more information about our membership benefits, please contact Catholic Financial Life today.

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Topics: Member Magazine, Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, Our Catholic Faith

Catholic Values in Action - Winooski Vermont

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Jun 19, 2012 10:40:39 AM

On May 12, 2012 Catholic Financial Life Chapter N035 in Winooski, Vermont sponsored a "Stampede" walk/run event for adults and children. The event was held at St. Francis Xavier School, and saw 84 participants running or walking, and another 25 plus working or cheering on the participants.

A total of $2078 was raised for the benefit of St. Francis Xavier School, including matching funds from Catholic Financial Life!

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Topics: Catholic Financial Life, Education, Volunteerism & Service, events, Our Catholic Faith

Volunteers Participate in Join Hands Day

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

May 10, 2012 6:54:18 AM

Karen Stiles (center) with Catholic Financial Life's Southeastern Wisconsin Agency Manager, Jim Schaefer (far right) and numerous Catholic Financial Life Chapter volunteers assemble backpacks as part of a Join Hands Day service project.

Catholic Financial Life volunteers from Chapters 278-Paris, 151-Kenosha, 175-Burlington, 202-Racine, and W106-Burlington and many community volunteers helped fill backpacks for children who have unmet nutritional needs as part of a service project honoring Join Hands Day. Join Hands Day is a national event sponsored by the American Fraternal Alliance, and is held on the first Saturday in May each year. The collaborative effort brought together volunteers from Catholic Financial Life, a local 4-H club, Girl Scouts, Paris Grade School, Union Grove High School, St. Joseph's High School and several families.

Catholic Financial Life advisor, Karen Stiles explained that she and other volunteers from Catholic Financial Life were looking for a service project that could help combat childhood hunger in the area and found substantial need in Western Kenosha County. In one district, 46 percent of its students are eligible for free and reduced lunch. Knowing these children have access to food during the week while at school, Stiles realized there would be a need for food at home over the weekend.

Volunteers from the various organizations packed and assembled over 650 backpacks that will be distributed to children in six public schools and two parochial schools in the Western Kenosha County area.

Catholic Financial Life and the Westosha Kiwanis Club provided monetary support for the service project, while Love INC and The Sharing Center served as partners.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd7e8g9utT8&w=560&h=315]

Video courtesy of West of the I, Western Kenosha County's news source.

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Topics: Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, events

Catholic Financial Life Walks for a Great Cause

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

May 1, 2012 9:04:43 AM

A little rain, wind and cold never stopped these walkers who were dedicated to raising funds for the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee's "Beds4Kids" walk. Catholic Financial Life home office associates and members from Chapter 206-Milwaukee SW braved the cold, wet weather and earned the team trophy for most money raised by a single team at Saturday's event. (Catholic Financial Life's home office team raised $2700 for the cause.) The event's proceeds will help purchase beds for children and families in the community who are without a proper place to sleep at night. The walk was held at Mt. Mary College in Milwaukee and walkers trekked along the scenic Menomonee River Parkway to support a cause that's close to their hearts.

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Topics: Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, Our Catholic Faith

Catholic Financial Life Chapter 88-Madison, Wis., President Wins Citizen of the Year Award

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Mar 22, 2012 11:19:21 AM

For Colleen McCormick, the 2012 Citizen of the Year award came as a complete surprise to her. McCormick is President of Catholic Financial Life Chapter 88 in Madison, Wis., and has been volunteering in the McFarland community for decades. Aside from her volunteer work with Catholic Financial Life, McCormick is also an active member of the McFarland Lioness Club, a Knight of Sight Fellowship recipient, has transported donor eyes for transplants, has served on the McFarland Senior Outreach Services committee and much more.

McCormick is also active in her parish, Christ the King Catholic Church, and regularly works with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

In an article from the McFarland Thistle, Colleen said of volunteering “there’s always something to be done. It might seem like the least little thing. [Volunteering] is an easy way for people to be made aware of some of the needs that are out there. There are a lot of needs that aren’t being met. The least little thing you can do is worth your time and effort. You gain so much more than you have ever given.”

Colleen and her husband have lived in McFarland since 1966 and both enjoy volunteering for their community. Since 1988, the annual McFarland Citizen of the Year program has received numerous nominations each year from local community members who seek to honor one of their own. This year it happened to be Colleen McCormick, who says volunteering is just a normal part of her life.

Congratulations to Colleen, recipient of McFarland's Citizen of the Year award, for putting your Catholic values in action!

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Topics: Catholic Financial Life, Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action

Eight Ideas to Enrich Your Lenten Experience

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Mar 13, 2012 9:26:00 AM

Easter Lillies with CrucifixLent calls us to look within our hearts and reach out in service to others. The season of Lent grants us the opportunity to turn inward as we are called to reflect on our transgressions, discern our commitment to living the gospel, and experience a renewal of spirit to come at Easter. The Lenten season also asks us to pray, fast, and give to those in need. Here are eight easy ways you can enrich your Lenten Experience this year:

  1. Pray, pray, and pray some more. Prayer can take many forms. During this Holy Season, make more time for lenten prayers in your life. Find your voice when praying alone and join your voice with others in the community. Open yourself to watch for and listen to guidance from God. Pray for vocations, pray for those new to the faith, and pray for those who've fallen away. Pray for our troops. Pray for those who've lost jobs. Visit our Prayer Network on our website and offer your prayers for those who've asked for assistance. The need for prayer is endless.

  2. Add goodness to your life. Lent isn't only about sacrifice. Identify something negative in your life and work to change it or replace it with something positive.

  3. Practice forgiveness. Just as you examine your own sins and ask for absolution, make an effort to forgive others.

  4. Focus on faith for forty days. Be more aware of your daily choices. What do you watch on TV? What music are you listening to? What books and magazines are you reading? What websites are you visiting? Ask yourself, "Is what I am consuming nourishing for my soul?"  Consider signing up for our Lenten Reflections Series to receive daily messages of Scripture and prayer.

  5. Live simply and add peace to your life. Unplug or limit access to electronics. Slow your schedule down and focus on the things that really matter - your faith, family and helping others.

    Hands hold inspiration
  6. Exchange a daily habit for a donation. Do you get coffee on your way to work or buy lunch everyday? Make your coffee at home or bring a homemade sandwich or leftovers for your lunch during Lent and donate the money you save to charity.

  7. Invite a friend to church. Make a special effort during Lent to share your faith with others. Reach out to others and practice one-on-one evangelization.

  8. Volunteer to help the poor - and bring the kids. Volunteering for a local charity or cause is a great way to give back to your community. It also teaches kids the importance of stewardship and helping those who are less fortunate.


Sign up for Lenten Reflections



Related Posts:

What is the Lenten Season and Why Do Christians Observe it?
Jelly Bean Prayer: A Family Activity In Observance of Lent
The Color Symbolism of Lent and Easter
Lent: A Season of Repentance and Renewal

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Topics: Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, Family, Our Catholic Faith

Catholic Financial Life Provides Third Year of Support to St. Vincent de Paul

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Mar 8, 2012 3:11:13 AM

Friends of the Poor WalkSince 2009, Catholic Financial Life has been providing monetary and volunteer support to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Read on to hear of all the great things our many chapter volunteers, members and associates have done to put their Catholic values in action throughout 2011.

During 2011, Catholic Financial Life was a major sponsor of the SVdP annual “Friends of the Poor Walk,” and donated more than $166,000 through various Society-wide and local chapter activities in support of SVdP. Catholic Financial Life associates and members also clocked in excess of 17,000 hours of volunteer time on behalf of SVdP through local projects.

Since the partnership began, Catholic Financial Life has provided over $440,000 to SVdP and nearly 42,000 hours of service, valued at almost $891,000 based on a calculation of the value of volunteer time by the Independent Sector.

“Our partnership with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul allows us to put our Catholic values in action. As Catholics we are called to reach out to individuals in need, especially those lacking in the basic necessities of life,” remarks Bill O’Toole, President and CEO of Catholic Financial Life.

Over one-hundred Catholic Financial Life Chapters held activities in support of SVdP during 2011, helping to raise over $95,000 in funding. Chapter volunteers provided 16,000 hours of support to SVdP throughout the year and nearly $10,000 worth of non-perishable items were collected through chapter events and donated to local SVdP sites.

In addition to chapter support, Catholic Financial Life associates have also taken this cause to heart in 2011:

  •         Thirty-eight home office associates participated in the second-annual Fraternal Day of Service, which marked the two-year anniversary of the merger between Catholic Knights and Catholic Family Life Insurance. Associates worked 76 hours painting, cleaning and organizing the kitchen and dining room areas of a local Milwaukee SVdP Meal Program site.

  •        Twenty-five home office associates and family members—the largest team to date—participated in the annual “Friends of the Poor Walk” in Milwaukee on April 30. The team raised $2,700 through donations and matched funds.

  •        Twenty-one associates from the home office volunteered to work a total of 54 hours at a “block party” for patrons of a local Milwaukee SVdP meal site.

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Topics: Catholic Financial Life, Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, Our Catholic Faith

St. Vincent de Paul Wedding Dress Sale in Milwaukee

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Feb 2, 2012 8:09:47 AM

Calling all brides!

A bridal blowout sale will take place from 9am-8pm February 9 – 11, 2012. at 12730 W. Burleigh St. in Wauwatosa, Wis.

In November, St. Vincent de Paul - Milwaukee (SVdP) was the beneficiary of over 1,000 bridal dresses, hats, jewelry and other accessories from Apollo Bridal Store, which closed their doors late last year. Prices for the dresses start at $50 and all proceeds from the sale will directly benefit the Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Milwaukee (SVdP). Monies raised will be used to purchase beds for children in need, which is SVdP's largest request.

“It is a win-win situation” states Deborah Duskey, Executive Director.  “The brides-to-be-score a great sale and St. Vincent de Paul Society will have the increased revenue to purchase an expected 500 beds.”


Want to help?

In order for this event to be successful, SVdP is still in need of volunteers. It's a great way to help a new bride find her dream dress, and a great opportunity for those who are applying for Catholic Financial Life scholarships to gain volunteer/service hours.  If you are able to help, or know of others who may be interested please call  Beth Hohenfeldt, Vincentian Membership Coordinator at (414) 462-7837 ext. 106.

In the News:

More information:

Bridal Flyer

Bridal Sale Location:

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=12730+W.+Burleigh+St.&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=12730+W+Burleigh+St,+Wauwatosa,+Wisconsin+53222&gl=us&sqi=2&t=m&z=14&ll=43.074563,-88.066486&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

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Topics: Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, events

Volunteers Share Holiday Joy with Milwaukee Catholic Students

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Dec 8, 2011 8:32:48 AM

The joy of the holiday season comes early to grade school students at St. Rose and St. Leo Catholic School and Messmer Preparatory Catholic School in Milwaukee, Wis. This Friday, volunteers from Catholic Financial Life's Chapter 318 will visit the schools to worship and share holiday joy with Messmer’s urban students. The students, most of whom come from low-income homes, will also receive gifts, cookies and milk.

The Catholic Financial life volunteers are led by Chapter 318-Mequon/Cedarburg members Ken and Pat Tushaus. This year marks their seventh year of outreach at Christmastime. The Tushauses chose to become involved with Messmer because they were so impressed with the schools’ outcomes in urban education under President Br. Bob Smith’s leadership.

Mrs. Pat Tushaus also volunteers at Messmer Catholic Schools, providing one-on-one assistance to young learners who struggle with reading skills. She looks forward to seeing the smiles on students’ faces Friday, commenting, “All of our volunteer members admire the teachers and enjoy speaking individually with students. It is interaction that allows the students to feel valued, and allows the volunteers the great joy of sharing gifts with others.”

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Topics: Catholic Financial Life, Education, Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, events, Our Catholic Faith

Make a Difference Day - Saturday, Oct. 22

Posted by catholicfinanciallife

Oct 20, 2011 4:05:31 AM

This coming Saturday is Make a Difference Day. Celebrated on the fourth Saturday of October and created by USA WEEKEND Magazine, it's the largest volunteering day in the nation.

Several Catholic Financial Life chapters are sponsoring and participating in activities surrounding Make a Difference Day:

Chapter 120 - Watertown, Wis.
Annual Halloween Bingo

Chapter 54 - Oshkosh, Wis.
Volunteering at the Cerebral Palsy Respite House in Oshkosh

Chapter N 163 - Prefontaine-Sanford, Maine
Nursing home visits

For more Chapter event listings, click here...

Tell us what you have planned for Make a Difference Day in the comments below.  See also our post on the "Top Five Characteristics of Great Volunteers" and let us know what you're doing to make a difference in your community!

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Topics: Volunteerism & Service, Catholic Values in Action, events