Laws and permits

Brisbane City Council administers and enforces regulations around keeping of animals, noise, pollution, vegetation, fences and health and safety. Permits are sometimes required for these and other areas. Find out when permits are required and how to apply.

""Laws & permits for residents

If you want to register your pet, are building a pool or spa, starting a home business or live in a traffic controlled area, there are local laws and permits you may need to know about.

""Laws & permits for businesses

Many commercial activities in Brisbane, including food businesses, advertising and pet shops require permits.  Find information about what commercial activities are covered by local laws.

""Local laws

Council makes and enforces local laws. Check out the Register of Local Laws, a map and background to the Queen Street Mall smoking ban, and any new laws passed including the Footpath Dining Local Law.

""Complaints & fines

Information on how to make a complaint to Council, or what to do if you want dispute a fine.