Healthy Waterplay

The Healthy Waterplay Program involves ths assessment of microbial water quality and providing information to the public about the potential health risks when using recreational waterways. This will enable people to make informed decisions about where and when to use waterways for recreation.

A number of local governments monitor popular recreational waterways at various locations throughout South East Queensland. Recreational water quality monitoring in South East Queensland is being undertaken in line with national guidelines. The reporting framework and sanitary inspection assessment tools are currently being finalised. Key health messages and suitability grades will be developed and reported once monitoring is completed in 2016. 

Healthy Waterplay supports regionally consistent monitoring, reporting and management of human health risks in recreational waterways. The Healthy Waterplay Program is a regional initiative in South East Queensland supported by local governments, water utilities, state government, universities and other relevant organisations.

Top Tips to enjoy waterways safely

There are two types of recreation in our waterways – primary contact is any activitity where the whole body or face is frequently immersed in water, while secondary contact is activities where only the limbs are regularly wet and swallowing water is unusual.

Follow these tips and always use your best judgement to decide if it is safe to enter a waterway:

  • Avoid primary contact recreation with waterways during, and at least one day after, heavy rain in open waterways and beaches, and for at least three days within confined bays and estuaries.
  • Always avoid primary contact recreation in or near stormwater drains.
  • Look out for indicators of pollution before entering waterways including discoloured or strong smelling water, and floating litter, scum or debris.
  • Avoid primary contact recreation with waterways if you have an open wound or infection.
  • Look for posted warning signs and follow the advice on them.

Enjoy Our Waterways Safely

Watch our Channel 7 Community Service Announcement for top tips on how to enjoy our waterways safely.