(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XVI., CHAPTER IV., section 15
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Along the coast there are both pillars and altars of Pytholaus, Lichas, Pythangelus, Leon, and Charimortus, that is, along the known coast from Deire as far as Notu-ceras; but the distance is not determined. The country abounds with elephants and lions called myrmeces (ants).1 They have their genital organs reversed. Their skin is of a golden colour, but they are more bare than the lions of Arabia.

It produces also leopards of great strength and courage, and the rhinoceros. The rhinoceros is little inferior to the elephant; not, according to Artemidorus, in length to the crest,2 although he says he had seen one at Alexandreia, but it is somewhat about [ * * * less]3 in height, judging at least from the one I saw. Nor is the colour the pale yellow of boxwood, but like that of the elephant.4 It was of the size of a bull. Its shape approached very nearly to that of the wild boar, and particularly the forehead; except the front, which is furnished with a hooked horn, harder than any bone. It uses it as a weapon, like the wild boar its tusks. It has also two hard welts, like folds of serpents, encircling the body from the chine to the belly, one on the withers, the other on the loins. This description is taken from one which I myself saw. Artemidorus adds to his account of this animal, that it is peculiarly inclined to dispute with the elephant for the place of pasture ; thrusting its forehead under the belly [of the elephant] and ripping it up, unless prevented by the trunk and tusks of his adversary.

1 λέων μみゅー́ρμηξ. Agatharchides calls them μυρμηκολέων, and Ælian simply μύρμηξ. What animal is intended by the name is uncertain. In b. xv. c. i. § 44, the marmot seems to be described.

2 What the words πぱい σしぐまεいぷしろんιいおたρろーνにゅー mean is doubtful. Casaubon supposes that some words are wanting in the text; Groskurd proposes to read πぱい κεφαλῆς πぱい οおみくろんρろーνにゅー, ‘from the head to the tail.’

3 The passage is corrupt, and some words are wanting to complete the sense. Groskurd proposes, ‘a span less.’

4 Pliny, viii. 29.

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