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Strabo, Geography, BOOK IV., CHAPTER VI., section 10
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Near to these regions dwell the Iapodes, (a nation now mixed with the Illyrians, and Kelts,) close to them is [the Mount] Ocra.1 Formerly the Iapodes were numerous, in- habiting either side of the mountain, and were notorious for their predatory habits, but they have been entirely reduced and brought to subjection by Augustus Cæsar. Their cities are Metulum,2 Arupenum,3 Monetium,4 and Vendon.5 After these is the city of Segesta,6 [situated] in a plain. Near to it flows the river Save,7 which discharges itself into the Danube. This city lies in an advantageous position for carrying on war against the Dacians.8 Ocra forms the lowest portion of the Alps, where they approach the territory of the Carni, and through which they convey the merchandise of Aquileia in waggons to Pamportus.9 This route is not more than 400 stadia. From thence they convey it by the rivers as far as the Danube and surrounding districts, for a navigable river10 which flows out of Illyria, passes by Pamportus, and discharges itself into the Save, so that the merchandise may easily be carried down both to Segesta, and to the Pannonians, and Taurisci.11 It is near this city,12 that the Kulp13 falls into the Save. Both of these rivers are navigable, and flow down from the Alps. The Alps contain wild horses and cattle, and Polybius asserts that an animal of a singular form is found there; it resembles a stag except in the neck and hair, which are similar to those of a wild boar; under its chin it has a tuft of hair about a span long, and the thickness of the tail of a young horse.14

1 The Julian Alps, and Birnbaumerwald.

2 Probably Mödling.

3 Auersperg, or the Flecken Mungava.

4 Möttnig or Mansburg.

5 Windisch Grätz, or Brindjel.

6 Now Sisseck.

7 The text reads Rhine, but we have, in common with Gosselin, followed the correction of Cluvier, Xylander, and Tyrwhitt.

8 The Dacians occupied a part of Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, and a portion of Moldavia.

9 Coray suggests Nauportus, now Ober-Laibach in Krain. This suggestion is extremely probable, however Pamportus occurs twice in the text.

10 The river Laibach.

11 The Pannonians occupied a portion of Austria and Hungary. The Taurisci, who formed part of the former people, inhabited Styria.

12 Segesta.

13 The ancient Colapis.

14 This is a description of the elk (cervus alces of Linn.). This animal no longer exists either in France or in the Alps.

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