(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XVI., CHAPTER I., section 17
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At the distance of 500 stadia from Seleuceia is Artemita, a considerable city, situated nearly directly to the east, which is the position also of Sitacene.1 This extensive and fertile tract of country lies between Babylon and Susiana, so that the whole road in travelling from Babylon to Susa passes through Sitacene. The road from Susa2 into the interior of Persis, through the territory of the Uxii,3 and from Persis into the middle of Carmania,4 leads also towards the east.

Persis, which is a large country, encompasses Carmania on the [west]5 and north. Close to it adjoin Parætacene,6 and the Cossæan territory as far as the Caspian Gates, inhabited by mountainous and predatory tribes. Contiguous to Susiana is Elymaïs, a great part of which is rugged, and inhabited by robbers. To Elymaïs adjoin the country about the Zagrus7 and Media.8

1 Descura. D'Anville.

2 Sus.

3 Asciac part of Khosistan.

4 Kerman.

5 Groskurd here supposes an omission by the copyist of the words ἑσπέοͅαあるふぁνにゅー καί πぱいοおみくろんͅὸς before οおみくろんͅκかっぱτたうοおみくろんνにゅー.

6 Parætacene, Cossæa, and Elymaïs occupied the mountainous parts of Irak Adjami.

7 Aïaghi-dagh.

8 Media extended partly into Irak Adjami, and partly into Kurdistan.

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