
Water Resources tracks the proportion of wastewater from households and industrial sources that is treated before it is released into the environment.



What it measures:

The proportion of wastewater collected and produced by households, municipalities, and industry that is treated, weighted by the population covered by the sewage network.

Why we include it: 

Untreated sewage released into a watershed disrupts and damages downstream ecosystems. Wastewater is comprised of any water degraded by anthropogenic influences such as domestic graywater (e.g., water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and kitchen appliances), blackwater (e.g., water from toilets), as well industrial wastewater that often has chemical contaminants, surface water, and storm water runoff. Wastewater contains nutrients and chemicals that pollute natural water systems, resulting in algal blooms, faunal endocrine disruption, and a host of other environmental impacts.

In rural areas, where pit latrines and septic systems are common, pollutants tend to disperse into the environment. In urban areas, however, functioning sewage systems collect and treat wastewater, concentrating pollutants into discrete discharges that are more easily treatable. Water treatment is vital to maintain aquatic ecosystem health, to protect local residents from waterborne disease vectors, and to ensure that clean water is available for re-use. Good wastewater management is critical for nations facing the worst of climate change impacts along with rapid population growth.

Where the data comes from: 

This dataset was developed by the Yale Environmental Performance Index, see our publication “A global indicator of wastewater treatment to inform the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)).”[footnote 1] The dataset is a combination of environmental statistics reported from national ministries along with official statistics from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurostat, the United Nations Statistical Division (UNStats), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with inputs from Global Water Intelligence, Pinsent Masons Water Yearbook, and additional expert advice. For more information, see 2016 EPI Metadata. 

What the target is:

100% for Wastewater Treatment. 


Water sustains life, both plant and animal, on earth. Though we could not live without water, there is a dearth of information regarding water quality at the global scale (see Box 8: Challenges of Measuring Global Water Quality). Insufficient comparable data across countries and the importance of landscape-level factors in determining water quality, among other challenges, restricts us from including a direct output measure that assesses how countries maintain water quality.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which “ensure[s] access to water and sanitation for all,” requires that innovations in data technology and transparency be applied to measuring and reporting water quality (see Box 9: Water Ripples Through the Sustainable Development Goals). Water targets are included in five SDGs, covering a range of water-related issues like pollution, use efficiency, disease, disaster, and wastewater treatment.[footnote 2] Indicators and data that measure progress toward these goals at a global scale, however, are elusive.

As a second-best metric, we rely on drivers of water quality, specifically the treatment of wastewater, as a key component of overall management. More than 80 percent of the world’s discharged wastewater is untreated when it is released into the environment.[footnote 3] Untreated wastewater leads to high pollution levels, eutrophication of water bodies, high coliform bacteria counts, and hypoxia and fish-kills. It is also a waste of water. The Wastewater Treatment indicator is a measure of treatment at the municipal level, weighting the results by the sewerage network’s coverage. The indicator is distinct from other, related metrics, such as JMP’s “Access to Sanitation” measures, which survey latrine access at a basic level and do not describe water quality or ecosystem health.

Wastewater is the water that has been used by households and industrial facilities that, without treatment, no longer serves a useful purpose. Graywater, blackwater, and the slurry of industrial and agricultural wastewater flows into natural water systems, if untreated, carries harmful chemicals into the environment, damaging ecosystems and threatening human health. Sound wastewater management requires a system for collection — normally through sewage pipes — and treatment at different stages, which are described below.[footnote 4] Treatment plants can be public or private utilities that serve a given municipality or community.

Wastewater treatment plants, even when properly located, often do not have the capacity to treat all the water collected. Overburden can occur when the population of a city outpaces the development of new treatment facilities, due in large part to insufficient funding.[footnote 5] Wastewater treatment facilities discharge excess wastewater directly into the waterways when they do not have room to handle it all,[footnote 6] and in some cases, treatment plants discharge effluent because they are dysfunctional.

Box 8. Challenges of Measuring Global Water Quality

Despite the paramount importance of water to human life and ecosystems, we still lack a reliable metric to compare how countries perform on water quality. With advances in data collection and monitoring for other high-priority environmental issues, why do gaps persist for measuring water quality?

Water quality definitions vary widely depending on the source, location, and intended use of the water.[footnote 7] No single definition of water quality informs global measurement.

What are the outcomes that performance indicators should illuminate? Water quality is influenced by context-specific factors including background pollution, flow and volume of a water body, and precipitation rate. Governments have little or no control over these factors, making it difficult to direct policy solutions. Additionally, a lack of uniformity and agreement over measurement approaches and parameters complicates target setting.[footnote 7] A single goal or target for water quality therefore may not even be possible or desirable to set.

The water quality measure (WATQI) in the 2010 Environmental Performance Index caused a stir when New Zealand ranked second in water quality.[footnote 8] WATQI was based on the UN Global Environmental Monitoring System (UN GEMS), the only globally available database of national-level water quality parameters.[footnote 9] However, UN GEMS is a self-reported database, and New Zealand scientists questioned the selection of sampling sites, which they felt overlooked other more polluted bodies of water.[footnote 10] We dropped WATQI in subsequent editions of the EPI because of these data gaps. Since then, we have strived to develop alternative measures of water quality. Technological advances, including satellites to monitor groundwater, help improve understanding of water quality and scarcity, but they also have limitations.[footnote 11]

A lack of coordination in the scientific and policy communities to measure and record data in a consistent and timely fashion hampers assessment efforts. Case in point, The UN GEMS dataset is voluntary, self-reported, and outdated. Additionally, monitoring station density varies considerably by country, calling into question the representativeness of the data points.

What should an indicator of water quality be able to do? While developing the WATQI for the 2010 EPI, experts defined an “ideal” water quality metric capable of being applied at multiple levels (e.g., watershed/basin, river, community or national level).  Using this information, decision makers can identify problems and key areas for intervention, direct funds efficiently and effectively, enforce regulations, predict future changes, and formulate effective management strategies.

In an ideal world, the EPI’s measures of water would include indicators of outputs, such as pollutant levels. To date, we’ve settled for input measures that assess water quality drivers, including our indicator of wastewater treatment.[footnote 12] While not a perfect proxy for water quality, wastewater treatment is an objective of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal for Water, which calls on the world to halve the proportion of untreated wastewater by 2030.[footnote 13] This reflects policymakers’ understanding that wastewater treatment is a key driver of water quality.  Improving data measurement and collection is a first step in reaching water quality goals.

Box 9. Water Ripples Through the Sustainable Development Goals

In September 2015, the United Nations updated the global roadmap for ending poverty and safeguarding the planet, adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).[footnote 14] The SDGs aim at a 2030 timeline, and reflect the intersections running through different areas of environmental protection and public health. 

Water, for instance, appears twenty-two times across five of the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).[footnote 14] SDG-6 focuses on universal access to water and sanitation.[footnote 15] Water also crops up in relation to climate change, biodiversity, food security, energy security, health, gender equality, urbanization, institutional capacity, and sustainable consumption and production.

Dividing and distributing water issues across the SDGs has sparked mixed reactions. It could create false trade-offs that will assist some goals while hampering others.[Footnote 16] However, some water experts, including Joseph Alcamo, former chief scientist for the United Nations Environment Programme, also see opportunities to strategically align different SDGs and achieve synergies.[footnote 17] For example, one wastewater treatment strategy simultaneously improves water quality, reduces human exposure to pathogens, and harvests methane to create a new energy source.[footnote 17]

In addition to aligning water with a suite of other issues, the SDGs broaden the definition of the “water and sanitation” category. Goal 6 goes beyond the past focus on water access and sanitation metrics to include targets related to water quality, wastewater treatment and reuse, water-use efficiency, sustainable water withdrawals, and integrated water resources management systems.[footnote 18]

This expanded focus supports holistic approaches to water management, but it also poses new kinds of monitoring problems. Many governments tasked with overseeing SDG implementation are ill equipped or politically reluctant to generate and share data.[footnote 16] Improving the collection and coordinating the availability of data is a challenge even for water and sanitation targets, which can turn to well-established monitoring mechanisms. Tracking the new water quality, wastewater and water resource management targets will be technically trying, and, as with water and sanitation data, information may need to be pieced together across an institutionally fragmented field.[footnote 18]

Overcoming these obstacles will require innovative cross-cutting solutions, some of which seem to be emerging. In December 2015, the United Nations Environment Programme began to aggregate the world’s water data on UNEP Live, a space that culls data from four different UN databases and citizen scientists in real time.[footnote 19] The United Nations’ GEMI task force has begun to develop a unified monitoring framework for water and sanitation-related SDG targets.[footnote 20] Many water experts also hold “high hopes” that a combination of satellite and modeled data can help supplement on-site measurements.[footnote 18]

The SDGs are well positioned to demonstrate the unappreciated benefits of environmental management, and to convince otherwise disengaged leaders that safeguarding water will “enhance their legacies.”[footnote 16] Goal 6’s focus on engaging local communities could create space to take indigenous knowledge into account, a process with the potential to “change the game socially and make implementation far more possible.”[footnote 16]

Improving Wastewater Data for Rural and Urban Areas

An optimal Wastewater Treatment indicator would measure the proportion of all wastewater that gets treated, but figures on total wastewater generation are unavailable for most countries. And while centralized treatment systems may be appropriate for dense urban settings, in many rural areas, decentralized treatment systems, such as septic tanks, are a better solution. Yet rural jurisdictions often do not provide data on these decentralized forms of wastewater treatment, limiting EPI’s wastewater treatment indicator’s scope. This limitation also presents a problem for capturing wastewater issues in rapidly growing cities where many new residents live in areas outside the municipality’s core infrastructure and are not connected to centralized sewage treatment facilities. 

EPI’s Wastewater Treatment indicator assesses the proportion of wastewater that is treated for households connected to the sewerage system. It measures wastewater treated from household sources, and in some cases from industrial sources that share the same municipal collection network. Since the release of the 2014 EPI’s inaugural wastewater treatment indicator, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)’s Transboundary Water Assessment Program has adopted the metric to assess municipal water quality.[footnote 21]

Impacts of Wastewater Pollution

Wastewater pollution leads to eutrophication and algal blooms, which occurs when a body of water is enriched with chemical nutrients, causing certain plant species such as algae to proliferate at the expense of others. Eutrophication can cause fish die-offs as some types of algae deplete the water of oxygen. Killing fish harms ecosystem health and also causes economic hardship for human communities that subsist on aquatic resources.[footnote 22] Untreated wastewater also leads to toxin buildup in shellfish as these filter feeding organisms accumulate chemical and biological.[footnote 23] The presence of pharmaceutical residues[footnote 24] and other chemicals in waterways has unseen harmful biological effects including faunal and human endocrine-disruption.

A host of bacterial, viral, and protozoan organisms persist in human waste and fecal matter, most notably the bacterium Escherichia coli (or E. coli),[footnote 25] which causes diarrheal diseases. This waste is often home to the bacteria Vibrio cholerae, Shigella spp., and Campylobacter spp., as well as noroviruses and rotaviruses, a cocktail of pathogens that cause terrible human diseases such as bancroftian filariasis, and worm-borne schistosomiasis.[footnote 26] Many of these problems can be ameliorated by sound wastewater treatment that reduce pathogen concentrations to levels safe for human consumption.[footnote 25]

Treatment is completed in sequential steps with differing levels of complexity depending on available resources. The typical range of treatment options includes primary, secondary, and tertiary stages.[footnote 27] Primary treatment uses basic processes including settlement tanks to remove suspended solids from water and to reduce the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Secondary treatment involves biological degradation that allows bacteria to decompose elements in the wastewater, further reducing nutrient levels and BOD. Tertiary treatment encompasses any process that goes beyond the previous steps and can include the use of advanced technology to remove remnant contaminants (see Wastewater Treatment Infographic). Tertiary treatment is typically employed to remove phosphorous or nitrogen content, major causes of eutrophication.[footnote 28] 

Data availability limits the Wastewater Treatment indicator to examine only the wastewater that receives “at least primary treatment” because this distinction is the only common definition for globally comparable measurement. Water and sanitation policies in many nations have in the past decade focused on wastewater treatment – more than ever before, signaling a shift toward including water quality as well as water access in performance metrics.[footnote 29] There remains, however, a pressing global need for more and better data on wastewater generation, treatment, and use.

The EPI team worked to update and improve the wastewater indicator, creating an interactive map to crowdsource feedback from experts worldwide[footnote 30]. The Water SDG (SDG-6) includes a target to improve water quality, in part by “halving the proportion of untreated wastewater” by 2030.[footnote 31][footnote 32] This international goal will encourage improved wastewater treatment and should result in better data for future monitoring. An ideal wastewater indicator for SDGs will include a distinction between primary and secondary types of wastewater treatment,[footnote 4] but this level of data is lacking for most countries, although the European Environment Agency does collect and report these data for most countries in Europe (Figure 13). EPI’s data collection efforts are an important step to provide a baseline for countries to gauge where they stand. As the world urbanizes, improving wastewater treatment is powerful investment in building healthy societies, as well as in individual health, especially in countries where infrastructure improvements struggle to keep pace with demand for services.


Show footnotes

  1. Malik, O. A., Hsu, A., Johnson, L. A., & de Sherbinin, A. (2015). A global indicator of wastewater treatment to inform the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Environmental Science and Policy, 48, 172-185.

  2. Gleick, P. H. (2015, August 12). The New UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Fresh Water. The Huffington Post. Available:

  3. United Nations Water. (2015). Water and Sanitation: The Pathway to a Sustainable Future. World Water Day 2015: Water and Sustainable Development. Available:

  4. Malik, O. (2014, January 22). Primary vs. Secondary: Types of Wastewater Treatment. Yale Environmental Performance Index, The Metric. Available:

  5. United Nations Water. (2014). Water and Urbanization. Available:

  6. Corcoran, E., Nellermann, C., Baker, E., Bos, R., Osborn, D., & Savelli, H. (2010). Sick Water? The central role of wastewater management in sustainable development: A Rapid Response Assessment. United Nations Environment Programme. Available:

  7. Srebotnjak, T., Carr, G., de Sherbinin, A., & Rickwood C. (2012). A global Water Quality Index and hot-deck imputation of missing data. Ecological Indicators, 17, 108-119.

  8. Hsu, A. (2013, August 22). 100% Pure? Assessing the State of Environment in New Zealand. Yale Environmental Performance Index, Case Studies. Available:

  9. United Nations Global Environment Monitoring System. (n.d.). Available:

  10. Anderson, C. (2012, November 17). New Zealand’s Green Tourism Push Clashes With Realities. The New York Times. Available:

  11. Cohen, S. (2015, July 29). Groundwater monitoring via GRACE satellites. Yale Environmental Performance Index, Indicators in Practice. Available:

  12. Malik, O. (2014, January 22). Creating the Wastewater Treatment Indicator. Yale Environmental Performance Index, Case Studies. Available:

  13. United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. Available:

  14. United Nations. (2015). Sustainable Development Goals: 17 goals to transform our world. Available:

  15. United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. Available:

  16. Mosteller, D. (2015, September 16). Water Ripples Through the Sustainable Development Goals. Yale Environmental Performance Index, The Metric. Available:

  17. Alcamo, J. (2015). Global water quality change & critical linkages to the SDGs.  Proceedings from: Sustainable Development Goals: A Water Perspective. Bonn, Germany. Available:

  18. Loewe, M. & Rippin, N. (2015). Translating an Ambitious Vision into Global Transformation: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). Available:

  19. United Nations Environment Programme. (n.d.). UNEP Live. Available:

  20. United Nations Water. (2015). Integrated monitoring of water and sanitation related SDG targets.  Available:

  21. United Nations Environment Programme and Global Environment Facility. (2015). Transboundary River Basins Assessment. Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme. Available:

  22. United Nations Environment Programme. (2010). Time to Cure Global Tide of Sick Water. Available:

  23. Shuval, H. (2003). Estimating the global burden of thalassogenic diseases: human infectious diseases caused by wastewater pollution and the marine environment. Journal of Water and Health, 1, 53-64.

  24. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2014, May 8). Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Water. Available:

  25. World Health Organization. (2011). Guidelines for drinking-water quality - 4th ed. Available:

  26. Baum, R., Luh, J., & J. Bartram. (2013). Sanitation: A global estimate of sewerage connections without treatment and the resulting impact on MDG progress. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 1994-2000.

  27. World Bank Group. (2015). Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes. Available:

  28. United Nations Environment Programme. (n.d.).Where Nutrients Come From and How They Cause Eutrophication. Newsletter and Technical Publications: Lakes and Reservoirs vol. 3 Water Quality: The Impact of Eutrophication. Available:

  29. Bjornsen, P. (2013). Post-2015 targets and their monitoring: SDG on water. Presentation at World Water Week. 1-6 September 2013. Stockholm, Sweden.

  30. See:

  31. United Nations Water. (2015). Indicators and Monitoring. Available:

  32. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. (2015). Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals: Launching a data revolution for the SDGs. Available:

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