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Reviews and Tracks for 50 Song Memoir by Magnetic Fields - Metacritic
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50 Song Memoir

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Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 24 Ratings

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  • Summary: Each song represents one year in frontman Stephin Merritt's life in this 50-song, five-disc set from the indie pop band.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. 100
    Merritt’s refracted reminiscences frequently offer thoughtful and incisive insights into bigger issues, and with deceptive sleight of story.
  2. Mar 14, 2017
    50 Song Memoir is as much the story of Stephin Merritt’s life as it is a love letter to song. It is a certifiable masterpiece and one that music lovers ‘round the world will not soon forget.
  3. Mar 3, 2017
    Though it lacks its predecessor’s immediate accessibility, it benefits from an aesthetic texture that’s grander, darker, and more satisfying, if only for the sense that memoirs don’t have to be confessional; they can tell a life’s story through tone and structure in addition to words. A good gimmick, it goes to show, has the power to transcend itself.
  4. 83
    An unprecedented two-and-a-half-hour journey into the typically guarded Merritt’s life, the album is as revealing as it is resonant.
  5. Mar 13, 2017
    Musical quirks do pile up, but the joys here are many, from Merritt’s deadpan views on ethics, discos, Levi’s 501s, tears and his local (Be True To Your Bar), to his magnificent way with a tune, in which complexity lurks within simplicity.
  6. Mar 9, 2017
    It’s an album worthy of Merritt’s grand half-century.
  7. Mar 6, 2017
    It helps that most of the album sits squarely in Merritt’s musical comfort zones.

See all 15 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Mar 10, 2017
    As a box set--it's on par with the Beatles Stereo Box Set. As a work of art, it's even more of a smack in the head. Not since New Kids on theAs a box set--it's on par with the Beatles Stereo Box Set. As a work of art, it's even more of a smack in the head. Not since New Kids on the Block has band sounded so relevant, so pure, and so in the moment. 50 songs here (8 are covers of one song by Pantera that I wasn't familiar with--a peculiar choice but I liked all of them except the dub step version). The word "Masterpiece" gets thrown around a lot on here, but that's exactly what Magnetic Fields has delivered. A stunner, folks. Expand
  2. Mar 16, 2017
    "You need a cold-blooded man to keep you warm"... Filled with a lyrical and musical wit that is as brilliant as it is effortless, 50 Song"You need a cold-blooded man to keep you warm"... Filled with a lyrical and musical wit that is as brilliant as it is effortless, 50 Song Memoir is surprisingly dense with great music. Full of surprises and plenty of fun (Danceteria sounds like a closing credits song from "Bob's Burgers"). But equally tender and insightful. Love it. Expand
  3. Mar 12, 2017
    Because of all the positive buzz about this, I listened to this in its entirety when it streamed on NPR Music First Listen. I can't say I wasBecause of all the positive buzz about this, I listened to this in its entirety when it streamed on NPR Music First Listen. I can't say I was impressed. Sure, there are some decent songs, but many seem like fill to me. And Stephin Merritt's voice just doesn't work for me. To be fair, I never really got into Magnetic Fields before and this might not have been the place to start. I hope all of you keep enjoying this, but I'm one who just doesn't get it. Expand