UOTW #66

This patient presents with skin redness and warmth on his right lateral thigh for 3 days. On exam there is a 4 cm patch of erythema, with a moderate amount of induration. Should this be incised?


UOTW #58

42 year old female with no past medical history presents with increasing foot pain over the past 5 days. She reports that she has had decreasing sensation in the plantar surfaces of both her feet over the past few months, but did not think anything of it. She also endorses subjective fevers and nausea.


UOTW #22

80 yo f presents from home with complaints of pain around her g-tube. The g-tube has been functioning properly, and the patient denies pain with feeding. Her past medical history is significant for diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and 2 MI’s in the past. She denies fever/chills, diarrhea. Physical exam shows normal vitals signs. Inspection of area around g-tube shows mild redness extending approximately 1-2 cm around the g-tube. Movement of the g-tube exposes 2-3 maggots surrounding the area.

An ultrasound machine was used to identify the extent of the maggot infestation, and the following images were obtained.
