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Viewtiful Joe for GameCube Reviews - Metacritic
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Viewtiful Joe Image

Universal acclaim - based on 52 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 84 Ratings

  • Summary: Joe is no ordinary man and Viewtiful Joe is no ordinary game. Capcom's new superhero action game mixes funky cartoon-style visuals with classic side-scrolling gameplay and introduces the world's quirkiest million dollar action hero. More than just any ordinary dude, Joe must transform into the ultimate superhero. It's up to you to activate the correct view mode like "slow" or "zoom in" in order to clobber your enemies with beautiful style. You can also speed up or slow down your visual effects for even more "viewtiful" moves. Viewtiful Joe mixes an innovative viewpoint with an amazing stunt-filled action movie universe. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 52
  2. Negative: 0 out of 52
  1. Brilliantly innovative and packed with action. VJ may seem bizarre at first glance, but if you give it a chance, you will be amazed and delighted. The graphics are wild, the action is varied and fun and the game even has a sense of humor. [Nov 2003, p.149]
  2. Quite simply, VJ is a Tour de Force of style meets substance and succeeds on every level.
  3. 85
    It's not perfect because of the poor enemy drones and because the game doesn't last as long as we wish it would--but that's in some ways a good thing, because we like what we do get to play, and want to see more.
  4. 55
    The weak control scheme, combined with parts of the game that are completely counter-intuitive, hamper the game tremendously to the point where a serious gamer will, at best, pick this up for a rental. I think Capcom became so blinded by the concept that they forgot that the execution is just as important, if not moreso, than the design.

See all 52 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 59
  2. Negative: 4 out of 59
  1. iguanaman
    An intensly beautiful and innovative experience and a perfect example that console sidescrollers are far from dead.
  2. A great beat em up. This one is still fun to go back and play through every once in a while. The time effects (speed up, speed down, etc.) are well implemented and provide a unique experience that you're not going to find in another game, as well as having stunning visual effects. Collapse
  3. Nono
    This game is really fun, but a way to hard.
  4. TheSkipperJ
    This game is pretty creative, and the bosses are pretty neat. However, it becomes incredibly redundant after a short period of time. I found this game on sale for 20 dollars, and can honestly say it wasn't worth it. i'm over halfway through the game, and I don;t even have any initiative to complete it. This game is flamboyantly overrated. Expand

See all 59 User Reviews