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Our Partners | Greater Good
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About the Greater Good Science Center


Our Partners

The Greater Good Science Center’s mission is to widely disseminate insights gleaned from the latest research on social and emotional well-being. Our partners are key to that effort. 

Adversity 2 Advocacy Alliance

The Adversity 2 Advocacy Alliance is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering the power of turning personal challenges into service to others with similar challenges. To that end, A2A networks and supports individuals who have turned adversity into advocacy, provides pathways to advocacy for anyone facing adversity, and showcases the science of empathy, service, purpose, and resilience.

Berkeley Wellness

BerkeleyWellness.com is a leading online source of evidence-based wellness information, created collaboratively by the UC Berkeley School of Public Health and a national team of writers and editors. Wellness offers a positive, day-to-day approach to a long, healthful, active life. It includes both highly scientific and practical medicine—from the latest research and most advanced tests to reliable home remedies and common sense.


The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University strives to create a community of scholars and researchers who will advance our knowledge of the human capacity for compassion and altruism.

Charter For Compassion

The Charter for Compassion is facilitated by the Compassionate Action Network International and seeks to create a more just world through forming partnerships and collaborating with other organizations that value compassion.

Daily Good

DailyGood leverages the internet to promote positive and uplifting news around the world to more than 100,000 subscribers through daily and weekly newsletters. Readers receive a news story, an inspiring quote, and a suggested action that each person can take to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them.

Fulfillment Daily

The mission of Fulfillment Daily is to inspire you with tools for a fulfilling life through science-backed news you can trust.  Our vision is that you apply the knowledge you learn on our site to benefit your own life, inspire others, and, ultimately, contribute to uplifting all of society. We envision a world in which everyone has access to the science of fulfillment. 


Goodnet connects people around the world with opportunities for doing good and empowers users to independently take positive action, anytime, anywhere and in any field of interest closest to their hearts.


HopeLab works to harness the power and appeal of technology to improve human health and well-being. Their work now focuses on the research and development of new social technologies to promote human resilience and improve both psychological and biological health and well-being.

International Positive Psychology Association

IPPA promotes the science of positive psychology; facilitates collaboration among researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners; and shares the findings of positive psychology with the broadest possible audience.


KindSpring is a place to practice small acts of kindness.

Mind & Life Institute

The Mind & Life Institute is a non-profit organization that seeks to understand the human mind and the benefits of contemplative practices through an integrated mode of knowing that combines first-person knowledge from contemplative traditions with methods and findings from contemporary scientific inquiry.


Mindful is an initiative that celebrates being mindful in all aspects of daily life through Mindful magazine, mindful.org, and social media. For those who want to be mindful and those interested in various forms of mindfulness practice, we offer a broad range of personal stories, news, advice, and insights.

Mindfulness in Education Network

The Mindfulness in Education Network (MiEN) was established in 2001 by a group of educators, students of Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Master and peace activist. MiEN sees mindfulness as an antidote to the growing stress, conflict and confusion in educational settings as well as an invaluable gift for students, and hopes to facilitate communication among all educators, parents, students and any others interested in promoting contemplative practice (mindfulness) in educational settings. Members are invited to share mindfulness practices and how mindfulness enhances their role in educational settings through an annual conference and a listserv.

Mindfulness Without Borders

Mindfulness Without Borders advances mental health for youth and professionals through mindfulness-based social and emotional learning. Our professional development and youth-centered activities emphasize an intelligence of the heart – to bolster positive emotional development, critical thinking, resilience, and overall wellbeing.

A Network for Greater Living

A Network for Grateful Living is a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices which inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyze the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility.

Project Happiness

Project Happiness is committed to empowering people to create greater well-being within themselves and the world. Integrating practices from the Science of Happiness, PH specializes in emotional resilience-building programs (SEL) for students, as well as programs that inspire and support the thriving of individuals and communities globally.

Roots of Empathy

The focus of Roots of Empathy is to build capacity of the next generation for responsible citizenship and responsive parenting. In the short term, Roots of Empathy focuses on raising levels of empathy, resulting in more respectful and caring relationships and reduced levels of bullying and aggression.

Sharp Brains

Sharp­Brains is an inde­pen­dent mar­ket research firm and think tank help­ing orga­ni­za­tions and indi­vid­u­als nav­i­gate the emerg­ing brain fit­ness and applied neu­ro­science field.

Spirit Rock

Spirit Rock Meditation Center is dedicated to the teachings of the Buddha as presented in the vipassana tradition. The practice of mindful awareness, called Insight Meditation, is at the heart of all the activities at Spirit Rock.


Transformation tells the stories of people who are combining personal and social change in order to re-imagine their societies. The team at Transformation believes that love, equality and social justice are the principles on which new forms of politics, economics and social activism can be built.

Washington Post: Inspired Life

The Washington Post’s Inspired Life archive shares stories of inspiration, help, and humor to improve your life and the lives of others. “For a better you, a better community and a better world”

Western Positive Psychology Association

The Western Positive Psychology Association (WPPA) is dedicated to creating a collaborative scientific community of faculty, students, and scholars to advance and support academic agenda in the field of positive psychology in the western region of the United States.

Wisdom 2.0

Wisdom 2.0 addresses the great challenge of our age: to not only live connected to one another through technology, but to do so in ways that are beneficial to our own well-being, effective in our work, and useful to the world.Through our series of conferences, meet-ups, workshops, social media conversations, and think-tank style gatherings, Wisdom 2.0 strives to bring this conversation to the world in an accessible, innovative, and inclusive way.

The Wright Institute

The mission of the Wright Institute is to educate psychologists to practice at the highest level of professional competence; analyze and evaluate research, theory, and practice; and make appropriate life-long use of the evolving body of psychological knowledge.


YES! Magazine reframes the biggest problems of our time in terms of their solutions. Online and in print, YES! outlines a path forward with in-depth analysis, tools for citizen engagement, and stories about real people working for a better world.


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Greater Good Events

The Greater Good Science Center Summer Institute for Educators 2017
Clark Kerr Campus, UC-Berkeley
Sunday, June 25 - Friday, June 30, 2017 OR Sunday, July 16 - Friday, July 21, 2017

The GGSC’s six-day Summer Institute equips education professionals with prosocial learning strategies, tools and processes that benefit both students and teachers.


Take a Greater Good Quiz!

How compassionate are you? How generous, grateful, or forgiving? Find out!


Watch Greater Good Videos

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Talks by inspiring speakers like Jon Kabat-Zinn, Dacher Keltner, and Barbara Fredrickson.


Greater Good Resources


Book of the Week

Roots of Empathy By Mary Gordon Mary Gordon explains how best to nurture empathy and social emotional literacy in all children—and thereby reduce aggression, antisocial behavior, and bullying.

Is she flirting with you? Take the quiz and find out.
"It is a great good and a great gift, this Greater Good. I bow to you for your efforts to bring these uplifting and illuminating expressions of humanity, grounded in good science, to the attention of us all."  
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Best-selling author and founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program

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