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Tag: Cooperation | Greater Good
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Tag: Cooperation


Tag: Cooperation

These are the most recent things on the site for the tag: Cooperation. You can view more tags here.

Articles: Does Good Government Make People More Generous?

By Summer Allen | June 7, 2017

A new study suggests that having confidence in our governing institutions may lead us to be more generous to our fellow citizens.

Casey the dog

Articles: How Dogs Help People Get Along Better

By Jill Suttie | March 6, 2017

A new study suggests that when dogs are around, groups are closer, more cooperative, and more trusting.


Articles: The Evolution of Gratitude

By Malini Suchak | February 1, 2017

How did gratitude evolve? Researchers are starting to trace this common human emotion all the way back to primate behavior.


Articles: The Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2016

By Kira M. Newman, Tom Jacobs, Mariah Flynn, Summer Allen, Jill Suttie, Jason Marsh, Jeremy Adam Smith, Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas | December 26, 2016

Our team names the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year.

Study participants work together on an activity.

Articles: How the Growth Mindset Can Increase Cooperation

By Alex Shashkevich | November 16, 2016

In a new study, researchers saw Jewish- and Palestinian-Israeli students cooperating better after a simple lesson.


Articles: How to Help Diverse Students Find Common Ground

By Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu | November 14, 2016

Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu identifies principles that promote a truly inclusive university.


Articles: How Background Music Influences Our Behavior at Work

By Jill Suttie | September 22, 2016

A new study suggests that happy, rhythmic music increases cooperative behavior—and that may be good news for employers.


Articles: How Music Bonds Us Together

By Jill Suttie | June 28, 2016

According to new research, music helps synchronize our bodies and our brains.


Articles: Can You Incentivize Generosity?

By Jill Suttie | June 23, 2016

According to a new book, most economists don't understand why people behave honestly, fairly, and generously.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Articles: Women, Power, and Hillary Clinton

By Jeremy Adam Smith | February 24, 2016

Research suggests that Clinton’s election could increase women’s political power—but they’ll face the same pitfalls as their male counterparts.


Articles: Want to Be Happy? Make Your Relationships Exceptional

By Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas | November 9, 2015

New data from our Science of Happiness course confirm the link between well-being and relationship quality.


Articles: How Inequality Can Make Wealthy People Less Cooperative

By Jill Suttie | September 23, 2015

A new study finds that visible inequality makes wealthy people less likely to cooperate with others—which might lead to even greater disparities.


Articles: Are We Born Vengeful?

By Jenn Director Knudsen | July 27, 2015

A new study explores whether children are quicker to comfort a victim or punish the thief—and what this might reveal about human nature.


Articles: You Should Always Shake Hands with a Robot

By Chris Bevan, Danaë Stanton Fraser | May 29, 2015

Touch between humans can build trust and cooperation. But how do we feel when we touch machines?

Adapted from The Upside of Stress (Avery, 2015).

Articles: How to Transform Stress into Courage and Connection

By Kelly McGonigal | May 13, 2015

Stress doesn't always lead to fight-or-flight, says Kelly McGonigal. It can also activate brain systems that help us connect with other people.

Picador, 2015, 240 pages

Articles: The Place of Care in the Economy

By Jill Suttie | May 4, 2015

A new book brings economists, scientists, and Buddhists together to explore the spiritual dimensions of the economy.

Which one will you choose?

Articles: How Science Helps Us Find the Good

By Jeremy Adam Smith | April 9, 2015

Looking back at 10 years of writing about the science of human goodness for Greater Good, Jeremy Adam Smith discovers that the bad and good—and the inner and outer—go hand in hand.

They look like they're fighting—but in fact these two bonobos are playing.

Articles: What Can Bonobos Tell Us about Ourselves?

By Frans de Waal | March 3, 2015

Famed primatologist Frans de Waal takes on the unproven assumption that apes and humans are natural-born killers.


Articles: Four Ways Music Strengthens Social Bonds

By Jill Suttie | January 15, 2015

Why would human evolution have given us music? New research says the answer may lie in our drive to connect.

Joshua Wolf Shenk

Articles: The Social Artist

By Jill Suttie | September 23, 2014

A new book argues that creativity can be—and often is—a social endeavor, rather than the work of a lone genius.


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Clark Kerr Campus, UC-Berkeley
Sunday, June 25 - Friday, June 30, 2017 OR Sunday, July 16 - Friday, July 21, 2017

The Greater Good Science Center Summer Institute for Educators 2017

The GGSC’s six-day Summer Institute equips education professionals with prosocial learning strategies, tools and processes that benefit both students and teachers.


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Roots of Empathy By Mary Gordon Mary Gordon explains how best to nurture empathy and social emotional literacy in all children—and thereby reduce aggression, antisocial behavior, and bullying.

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"It is a great good and a great gift, this Greater Good. I bow to you for your efforts to bring these uplifting and illuminating expressions of humanity, grounded in good science, to the attention of us all."  
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Best-selling author and founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program

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