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Tag: Emotions | Greater Good
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Tag: Emotions


Tag: Emotions

These are the most recent things on the site for the tag: Emotions. You can view more tags here.

Articles: How Comforting Others Helps You with Your Own Struggles

By Kira M. Newman | June 5, 2017

According to two new studies, we need practice dealing with our difficult feelings—and we get it from helping other people manage their own.


Articles: How to Avoid Regret in Your Social Life

By Sara E. Andrews | May 22, 2017

New research suggests that trying to maximize the benefits from your friendships may actually be bad for your well-being.


Articles: How to Handle a Toxic Relationship

By Christine Carter | May 17, 2017

When a relationship is causing you stress and suffering, follow these five steps to find more peace.


Articles: Do Mixed Emotions Make Life More Meaningful?

By Kira M. Newman | April 25, 2017

According to a new study, we don’t have to feel good all the time in order to live a fulfilling life.


Articles: Confessions of a Bad Meditator

By Christine Carter | April 17, 2017

Christine Carter knows meditation is good for her—but she still avoids it. Here’s how she’s trying to change.


Articles: How to Better Understand Your Child

By Diana Divecha | April 11, 2017

Pediatrician Claudia Gold wants to help parents and professionals discover the true reasons behind each child’s behavior.


Articles: What’s the Best Strategy for Empathy?

By Summer Allen | April 10, 2017

According to a new study, we overestimate how well we can read emotions in other people's faces.


Articles: How to Upgrade Your Gratitude Practice

By Kira M. Newman | April 4, 2017

According to a new study, your gratitude journal could be more powerful if you also express that gratitude to others.


Articles: Five Ways Feeling Good Can Be Bad for You

By Kira M. Newman | March 20, 2017

Recent research suggests that the quest for constant bliss is misguided.


Articles: What You Can Learn from Polyamory

By Elisabeth Sheff | February 13, 2017

A 20-year study of consensually non-monogamous adults reveals seven lessons for anyone who wants to keep love alive.


Articles: What’s the Matter with Empathy?

By Sara H. Konrath | January 24, 2017

At a time when “empathy” is more controversial than ever, a researcher explains what it is, what it isn’t, and when it fosters kindness and compassion.


Articles: Are Your Happiness Goals Too High?

By James Baraz | January 17, 2017

On the road to well-being, says James Baraz, embrace all your diverse feelings.


Articles: What to Do When You Feel Stuck in Negative Emotions

By Kira M. Newman | January 13, 2017

According to a new book, the key is “emotional agility”: being less rigid and more flexible with our thoughts and feelings.


Articles: Six Books We Overlooked in 2016

By Jill Suttie, Jeremy Adam Smith | January 4, 2017

Here are some worthy books from the past year that we were unable to review.


Articles: How to Find Happiness When You Reflect on the Past Year

By Kira M. Newman | December 29, 2016

According to a new study, reminiscing about certain types of experiences could boost your well-being.


Articles: The Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2016

By Kira M. Newman, Tom Jacobs, Mariah Flynn, Summer Allen, Jill Suttie, Jason Marsh, Jeremy Adam Smith, Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas | December 26, 2016

Our team names the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year.


Articles: Should We Always Look for Silver Linings?

By Kira M. Newman | December 13, 2016

According to a new study, changing your perspective may be helpful in some situations—but not others.


Articles: Would the World Be Better Off without Empathy?

By Jill Suttie | December 8, 2016

Paul Bloom’s controversial book Against Empathy mixes valid points with misguided critiques.


Articles: Our Favorite Books of 2016

By Jill Suttie, Kira M. Newman, Diana Divecha, Laura Saponara | December 7, 2016

Greater Good's editors pick this year’s most thought-provoking, important, or useful nonfiction books on the science of a meaningful life.


Articles: Do Feelings Look the Same in Every Human Face?

By Jill Suttie | November 30, 2016

A new study sparks scientific debate about emotional expression—and raises questions about what we all have in common.


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Roots of Empathy By Mary Gordon Mary Gordon explains how best to nurture empathy and social emotional literacy in all children—and thereby reduce aggression, antisocial behavior, and bullying.

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"It is a great good and a great gift, this Greater Good. I bow to you for your efforts to bring these uplifting and illuminating expressions of humanity, grounded in good science, to the attention of us all."  
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Best-selling author and founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program

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