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The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East

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Links to other sources: Varia

Listed below are general links to websites relevant in the context of the Melammu Project. Specific links related to database entries can be found under the database entry it concerns. All external links will open in a new browser window. Please note that the Melammu Project is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

If there are interesting websites that are not yet mentioned here, please let us knowing by using the Submit link-form.

Aegean The Aegeo-Balkan Prehistory Project This project concerns itself with prehistoric southeastern Europe. Its website offers the possibility to quickly present the results of new work, a forum to discuss published papers, a bibliography, and a set of G.I.S.-based maps (maintained by the Department of Archaeology of the Comenius University [Bratislava] and the Austrian Archaeological Institute [ÖAI]).
Nestor Bibliography of Aegean studies, Homeric society, Indo-European linguistics and related fields. Entries from previous print editions (1959-) are searchable from this website (moving wall: two years).
Anatolia Hethitische Bibliographie Bibliography of Hittite studies (maintained by the Istituto Universitario Suor Benincasa, Napels, and the University of Würzburg).
Hethitologie-Portal Mainz An extensive web platform for Hittitology, featuring over 60,000 photographs of Hittite texts, transliterations, and translations of Hittite texts, the Konkordanz der hethitischen Texte, and many other tools and sources of information.
Monuments of the Hittites The aim of Monuments of the Hittites is to build a page with descriptions and pictures of all major Hittite monuments.
Bible Resource Pages for Biblical Studies Resource Pages for Biblical Studies, focusing on the early Christian writings and their social world.
Das wissenschaftliche
Bibellexikon im Internet
A project of the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Wibilex is an online scholarly Bible Lexicon that aims at developing a freely accessible lexicon to the entire Bible.
Christian Resource Pages
for Biblical Studies
Focusing on the early Christian writings and their social world.
Classics The Hellenistic Bibliography This site provides access to a series of bibliographies on post-classical Greek poetry and its influence, compiled from a database containing ca. 19,300 records.
The Stoa Consortium News, projects and links for digital classicists.
Egypt Coptic Research This is an ongoing research area with many links and articles on Coptic archaeology, art and history.
Egyptian Demotic Guide A practical guide to the grammar of Egyptian Demotic with texts, exercises and vocabulary.
Egyptology Resources Features egyptology resources of all kinds.
Egyptian Hieroglyph Portal A site that intends to help with learning hieroglyphs.
Online Egyptological Bibliography The Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB) includes the volumes of the previous Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB) combined with the Bibliographie Altäpten (BA), providing coverage of egyptological literature from 1822 to 2002 (roughly 70,000 items; subscription required).
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology: Open Version The UEE intends to become the successor to the Lexikon der Ägyptologie. It is an ongoing project, the results of which are available at this website.
Iran Achemenet Online resources related to the history and cultures of the Achaemenid world and the Alexandrian empire.
Encyclopaedia Iranica Compendium on the past and present culture of the people who speak an Iranian language and their contribution to the broader history of human civilization.
Musée Achéménide MAVI: Musée Achéménide Virtuel et Interactif. Renders accessible tens of thousands of Achaemenid objects, related to the history and civilization of the Achaemenid world and the Empire of Alexander.
Old Persian Course An introductory course in Old Persian by Prods Oktor Skjærvø.
Mesopotamia Ancient Mesopotamian Accounting, Money & Labor A short introduction to Mesopotamian accounting, money and labour, accompanied by several links with further information.
Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Site Reports The Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Site Reports (AMAR) project aims to digitize 500 archaeological site reports describing archaeological excavations both in Iraq and in the immediately surrounding areas (Turkey, Syria, Iran and the Gulf).
Babylonia and Ancient
Near Eastern Texts
Babylonian tablets and Ancient Near Eastern texts keyed to Britannica Online for links to research on Babylonia.
Commodity Prices in
Babylon 385-61 BC
About the so-called Astronomical Diaries. These diaries report not only about celestial events, but contain information about political events as well. Furthermore they give for each month the prices of barley, dates, cress, dodder, sesame and wool.
Emar Online Database The Emar Online Database includes references to the texts from Emar and its vicinity found in the scholarly literature up to 2003, following the Emar bibliography by Betina I. Faist, Josué-Javier Justel and Juan-Pablo Vita.
Lost treasures from Iraq A comprehensive database of objects from the Iraq Museum, presented in categories and including a descriptive terminology and the object's status ('unknown' implying probably stolen) (maintained by the Oriental Institute, Chicago).
The Lyre of Ur About a modern project that recreated a Sumerian lyre ('the Lyre of Ur').
Materials for Emar Studies Large collection of materials for Emar studies.
Rencontre Assyriologique
Contains a list of rencontres to be held in the near future, links to the websites of the organizing institutions, a list of names and adresses, institutions, past rencontres, current PhD research, and more.
List of abbreviations used in the RlA PDF with the 'Abkürzungen des Reallexikons der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie'.
Standard List of Abbreviations for Assyriology List of abbreviations used in Assyriological studies (part of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative).
Syria The Prosopgraphy of Ebla This prosopography collects the personal names and their relative contexts from the texts published in the ARET series (Archivi Reali di Ebla Testi), MEE (Materiali Epigrafici di Ebla) and elsewhere (maintained by the University of Roma "La Sapienza" and the Universit of Florence).
Varia Abzu A guide to the data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East via the Internet.
Ancient Near East Links Large collection of links referring to webpages related to Ancient Near Eastern studies.
Archäologische Literatuur Digitalisiert A large selection of archaeological literature from the 16th to the early 20th century, made available online by the University Library of the University of Heidelberg.
Archeodb Archaeodb is a website for news and information on the cultures and archaeology of western Asia in antiquity, with links to sites of origins.
The Arshama Project Full title: 'Communication, Language and Power in the Achaemenid Empire: The correspondence of the satrap Arshama'. Features the corpus of contemporary documents, textual and visual, associated with Arshama, an Achaemenid satrap in Egypt in the later years of the fifth century BC, as well as the documents for a basic course in Achaemenid-period Aramaic.
A Bibliography of Semitic Linguistics The aim of the bibliography is to collect and arrange systematically studies directly or mainly related to subjects of Semitic linguistics, namely, those centred on the study of languages and their phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic constituents, from both the comparative perspective (close and distant relationship) and the immanent perspective (grammar and lexicon).
Livius: Articles on ancient history Livius is a website containing articles on all aspects and periods of ancient history, written and maintained since 1996 by Jona Lendering.
Northwest Semitic Links Northwest Semitic links, collected by Dr. Reinhard G. Lehmann (University of Mainz).
