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Roadtrip/Vacation Advice Needed

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My family and I are going to be going to Dallas in about a month to visit my Uncle who works for one of the major airlines. We are going to be driving to Houston as well for two days and will be shopping, going to places such as the mall... We are also going to be going to Waco, Texas on the way back from Houston. Considering the fact that this is a lot of driving that will no doubt add a ton of miles to whatever car we get, we decided to rent a car instead of using my Uncle's Porsche, which uses gas like there is no tomorrow. We have already made the reservation, we decided on getting a full size (or what's considered a full size car).

We have rented a few times before, so we are not new at this but it has been awhile. One question I have is: would you recommend renting the Hyundai Sonata over the Kia Optima and why would you recommend one over the other? Second, what full size car is best in terms of the number of miles you can drive highway and city on a tank of gas. Third, which car is more reliable and less likely to break down? Fourth, we are going to be renting with Sixt (haven't rented with them before). Can anyone give us an idea on how reliable they are and if they maintain their cars well.

Last, I know most rental car places have an option for GPS and Sirius XM now. I would imagine the Navigation is built into the car now like it is in most new cars that you buy on the market today but would like to confirm that is the case.

I know that was a lot of questions but look forward to all of the answers and opinions everyone has.
